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Forums > CSDb Discussions > deleted Mommy They're back
2010-08-21 19:20

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 274
deleted Mommy They're back

for the simple reason i am sick to fucking death of having my stuff turned into a flame war. and having the same flames fanned by Groepaz who as a fucking mod should be preventing this NOT trolling it.

Groepaz u love to quote rules at people so why wasnt the one pertaining to "release comments only, anything else will be deleted" acted upon?

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2010-08-22 19:22

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
maybe I will do just that... for the love of it... there are a lot to take from in a story here at csdb I guess! ;-)
2010-08-22 20:33
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Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 749
"The feminine way of being male?"

[Looks innocent, wanders off whistling...]
2010-08-22 21:59

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 401
yup.. wasted who knows how many minutes reading through another thread I knew was gonna be a waste of time, so I might as well whine a bit..

Who teh fuck uploads stuff to a site, which allows people to comment freely, expecting only positive feedback?

It's like asking "honey, how do I look today?" - sometimes you'll get a "fine hun.. apart from those ugly ass pants"

reading through threads like this one, one would get the impression that some people's response to the "ugly ass pants" comment from above would be "fuck wUHAAT?!? you didn't just say that, you're not allowed to say that, take it back NOW or I'll remove my pants"

...mission accomplished?

- Just be REAL glad the bitch didn't comment on something more permanent.
2010-08-22 22:37
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Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 241
The problem isn't negative feedback, it's off topic posts that turn into arguments.
2010-08-22 22:39
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Registered: Apr 2005
Posts: 247
Compared to 5 years ago, the mods here are the tops. I like Groepaz and Zyron quite a bit, because they have a great deal of respect for the DB and the protocols that it follows. The old mods... not so much. I had an old mod relentlessly troll my PMs and my releases. Long live the new mods.


2010-08-23 02:46

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
Ste, just relax man, you seem so angry all the time!

I know some comments might've been left to provoke you, but then you always take the bait.

Each time you start a thread like this, or respond to some geek boy comment elsewhere, you just catapult yourself back into the drama again.

Is this crap really that important? Think happy thoughts! Pixels not politics! :)

2010-08-23 17:05
Wile Coyote
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
/what JCB said. It's not about positive or negative comments, those can both be viewed as constructive, and acceptable. It is the comments that do not relate to the release, or coments that are personal.
2010-08-24 09:39

Registered: Jun 2009
Posts: 231
Man, you all have a considerable amount of time for... Well, nothing :D

Can you hear that thin, decaying voice, calling you?

Your C64 is waiting for you. Fracture of these energies here runnin' down to the sink would make demos, pix, SIDs, whateverities...
2010-08-24 15:57

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 97
Are you serious? And someone wrote this is something they would expect from an "American"??? LOL!!!! It's funny I look back on the scene as to when people would talk shit about this at that, him or her!

What would happen? War demo! BETTER PRODUCT (demo, graphics)! Or an Ass kickin (more of an extreme, but still)

It's like the forums/comments are making people into serious PUSSIES!! WTF??? Trust me this doesn't come from an american, because someone (nowadays) would be getting a serious ass kickin!

On a serious note tho, I can understand where your coming from as it seems a lot of scener's on here do. But the fact of the matter is if you or anyone else releases something here expect to have comments. Expect to have flame wars, expect to have shithead's do nothing! ACCEPT IT!

If it's that bad create something better and then tell them to shut the fuck up! Sometimes it hard to accept some comments, especially if you've worked on something for a good amount of time and people just rag all over it.. But that's life dude, the SCENE life! It's been here from the beginning and will be until the end!

So stop huffin/puffin and go make some better releases! LOL!! Or go kick someone's ass and THEN make a demo about it! LOL!!! Get some pics also cause you know everyone wants to see those pics!!!

2010-08-24 18:26
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Quoting Kickback
Or go kick someone's ass and THEN make a demo about it!
Amen to that, brother.
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