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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Event id #3436 : $81 Music Compo 2024
You may surely remember one of the most inventive and fresh competitions around here - $11 Music Compo, organized 6 years ago by Isildur/Samar, as well as its later $21 edition launched by Eric Dobek. As some time has already passed, why not give another waveform a little spin? Let's try $81 and MAKE SOME NOISE!
Basic Info:
- Deadline for entry submission is July 31, 2024 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm).
- Voting closes on Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm).
- Voting platform is CSDb but eventually votes will be processed with a trusty algorithm, proven reliable in couple of older compos.
- Main prize is CSDb fame and prestige.
- Compositions can only use waveforms $80 and above (so it's safe to assume you gotta stay negative xD) but $00, $01, $08 and $09 will be pardoned, especially if music player doesn't give musician any other choice.
- Highest allowed multispeed ratio is 16x. With this particular waveform, multispeed is truly a handy tool to achieve more diverse results but limit is imposed to avoid threading in digis territory.
- Filtering can be freely used.
- No covers are allowed.
- Only single chip is permitted.
- Entry must be handed in as executable .prg (which might be embedded in .t64 or .d64) and additionally .sid. Preferably both ;)
- Contestants can submit as many entries as they like but entry has to be at least 2 minutes long composition - you can do better than a short test loop, right? ;) No upper time limit, though.
Rule set might expand if compo related discussion leads to it. Let's not, preferably.
Tips and Tricks:
- One of the most handy techniques for this compo is noise LFSR reset which orders noise wave to play pseudo random seed from the very beginning. To perform it, you need to write a sequence like this to waveform register - $91, $89, $81. It's very effective especially at higher multispeed ratios.
- If Goat Tracker 2 is your weapon of choice, $91 might be set already as 1st Frame Wave variable to perform restart cycle one frame earlier and not to waste wave table frames on it.
- 6581 filter distortion might turn out interesting tool at disposal if you go for the old one, especially combined with LFSR restart.
Good luck and have fun! |
... 64 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11443 |
I'd still really like to hear what a cycle exact custom player can do :) (Did someone tell LFT about this?) |
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Registered: Apr 2013 Posts: 117 |
I kinda see where Wacek is coming from. More than become-creative-with-a-noise-waveform $81 compo, it's somewhat pigeonholed into creative-LFSR-reset $81 compo, unless you want to castrate your results to "strictly rhythm based with all entries being almost the samey". But whatever the "proper" name for this compo would be, it's still a fun challenge and I'm happy it's being organized. |
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Registered: Nov 2007 Posts: 518 |
Mibri and others, again - great tunes, don't get defensive. The compo will bring some great SIDs for sure, keep it going.
Quoting MibriYes, it's designated '$81-only' rather than 'noise-only', and I think that's by design for musical reasons.
So in a way the compo title is kinda misleading, eh? Because everyone know what is $81 wave, and probably only a few sound-engineering afficionados knew before the compo that you can use it to generate other waveforms ;) Also, due to this I consider this more 'technical' than 'musical'.
Quote:The 'just' in 'just creating approximations of samples and other waves' might suggest that to do so is a piece of cake
I have no idea what it _might_ be suggesting, if you're asking the person writing it, it _is_not_ suggesting that at all.
And I appreciate f7sus4 catching my original intent ;) Painful limitations give birth to extraordinary, not stifle it. We kinda know that making shit on this obsolete platform, eh? ;) |
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Registered: Feb 2018 Posts: 215 |
All good man, and thanks for listening! |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
1st world problems ;) |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11443 |
Nothing is stopping you from making an awesome singlespeed tune using just $81 in music assembler :) |
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Registered: Nov 2007 Posts: 518 |
Quoting chatGPZNothing is stopping you from making an awesome singlespeed tune using just $81 in music assembler :)
Unfortunately, there is a lot of stuff stopping me personally at the moment, but you're correct in your sentiment of putting the money where the mouth is :) |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11443 |
Quote:Unfortunately, there is a lot of stuff stopping me personally at the moment
Yes - i'd also like to knock up some code, but due to being in a tight schedule for another (work) project right now, that probably wont happen :( |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Interesting compo so far!
Quote:votes will be processed with a trusty algorithm
What algorithm is that? |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Quoting FranticWhat algorithm is that?
(10 * A^2 + 9 * B^2 + 8 * C^2 + 7 * D^2 + 6 * E^2 + 5 * F^2 + 4 * G^2 + 3 * H^2 + 2 * I^2 + J^2) / (A^2 + B^2 + C^2 + D^2 + E^2 + F^2 + G^2 + H^2 + I^2 + J^2)
Simple formula - it just favours popular votes and weakens single ones. |
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