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Dr. Doom    (December 1989 - ??)

Currently member of :
Onslaught (1/1-2021 -> ) [web]
Ex member of :
Atlantis [web], CSoft, International House of Pirates, Rowdy American Distributors, The Renegade Programming Group [web]
Functions :
Modem Trader, Musician, Swapper, Sysop

Handle alternative spelling :
Doctor Doom

Trivia :
Also sysop of "Dr Doom's Castle"

Country :
United States

Sysop on BBS :
Fortress of Doom (Main)

User on BBS :
Afterlife, Altar Of Wares, Anarchy Underground, Antidote, Black Rain, Blurred Reality, Boar's Head Tavern, Channel Zero, Chaotic Illusions, Citadel of Illusion, Cottonwood, Dark Endless, Darklevel BBS, Devil's Pit, Divine Chaos, Divine Ultimatum, Down by Law, Dragon World, Dream Factory, Dream Park, Eagle Wing, Edge of Midnight, Eternal Meltdown, Fallout, Forplay, Frozen Floppy BBS, Galaxy High, Gee Spot, Holiday Inn Cambodia, In Living Color, Intertrade, Ironfang Keep, Ken's Comics, Mad Mad World, Metal Madness, Never Ending Warez, Neverending Wares, NorthLink, OPTiCAL iLLUSiON, Phiberc0m, Popoos Corner, Power Surge, Purgatory, RapidFire BBS, Raveolution, Reflections BBS, Skull's Pit, State of Mind, Sub Zero BBS, Surf Shop BBS, Tarantulas Nest, Terminal Obsession, The Bass Planet, The Casino, The DeadZone, The Dungeon, The Evil Island, The Forum, The Fourth Dimension, The Hidden, The Intersection, The Kode Shop, The Mystic Cavern, The Shaolin Temple, The Valley, The Zelch BBS, Tunnel of Wares, Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality, Wares in the Hood, Warez Express, Warez Wolves, Wrong Number

Releases released :
DownloadF.O.D. Demo ... 1991 Misc.

Credits :
DownloadIseeyou by New World Order ...  2020 One-File Demo  (Test)
DownloadTrub's 15th by New World Order ...  2019 One-File Demo  (Charset)
DownloadBazooka Bill +6 by Remember ...  1997 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadF.O.D. Demo by Dr. Doom ...  1991 Misc.  (Text)
DownloadC*BASE 2.0 Warlord Mod by Warlord ...  1991 BBS Software  (Original Supply)

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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