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Vandalism News #50 [2009] |
The Gold Edition
Website :
Credits :
Code | .... | Crimson of Wrath Designs |
| | Ed of Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
| | Jolz of Onslaught |
Music | .... | A-Man of Xenon |
| | Conrad of Onslaught, Samar Productions, Viruz |
| | Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants |
| | G-Fellow of Civitas |
| | Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision |
| | Jammer of EXclusive ON, MultiStyle Labs, Samar Productions |
| | Leming of Fatum, Onslaught |
| | Linus of Crest, Resource, Tristar & Red Sector Inc., Viruz |
| | ne7 of Rebels, Retroguru, Triad |
| | psych858o of Gheymaid Inc., MultiStyle Labs |
| | radiantx of Panda Design |
| | Rambones of Ancients, Gheymaid Inc., HVSC Crew |
| | Richard of Blazon, Civitas, People of Liberty, Psytronik Software, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension |
Graphics | .... | Almighty God of Level 64, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Bugjam of The Dreams |
| | Hardsequencer of Onslaught |
| | Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision |
| | Joe of Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
Design | .... | Crimson of Wrath Designs |
| | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Joe of Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
Idea | .... | Vengeance of Onslaught, The Force, Vandalism News Staff |
Disk Cover | .... | Duce of Extend, Phonics |
| | Junkie of Doom Patrol, Extend |
Text | .... | Bizarre of Alpha Flight, Onslaught |
| | booker of Amorphis, Onslaught |
| | DJB of Onslaught |
| | Duke of Onslaught, Scene Plus Magazine Staff, The Dominators, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Ed of Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
| | Enthusi of Onslaught |
| | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Leming of Fatum, Onslaught |
| | Macx of Chromance, MaZZA, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
| | SounDemoN of Church 64, Dekadence, Onslaught |
| | Stan of BRAINfART, Hitmen |
| | Vengeance of Onslaught, The Force, Vandalism News Staff |
| | WVL of Slash Design, Xenon |
| | ZZAP69 of MaZZA, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
Charset | .... | Joe of Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
Linking | .... | Ed of Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
| | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff |
Bug-Fix | .... | Crimson of Wrath Designs |
Loader | .... | Jolz of Onslaught |
Interviewed | .... | Ian Coog of Hokuto Force, HVSC Crew |
| | JackAsser of Instinct |
| | Tricket of The Dominators |
Help | .... | Rambones of Ancients, Gheymaid Inc., HVSC Crew |
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User Comment Submitted by Vengeance on 16 February 2009
Bugjam: fixed, great graphic and thanks! | User Comment Submitted by bugjam on 15 February 2009
I was so free to ad graphics credits for Hardsequencer and me (logos in the prefaces), seems they had been forgotten somehow. Otherwise: neat mag, nothing more to say - great that we still get releases like that! | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 10 February 2009
Love Drax's tune. And Conrad's soundcollage
| User Comment Submitted by madcrow on 10 February 2009
Absolutely epic. Tons of great content, awesome music and more. | User Comment Submitted by Sledge on 7 February 2009
So nice looking, so great to read. Keep it up! :) | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 4 February 2009
Rambones: I agree with you on the controls definitely. Keep it simple. However new outfit should have keyboard and joystick controls. As some guys like to sit back in their armchair to read. ;) | User Comment Submitted by Dane on 4 February 2009
It might sound like a broken record, but I have to add that the gfx from Joe was sensational. | User Comment Submitted by SIDWAVE on 4 February 2009
>jammer: controls are as unresponsive and rigid as in every previous vn, especially switching to options :P
get rid of those controls, i never use them, who does ?
who prints pages on a C64 printer ?
who goes does a pagejump from 5 to 17/25 ?
and so on.
none of it has any use, its 90s technical blabla coderporn, of no use at all.
kb controlled mag, ftw!
when pressing F1 to load new music, it can display the composer: tune name on screen for like 5 secs, or keep it in lower right corner forever..
i always hated joystick controlled programs.
joystick is for games only!
remove the whole menu system in the bottom, and just use cursor keys for all, and F1/F3 for music. | User Comment Submitted by SIDWAVE on 4 February 2009
yeah there we go again so why even bother. next time i just sound like jt and then all ignorants will be happy..
mwahaha! | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 4 February 2009
Steppe: Change disks in the main menu. It's a bug with the 1541U. | User Comment Submitted by Steppe on 3 February 2009
What I've read so far looks great. Some of the tunes are awesome - some are rather average. The graphics make my eyeballs pop out, übergut!
