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Forums > CSDb Discussions > X2008: Commodore 64 QUIZ
2008-10-06 09:28

Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 25
X2008: Commodore 64 QUIZ

Hi sceners!

For the upcoming X2008 I am programming a Commodore 64 Quiz on the PC which makes use of the PlayStation Buzz! USB Controllers. You can play the quiz with 4 players and it will be projected on a big screen.
I am sure this will be great fun!

Because there is not much time left before the party gets started I want to ask the community to help me to come up with some good quiz questions about the Commodore 64 (specs, games, demos, programming, the scene etc...)

For example:

What was the nickname of the Commodore 64?

Please start with question and then the right answer and finally make up 3 funny bogus-answers.

I hope you can help me all and make the QUIZZ!64 a great game.

Thanks and see you at X!
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2008-10-06 11:52

Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 494
Quote: Is ALR a legal or illegal opcode? (illegal,legal,semi-legal,non-semi-legal)
How many cycles does sta(zp,x) take? (6,5,7,3)
What does $D01B do? (Sprite/bg priority, Sprite X-expansion, Sprite multicolor on/off, Sprite Y-expansion)

Find more inspiration here:


Sprite Y-expansion (sprite $d01b stretch remember?)

I'm gonna win X'2008 demo compo!!! :p
2008-10-06 11:54

Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 25
Many thanks! I was looking for those lists!
2008-10-06 12:54
Account closed

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 421
What tune was used in this or that demo? Who made the graphics for blablabla? What handle does XY use for his scene activities?

And so on.
2008-10-06 13:05

Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 25
Quote: What tune was used in this or that demo? Who made the graphics for blablabla? What handle does XY use for his scene activities?

And so on.

Please save me some work and write down some questions and answers that I can really use. Ofcourse you will get credits!

For example:

Who did the tune for the game The Last V8?
Martin Galway
Rob Hubbard
Tim Follin
Jeroen Tel
2008-10-06 13:08

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 411
I really like the idea of this game! Sounds like good fun.

But I wonder if taking questions from C=-Hacking is a good idea now, as it has been mentioned in this thread? And what if I'll be asked my own l33t question?
2008-10-06 13:19

Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 25
Quote: I really like the idea of this game! Sounds like good fun.

But I wonder if taking questions from C=-Hacking is a good idea now, as it has been mentioned in this thread? And what if I'll be asked my own l33t question?

Don't worry too much about this because after a few beers you will forget things ;)
This games is not only about knowledge but also about who answers first (and is less drunk...)
2008-10-06 14:10
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
But why a PC version ? why not a c64 version ? :-D
2008-10-06 14:25

Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 25
I agree that it should be a C64 version but I don't have the skills to connect the USB Buzz controllers to the C64.

BUT it is possible! Have you seen the Shredz64 project? I hope someone brings Shredz64 to X2008.
2008-10-06 18:06

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 401
Just do the game for C64 with simple keyboard/joystick input - then when someone drinks up a PS2USB-To-lotsa-wires converter during friday night, we're good to go! ;-)

If all fails, open the USB controllers and throw away the useless modern electronix and make simple joystick out of them.. They only have 5 buttons for crying out loud! (iirc ;-))

uhh.. and a trick question:

Which pin is the POT Y signal connected to in the Joystick Ports?

2008-10-06 20:27
Wile Coyote
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
This thread has given me an idea for a C64 quiz concept ;)

Remember The Bubble Tale/Crest (play a game to find access parts).
Have you ever played an electronic quiz game in a bar to win cash?
They usually display a question, 4 answers, and a count down bar.

The idea is question simple:
Disc Side 1 contains the quiz game along with 1000’s of questions (c64 questions) that load in randomly. The user starts of with 3 lives. For every question that is answered incorrectly, a life is lost, and a point deducted. Should all 3 lives be lost, the C64 resets. For every question answered correctly, the user is awarded 1 point. Points make prizes, in this cast, access to demo parts.

4 Points = D
8 Points = C
14 Points = B
28 Points = A

Disc Side 2 contains the demo parts.
1x Demo Pt. (A grade)
1x Demo Pt. (B grade)
2x Demo Pt. (C grade)
4x Demo Pt. (D grade)

8 demo parts in total.

Should the user obtain 4 points, the option to view one of D grade demo parts becomes available, or the user can continue, and try to reach 8, 14 or 28 points.

The quiz could include text questions, as well as:

Graphic questions:
Name the demo/game this (image of sprite) appears in.
Name the demo these pixels appear in (shows 8x16 graphic)

Audio question:
Name the composer of this music (play small snippet of audio)
Name the speed of this audio (4, 8, 10 speed tune snippet plays)
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