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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2985 : Filterless $21 Compo 2020
2020-09-02 02:42

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 503
Event id #2985 : Filterless $21 Compo 2020

What is this? Count me in!
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2020-09-04 17:24

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 236
I did? Lol, I'm a gfx dude, most probably some of the releases will have my stuff plastered onto it, but it seems you will go workless this time. Hope you find something else at your target next time: Enjoy!
2020-09-04 17:27

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
Fill me in - Some ppl seem to think testbits make their music any better?
2020-09-04 19:46

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 853
Testbit is really useful for a proper/unbroken noise-waveform phase effect ;), but that won't apply to this compo obviously.
2020-09-04 20:25

Registered: Apr 2013
Posts: 117
Quote: Fill me in - Some ppl seem to think testbits make their music any better?

Testbit and zero waveforms might actually be used to render some utterly twisted/weird sounds, which is why restricting them makes sense for "plain" $21 compo. On the other hand, it might affect players having testbit hard-coded in their HR routine. It's up to Eric.
2020-09-04 22:01

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
Some ppl think their weird sounds make their music any better?

Make music not sounds
2020-09-04 22:11
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3215
Quote: Some ppl think their weird sounds make their music any better?

Make music not sounds

+1 this.
2020-09-05 22:25

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
I like making music with sounds :D
2020-09-07 08:34

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 84
I love sounds. I love melodies. I love rhythms. The combination of these allow a huge variety of music and I love it all (except Arttu Wiskari). There's no reason to try separate the components from each other or to compare them - they are a big mess that can't survive without each other.
2020-09-07 11:35

Registered: Feb 2018
Posts: 215
Quote: I love sounds. I love melodies. I love rhythms. The combination of these allow a huge variety of music and I love it all (except Arttu Wiskari). There's no reason to try separate the components from each other or to compare them - they are a big mess that can't survive without each other.

Flotsam, I want this post tattooed on my forehead (excepting the Arttu Wiskari reference since I don’t know who they are, though I suspect that this is for the best).

Listen, the handling of sound spectra managed by dealing in timbres and textures (otherwise known as ‘making sounds’, I suppose) is an integral part of composition for a lot of musicians in involved in SID music and indeed beyond. Some musicians put a greater degree of emphasis on this than others, much like how some musicians are more concerned with writing ‘catchy’ melodies than others, some musicians are more concerned with devising clever and original rhythms than others, and some musicians are more concerned with trying to make the hardest, nastiest, most upset-the-neighbours stuff possible than others. Ultimately, it’s all valid!

I haven’t read the entirety of this thread and I don’t really wish to; I just wanted to pop in to try and encourage some understanding between the more orthodox, melody-driven composers/listeners and those of us who like to try on funny hats from time to time. Hopefully this compo will produce some great tunes of many sorts - the restrictions are brutal, but there’s always a way...
2020-09-07 15:27

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
I won't enter, because I don't know what testbit is. I can make a wv21, but not sure about that testbit etc.
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