Now if someone could please give me a hint how that damn loader doesn't crash every goddamn time when changing disks in my 1541U??? Rule 1: A diskmag has to be read on a real C64 to capture the spirit! | User Comment Submitted by Burglar on 2 February 2009
shame I didnt finish my article in time, maybe save it for a future recol? ;)
about the mag, I dunno, but is that proportional font new as well? best font in a mag since ever.
awesome gfx as usual from joe and conrad's tune is pure ownage, if I was a composer, I would make conrad's tunes. keep it up.
and then the text, holy crap, its too much! ;) haven't read all of it, but Stan's report was fun, drink less to remember more lol.
also almost getting an award heh, no really, nice of you to mention the X org, but I totally agree, the award belongs to eod/booze.
PS: conrad's tune *really* rules | User Comment Submitted by Darkus on 31 January 2009
The layout and style reminds me of the old amiga mag ROM. (which for those who dont know it, it was either the 1st or 2nd best Amiga mag of all time, in my opinion) :) | User Comment Submitted by The Shadow on 31 January 2009
The Scene is constantly evolving, at a pace that is almost exponential. Vandalism 50 is the most impressive Diskmag I have ever seen. Diskmag technology has come a long way since Mamba. You can expect that #51 will be close to perfection :) | User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 31 January 2009
nitpickin' time ;) controls are as unresponsive and rigid as in every previous vn, especially switching to options :P | User Comment Submitted by Scout on 31 January 2009
Excellent presentation, great articles and a blue-print how a diskmag should be, on any demo-platform.
| User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 30 January 2009
phear the power of a good hex pattern search tool :P | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 30 January 2009
Awesome! Couldn't find who it was for ages, thanks! | User Comment Submitted by robozz on 30 January 2009
To answer the question in the note: the music is Jeremiah by Danko. MUSICIANS/D/Danko_Tomas/Jeremiah.sid | User Comment Submitted by Linus on 30 January 2009
@Jammer: So does yours :)
*Great* issue (literally)! | User Comment Submitted by leonofsgr on 30 January 2009
max. respect!! ! ! fuckin' great gfx! | User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 30 January 2009
conrad: it wasn't ;) your tune rocks :D | User Comment Submitted by Conrad on 30 January 2009
A pleasant read all the way through! Well done everyone (excluding myself). btw my tune doesn't play well in the text viewer, but doesn't matter, I'm shit at checking bugs ;). jammer: thanks for criticism :) l8r | User Comment Submitted by The Shadow on 29 January 2009
Disk Magazine technology has dramatically evolved. The standard for mags back in the day was Mamba. Vandalism looks like it was created on an Amiga. Brilliant :) | User Comment Submitted by Sander on 29 January 2009
Great read! Nicely executed outfit theme, superb gfx by Joe and glad to see Vengeance back! | User Comment Submitted by j0x on 29 January 2009
Wow, this looks the business. Looking forward to reading it once I get a month off or so :)
Oswald: Sorex's outfit for Internal #25 also supports gfx+text. | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 29 January 2009
mindblowing gfx design indeed, the content is awesome, the outfit has features never seen before iirc. (txt&hires gfx mixed).
seeing a new VN issue is a happening to me like going to a party. true scene celebration&spirit. | User Comment Submitted by Motion on 29 January 2009
Mind blowing graphic design. Joe you are one foxy gfx dude! I must now partake in a substantial dose of audio & literary pleasure... | User Comment Submitted by SIDWAVE on 29 January 2009
The intro gfx...
Is it wired and repainted, or original gfx by Joe ?
Is it some robot arms ?
What is the background of these pics ?
It seems rather industrial in effect, but somehow cool - the music fits the pics (nice 1995ish techno tune by Leming)
??? | User Comment Submitted by SIDWAVE on 29 January 2009
The last part of the hidden chapter, the Moloch/Shadow thing..
It's like being back in 1987 man!
It's 100% like some old scroller in a TST demo :-) for example Hysteric or Vendetta, mwahahahaha!
Long live the spirit!!! | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 29 January 2009
Rambones: if you check the goof section, where such comments should go, you'll notice I've already included that bug there, even before the download link was available. :)
Choose the tunes manually and there is no problem.
