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Forums > CSDb Entries > Group id #3063 : The BAM International
2012-03-16 02:06
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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1829
Group id #3063 : The BAM International

I'm quite sure they are Belgians, who later transformed into BAmiga Sector One. Can anyone confirm?
2012-03-16 13:23
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Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 43
Yep this is right :)

Don't know why The Bam's Home Country is Germany here in the DataBase...
2012-05-25 18:46

Registered: Jul 2007
Posts: 90
Germany ? Belgium ? And the only known member is a dutchie ?
I am not convinced ...
2013-12-28 01:40
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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1829
Many cracks distributed the phone number +32-91-xxxxxx, also I guess my remembrance ain't that bad for a former hardcore punk. ;)
2013-12-29 04:18
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
the reason for this mess is that they got members in many countries. to have the best crackers in their group.
if it was BS1, Kent Team, or Quoram, it dont matter, they all worked together on coop, to crack all the games they did.

therefor the actual memberlist is a mess, just like modern pc game crackers who have handles you cant even spell.
2024-05-26 14:26
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Registered: May 2024
Posts: 1
Hi I can confirm that The Bam (international) is indeed from Belgium. How do I know this? Because I was one of the founders of it together with Bert. We started with a cracking group CFG (Crackers From Ghent) but soon discovered that there was already a group with the same name so we changed our name to "The BAM" and later on added international to it. The name is originated from floppy disk index sector.
We were only with 2 people, Bert and me (Erik), who founded it until 1986. Bert did the cracking and did all the distribution of the disks so most credit goes to Bert for getting internationally known. I did also the cracking and wrote the logo's of which you find several on youtube apparently (just discovered it). This list of the prg's we cracked was longer but after all these years I forgot most of them. Btw we also had a commando trainer. The reasons we stopped was 1. we were looking at Amiga 2. Bert went on a road trip to US and later onto other continents and I started going to the university so had less time. About the question if we transformed to BAmiga Sector One, no we didn't, these were other people in Belgium. Hopes this helos a little bit to get this more accurate. It is a pleasure to see that C64 scene is still ongoing.
2024-05-27 19:55

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2639
Great info and very interesting, thanks a lot Erik!
2024-05-27 19:55

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 599
Ghent represent 9000!
2024-05-27 20:39

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 111
I'm a big fanboy of The Bam!! Greetings from Finland.
2024-05-28 13:21

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 4
Great to find you here, my friend.
2024-05-28 19:23

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 84
Legends walk among us. Quite a few BAM cracks circled in Finland in the very early years, so in my mind the group, like other early cracking groups, have an almost mystical status. Thanks to using Art Studio a lot this cracktro is eternally burned into my brain: The BAM Intro

Nice to hear from you Erik!
2024-05-29 09:41

Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 24
The BAM! That Art Studio intro has definitely burned deep inside my brain. Not that I know anything about pirated software though.

It's great to hear from such legends like you Erik.
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