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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2655 : 8K Intro Competition 2017
2017-12-08 16:41

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1415
Event id #2655 : 8K Intro Competition 2017

Inspired in part by Didi's past intro creation competitions (many thankings for those!),
have a four week lightning competition to help you survive the holiday season

- single file one part intro (fade in/out acceptable)
- has a logo+changing text+music
- file size of at most 8192 bytes, including load address (so, 8190 bytes of data).
- no more than 5 seconds decrunch/precalculation time.
- once page is running, exits within 5 seconds of pressing space (should be obviously fading out)
- don't trash any RAM from $2800 to $cfff inclusive (unless you restore it on exit).

- entries uploaded to csdb as runnable .prg, optionally embedded in .d64,
- max three per participant, withdrawals allowed, older entries will be displaced if you've too many.
- competition start: 8th December
- entry deadline: 5th of January, 14:00 (2pm) UTC
- voting deadline: 12th of January, 14:00 (2pm) UTC
- entries will be ranked by CSDb rating, including private votes.
- entries with the same weighted average will be ranked by their percentages of 10s, 9s, etc.

No prizes, just fame :)

Thankings to Jeanette, Krill, Groepaz, and various ICC2016 commenters for helping me to crystallise plans.
Any errors in judgement all my own - I've ignored a lot of good advice :D

Questions and discussion below.
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2017-12-10 00:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
2017-12-10 05:25

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1415
Tim, there are over 30,000 SIDs in HSVC under 4k in size (more than half of them!) That still leaves you with 4k for code and data.

Haven't checked play location but I remember $1000/$1003 being common too; any of those wouldn't even need relocating.

(obviously original music preferred, but I remember reuse being the rule rather than the exception back in the day)
2017-12-10 06:41

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 958
The rules do allow us to use a wopping 22k. With the old rules (16k) I was having more trouble fitting the provided gfx. Double buffering is also easier now.

Maybe Cruzer had a beautiful one-bank-carpet of interwoven code, music and graphics.
2017-12-10 10:27

Registered: Oct 2011
Posts: 42
Ok, just to make sure even I understand it. If I have my music at $1000-$1a00 and some data-tab at $1a00-$1fff - I will crunch the music and the data which will result in maybe $1000-$1600 (just an example). So what I do is have that packed data in my intro, and when intro starts depack the music to eg $e000-$ea00 and the data-tab to $ea00-$efff.
Which gives me $1600-$1fff free for other data and plus I can use $1000-$1600 on the fly...After exit of intro there is NO NEED to clean up $e000-$efff which I messed up?
2017-12-10 11:01

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1415
Yes! That scenario is entirely within the rules, and you are correct, no need to clean up $e000-$efff.
2017-12-12 01:12

Registered: May 2010
Posts: 126
Whats the concrete point behind not trashing RAM from $2800 to $cfff? Those locations have just 64 bytes of trailing zero's and one's anyway??
2017-12-12 07:03

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3005
Intro is short for introduction, and that implies it's followed by something else. The mentioned area of RAM shall be able to hold the program being introduced.
2017-12-12 09:21

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1415
First cab's off the ranks - fast work Mayday!

Passes RAM use test with flying colours, so to speak.

I'll mostly just comment on breaches, but I'm watching, and it's good to start on a positive note.
2017-12-12 09:47

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 130
Fast work yes, but the time is short. So don't expect 50 entries this time.
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