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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
The C64 Grand Tour Challenge
Hey everyone,
I wanted a new year challenge for 2021. The idea is to compose 1 music per each month of the year. Yeah, it's nothing special, right?
So to spice it up, each month I'm going to use a different editor/player.
Now it sounds like some nice fun that I don't want to keep for myself only.
Composers, join me!
List of editors and rules to follow:
Jan: GMC V2 (GMC V2 (Unfinished))
Feb: SID Factory 2 (PC) (https://blog.chordian.net/sf2/ build 20200911)
Mar: Ninja Tracker 2.04 (C64) (NinjaTracker V2.04)
Apr: Defmon (C64) (defMON V20201008)
May: Goat Tracker 2.75 (PC) (GoatTracker V2.75)
Jun: DMC 7 (C64) (DMC 7.0)
Jul: Virtuoso 1.02 (C64) (Virtuoso V1.02)
Aug: X-SID (C64) (X-SID)
Sep: Cheesecutter 2.9.0 (PC) (CheeseCutter 2.9.0)
Oct: Sosperec 1.0 (C64) (Sosperec Editor V1.0)
Nov: SDI 2.17 (C64) (SID Duzz' It V2.1.7)
Dec: SID-Wizard 1.8 (C64) (SID-Wizard V1.8)
- Use the linked version of the actual editor only (compatibility)
- 1 SID, 1x speed only
- Track length: please keep it within the usual limits. Not too short, not too long, make it as long as a regular composition would be.
- 1 track per month with the specified tool
- If the editor saves to a format where player is included, use address $1000
- Deadline: last day of the actual month, at midnight
- Send your projectfiles to: strayboom()gmail()com
I don't plan voting, this supposed to be a motivational-fun-self-challenge only. Do it for your own good or don't do it at all. Still, there will be a progress bar with the completed entries.
If there's enough tracks, I'll make a compilation in a form of musicdisk or music mix, etc.
There might be a huuuuuge - or small - C64 musicdisk release of all tracks at the end of the year/early next year. We'll see.
vincenzo /Lethargy^Singular^SIDRIP^Rebels^Molecoola |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Quote: Sosperec is an interesting choice, never heard about it. Not much information about it out there either. Seems like it's derived from DMC, but which version? What are the differences / improvements vs. DMC?
I have not much information about Sosperec' origin. All I know is that it's an earlier editor than DMC. Probably there's a connection because both coders, Grabowsky (Sosperec) and Brian (GMC, DMC) are from Hungary, and they were teammates in Graffity. |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Quote: Alright.. so April is defMON month if I understood correctly. Will be interesting to see what comes out of that. :)
Yes, it's Defmon time! Please expect numerous messages from me soon :) |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
If there is enough interest — let's say, four persons or more — I could set up a little defMON workshop at 7 PM (Swedish time = GMT+2) tomorrow Monday, using Zoom. I would start by saying just a few general introductory words about defMON, and then we would dive straight into the things you need to know to get going.
Like.. press this key to get from here to there, put these numbers there to set up the sound, press that key to start playing, etc. The simple stuff. I will assume that all participants download defMON V20201008 and run it on their own machine during the workshop, so you can try things out hands on.
Would some of you guys be interested in that? The impetus for doing this is of course the C64 Grand Tour Challenge, and the fact that defMON is the editor of the month in this challenge. However, the workshop itself would not be tied to the challenge, so even if you don't have plans to participate in that challenge, you can of course still join the workshop if you just happen to be curious about getting a glimpse of how defMON works.
So.. If you are interested in this, send me a PM to sign up before 3 PM (GMT+2) tomorrow Monday. If we reach four participants, I'll get back to you with the link that you need to join the workshop. If we don't reach five participants, I'll just post a message here in this thread to say that there will be no workshop. |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Quoting FranticIf there is enough interest...
Thank you Frantic, I'm definitely interested. |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
One person (vincenzo) signed up for the workshop, so it is hereby cancelled. |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
GTC04 - April: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - April 2021
NecroPolo: Anticitizen 64
Vincenzo: Broken Tractorbeam
Thank you Frantic for the crash-course and thank you for Defmon. It seriously rules.
Event page for May: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - May 2021
Editor to use: GoatTracker V2.75 |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Big thumbs up for that! It was fun hearing what came out of it. Nice stuff from both of you guys! :D It was also good to hear that you found the editor inspiring. As far as I can tell, both of you guys "got it" and that made me really happy to see.
@necropolo: You are right there isn't the kind of sequence transpose that I think you're referring to in the scroll text (e.g. like in the JCH editor where a specific sequence can be played with different transpose values at different places in the song). There is something called "super commands" though which lets you (among other things) transpose a sequence (or a part of it) by modifying the actual sequence data. So if you first copy the "old" sequence into a "new" one, you can then transpose the data in the new one. Described here:
https://www.vandervecken.com/defmon/doku.php?id=docs:supercomma.. |
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NecroPolo Account closed
Registered: Jun 2009 Posts: 231 |
@Frantic: Thanks for the info! I'll definitely steal this UFO with "defMON" sticker on it to fly again somewhere in the future :)
I know that I could only scratch the surface. So far I could realise that there are tricks, shortcuts and smart workarounds here and there just it works different. The whole tracker works different from anything else I know. Still it feels to be a familiar tool if you know what I mean as everything has its place, everything has its clear logic behind. It was a very odd, very out-of-comfortzone and very exciting journey. For me, the most exciting / eye opening one so far in this challenge.
So, as for a final word, hats off to you, mate! Re-inventing the wheel is not a small task and exactly that's what happening in defMON. |
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Registered: Sep 2020 Posts: 6 |
I really like Vincenzo's defMON tune! So bad I missed that month as I have some banging DnB-tunes laying arround =) |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Goat Tracker this month! C'mon, fuckers, that you can do! :D |
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