Ian: thanks and fixed! strange I missed something so obvious! We also fixed the minor bug with chars disappearing from main menu chapter names. :)
| User Comment Submitted by SIDWAVE on 29 January 2009
BUG: when changing music on the mini awards, it asks for a new disk, and music stops.
Nomatter what disk you insert, it does not go on, loading music.
You can still read the chapter, but not continue the mag.
This happened after reading the whole mag continuously, and changing music as i prefer.
I used F1 to change music, and would have expected the first tune to be loaded, since i was currently listening to Jammer's tune, which is the last in the list.
| User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 29 January 2009
Great reading as always.
2f, jc: check Goofs to know why my interview appears 2 times =) | User Comment Submitted by Kickback on 28 January 2009
GRATZ on this one!! Really nice I would have to say and very good reading! And damn I have to give shout out to my nigga Vengy!!! Welcome back homie!! We all stumble in life, what doesn't break us makes us!
Gratz to everyone who worked on this!
| User Comment Submitted by Dane on 28 January 2009
Quality read. And I would like to thank the academy. | User Comment Submitted by dalezy on 28 January 2009
good work, lads. i'm not fully through yet, but so far it's been enjoying. nice intro as usual. | User Comment Submitted by oys on 28 January 2009
very nice and intresting to read, great work and the gfx are very intresting and have superb. colours! | User Comment Submitted by enthusi on 28 January 2009
It feels like the scene spirit is alive in 2009 as (n)ever! Not only due to VN50 but it reflects it quite well...
Keeping on the adventure - x2008, VN *50*, old groups back...
Wow | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 28 January 2009
FINALLY A NEW ISSUE! Had a great time reading; didn't read everything. Focus, lacking? Ed certainly had some interesting things to say. Saving soundemon's article for later, along with the party reports. Why is it that you, as a reader, mostly care about reports about parties you were to yourself? Are we all so self-indulgent, or do we just savor the familiarity?
I love you guys, but four disksides is perhaps a tad too much. :-) Still miss the reviews from issue #45. | User Comment Submitted by stash on 28 January 2009
there will always be whiners.. if not oswald then somebody else...
weeeeee hail u all
| User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 28 January 2009
All: thanks for your patience with this one! It took us a while, but we got there!
2F: Thanks for your comments, especially picking up the interview bug, glad it left an impression and possibly motivated you also. :)
As much as I love constructive critique, I disagree on most points.
World of Demos & The Awards - both contain reviews. Both have different backgrounds and goals, thus they have to be separate to maintain their purpose.
X2008 report/news is featured in different sections of the mag due to the magnitude of the party. The size of the magazine allows us to have many angles from many editors in many chapters (and this issue's size is a one-off). Rolling them all together is technically impossible. This isn't a disk note. :)
| User Comment Submitted by Archmage on 28 January 2009
I have skimmed for an hour now, and I think this is excellent. I will edit this post to something more specific when I have had the time to transfer this to floppy, immerse myself in a hot foamy tub with a glass of champagne and to switch on my c64 for a thorough read. | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 28 January 2009
Twoflower: Damn straight it's time to resurrect NSR. :-D
Will comment on this one as soon as I've read it. | User Comment Submitted by Twoflower on 28 January 2009
Very nice to see a new issue of the VN magazine, but the critique I have added for earlier issues goes for this one aswell. The magazine is very well made, but it is quite hard to get a grasp of it - the information and discussion about f.ex X'08 is spread over several chapters instead of keeping it in one. The same demos are mentioned, discussed and reviewed on several occations in several different chapters - and why is not the interview with Ian Coog added as an interview chapter? All in all, it feels like some editing/compiling and direction is needed if you intend to push out a big issue like this. Do note that the above problem never would have occured if the mag would've been smaller.
Yeah, and Ed's reviews feels more like a summary of the general direction of all the C-64 releases since last issue, which it probably is intended to be. It's time to resurrect NSR.
Nevertheless, I always love The Headline News, The List, The Opinionated chapters and a lot of other small odds and ends. Great work, fellows! | User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 28 January 2009
great issue but i cry about 'disk choice' moment ;) conrad, you stole my arpeggios! :D:D:D | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 28 January 2009
Unfortunately i couldn't make a tune in time for this issue. | User Comment Submitted by daison on 28 January 2009
Congratulations on #50!
Great effort, can't wait to read it. | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 28 January 2009
Fucking A production, can't wait to read it!
Joe's gfx are effing amazing, he's reaching totally new levels with his industrial style! | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 28 January 2009
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