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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
The C64 Grand Tour Challenge
Hey everyone,
I wanted a new year challenge for 2021. The idea is to compose 1 music per each month of the year. Yeah, it's nothing special, right?
So to spice it up, each month I'm going to use a different editor/player.
Now it sounds like some nice fun that I don't want to keep for myself only.
Composers, join me!
List of editors and rules to follow:
Jan: GMC V2 (GMC V2 (Unfinished))
Feb: SID Factory 2 (PC) (https://blog.chordian.net/sf2/ build 20200911)
Mar: Ninja Tracker 2.04 (C64) (NinjaTracker V2.04)
Apr: Defmon (C64) (defMON V20201008)
May: Goat Tracker 2.75 (PC) (GoatTracker V2.75)
Jun: DMC 7 (C64) (DMC 7.0)
Jul: Virtuoso 1.02 (C64) (Virtuoso V1.02)
Aug: X-SID (C64) (X-SID)
Sep: Cheesecutter 2.9.0 (PC) (CheeseCutter 2.9.0)
Oct: Sosperec 1.0 (C64) (Sosperec Editor V1.0)
Nov: SDI 2.17 (C64) (SID Duzz' It V2.1.7)
Dec: SID-Wizard 1.8 (C64) (SID-Wizard V1.8)
- Use the linked version of the actual editor only (compatibility)
- 1 SID, 1x speed only
- Track length: please keep it within the usual limits. Not too short, not too long, make it as long as a regular composition would be.
- 1 track per month with the specified tool
- If the editor saves to a format where player is included, use address $1000
- Deadline: last day of the actual month, at midnight
- Send your projectfiles to: strayboom()gmail()com
I don't plan voting, this supposed to be a motivational-fun-self-challenge only. Do it for your own good or don't do it at all. Still, there will be a progress bar with the completed entries.
If there's enough tracks, I'll make a compilation in a form of musicdisk or music mix, etc.
There might be a huuuuuge - or small - C64 musicdisk release of all tracks at the end of the year/early next year. We'll see.
vincenzo /Lethargy^Singular^SIDRIP^Rebels^Molecoola |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
NecroPolo and Vincenzo talk about the GTC2021 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTW8akeQsOk
Expect a 2 hours long, detailed but not too detailed friendly chat about Commodore64, music editors and more. |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Thumbs up for the video. It was interesting to hear about the various editors. I might actually look into Sid Wizard at some point. |
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Registered: Aug 2021 Posts: 126 |
Quote: Thanks guys for the cheerful comments.
Yeah, it wasn't easy but it definitely worth the effort.
Some of you asked, will there be a Grand Tour Challenge in 2022 too?
Well, I'm not going to do it again and won't organize it either. However, I'm happy to help if someone else takes the challenge (pun intended) to do it. All my experience and knowledge is yours, just shout and I'll help.
Ah damn. I remember you told me this on discord. i hope someone takes the challenge of comtinuing the project. Maybe i may do it but i probably wont. |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Fix for old 1541U's and firmware of the GTC2021 musicdisk is avilable here: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge Musicdisk - 1541U1 fix |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11443 |
Should rather fix the firmware than emufixing perfectly working C64 stuff |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
I guess, you should tell it to Gideon...? Looks like there's not much chance that he'll ever work on it anymore. So best option is still to fix Sparkle. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11443 |
No. You should report a bug if you care. Emufixing only makes people not fixing bugs. Stop it, please. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 3005 |
Quoting GroepazNo. You should report a bug if you care. Emufixing only makes people not fixing bugs. Stop it, please. Don't be a nag. 1541U1 is at end of life and not supported any more. This in itself is a sucky move and should be considered by anyone thinking about purchasing from there (again).
The firmware still cannot be expected to be (officially) fixed, so the better option (and nicer to the users) is to work around the issue in software.
1541U2, different story. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11443 |
You _can_ fix the firmware. Ports of the 2.x firmware exist. That noone gives a shit is the problem.
And no, some emu thing being EOL and no more supported is no excuse. *EVERY* emu thing will be at some point. You'll be emufixing forever, and encourage ppl to not fix emulators. Please don't. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 3005 |
Quoting GroepazYou _can_ fix the firmware. Ports of the 2.x firmware exist. That noone gives a shit is the problem. From Release id #189130 : Krill's Loader, Repository Version 184
Quoting Count Zerotried the testloader from the archive with 1541U1 and firmwares 1.72beta (WVL) and 2.6d from https://www.obliterator918.com/1541-ultimate-firmware/ dating 2013.
Both show the failure.
Anybody aware of more recent U1 versions to try? Can you link a firmware version that works, preferably with all mentioned loaders? :) |
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