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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja
2015-02-13 08:12

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja

So let's spin of this to a forum discussion and let me pick up a fragment of PAL's comment:

"He do this for fun over and over and over again and almost every time some of you slay him down like he was a target for shooting practice... AND some of you being such great successful demo artists too..."

To become better requires not only time but also effort and passion being put into things, that is why i think i got more successful and still hated for my motifs however, haha. Means i also went through a hard way of being ignored, criticised, crapped on, hated, be it for my prods, my attitude or the wrong group i was in. I'm still there, and all that fuelled basically my efforts just more. Too much scene love would just have made me gay and stagnate. Not the praise made most of us improve, but being self-critical, practise, and most of all the thought of beating all those critical dickheads who think they know better :-P

It seems however, that for JSL both ways don't work out.
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2015-02-13 20:49
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1888
2015-02-13 20:53

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Oscar is still coming back - even Elmo never change - The difference is that in a real world to tell Elmo that he do not fit in, that he need to move elsewhere is plain cruel and show a narrow mind of the kings-in-their-own-minds-we-know-best-do-what-we-do-because-we-accept-no-other! What you are saying is that the COMMODORE64 SCENE HAS NO ROOM FOR JSL? My god you are nasty on-line... If this had happened in my daughters class there would have been a meeting about it with the school and the parents and the kids, just because we do care about each other!

Absolutely last comment: You shall be very happy JSL have his guts and his backbone and just go on...
2015-02-13 21:11

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
Oscar is saying that he should take his batch some place else. That's different, isn't it? I know, I know, it's sesame street, letters and words and all that complicated stuff. ;)
2015-02-13 21:24

Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 6
CSDb has way to much drama, I never seen anything like it anywhere else in the scene.
I thought the scene was about everyone having fun and loving the Community and enjoying being part of it?
Also this downvoting on releases that are clearly worthy of more than a 1 need to be monitored better, I would say 99% of these 1 votes are the same people that cause unnecessary arguments here.
Seriously, people need to grow up, CSDb is a community of people more or less between the age of 30 upwards right?
I really love everything about CSDb except for the petty arguing and lamers downvoting 'cause they think it's amusing. While I'm ranting why can't we edit our comments!
Also why make a thread about it too, is this to move the flaming away from the release comments or?

My 2 cents.
2015-02-13 21:41

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2916
@Kitty - Its clear by your post that you don't know much about the scene. If you think CSDb is bad, be happy you never called scene boards (BBS), you'd be shocked.

The flaming shouldn't be on the entry comments. I believe we shouldn't allow comments besides production notes, etc. on entries. We should use the forums for all commenting/discussion.

Its not the job of the staff to monitor votes. Just like everywhere else in life, people can vote however they feel here.

I think Jailbird said it best, so here is the quote:
Like it or not, the scene is still a heavily competitive place, and people will be often cruel or brutal. This is not a magical la la land with rainbows, unicorns and shiny happy people all around.
2015-02-13 22:14

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
@Kitty: Not even toward a person that say clear and loud out that he is on medicine for a mental condition - not even towards that one person they will leave it alone. That is the scene I left and I so much hate - because one is not able to see humans on other places than where one are in ones own mind. Inside the upper, lover and both side borders they are!

You should all have a look at Kjells demo LARGER THAN LIFE demo in fact... no one knew what he was, how he thought, but the saddest thing in the entire world is what he did in the end... I can say this because JSL is other, he is not there... we can never know but JSL have said that he has massive problems in his life and need his medication because of that... give JSL a hug instead of a full fist to the solar plexus all the time! I think he need that - because we all do. I need that... this post is a bit strange but I must put it like this because you never stop. One can comment and give all kind of feedback but what happened so often is that it is way beyond normal behaviour... a person with no meds would want meds because of things like that... Be a bit nice for gods sake! Be humans!

In 2009 I saw that there were people on-line digging the c64 and creating stuff for it so I got the best friends together and we created Another Beginning demo... We were so proud and I felt that the scene were back in place and so cool in a way, because I did not see all the flame I just saw the pro c64 vibes and friendships... it was not like that at all was is? Is it? If it is not like that what is the point?
2015-02-14 05:46

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 56
Ofcourse I read all posts this morning.. The thing with progressing and skills is something, that people amazes when they watch a Demo, and say WOW, so I understand becoming Ultimate in Graphics, is a thing people want. However, like said before I stick to Amica Paint, because I am very used with it's options, while others push their art to UFLI/IFLI/HIRES etc., I used to work with a Mouse on the Amiga1200 in the nineties, but after the brokedown of the hardware, and Zapotek got me into Axelerate.. I tried Amiga Forever on pc, or GFX2 most common by Pc graphicians, but never got back into the coolness with a mouse, and unlearned it. That's why I don't do Project1, Timanthes, or Pixcen etc. with a Mouse, straight Joystick pixeling (Arcade). Coming back to progress and skills, for some years back it was about support c64 scene with releases, and like noted before, what if I don't progress, there are 2screeners I think are cool made, pictures too, but I have another insight on my pixeling. My friends in Email like the graphics, but when it hits CSDb it is what is mentioned above, a bad cruel place. I am proud on the picture JSL Hungry Mouse, upped recently, alltough some people still found it a .... picture in therms of bad pixeling, took me 4 and half hours. I love what I create, but when it comes to progress, I better could give up because I can't match the style of others. I am currently this morning to start a pixelday, so the urge is still there, and during the week I do research for idea's, sketch out, for the weekend. As for medicine for my mental state, last year I had meds for Neuropathic Nervepain in the feet, caused by the Diabetes. It ended up, while pixeling EACH weekend, in constant dizzyness, tiredness, and confusion. I couldn't do anything and lied on bed of these symptoms, pixeling stopped, and I spoke the doctor, but she refused to stop the meds, because she and others confirmed "pixeling isn't important, the feet are!" and I felt quite depressive, frustration level build up, still tried pixels with the crap feeling in my head of the meds, I spoke loud to the people that I want to get rid of the meds, because of pixeling. And last month, it dissappeared, leaving me the pain back in the feet. Picked up pixeling, but when I wrote I was Always a pusher, I got the frustration level now, maybe it's stress on what I've on mind. About PAL's comment on a childrensbook, doing such thing on the Commodore64, affects less children, fathers show their children the c64, but nowadays kids play most on a Nintendo Wii. Yogibear and I did in 1998 a childrensbook on the Amiga, where Yogi did music, about a Cat on a world journey, through many country's, where we used references from the library to pixel, in the end mailing 50 production company's, and when 2-3 replied out of all, saying "this is the crappiest stuff I ever saw" our idea failed, with it's animations..and we stopped, then the re-enter in c64 scene came, Zapotek, Axelerate, and now years later, heavily much graphics, still busy, but no progress to others, and some stuff got better.. Even the logos got better since Axelerate's Quality Deserves a Name.. Going to pixel some scenes now.. Laters.. ;)
2015-02-14 11:02
Account closed

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 749
There's a couple of ways to look at it JSL, either you're worried about progressing as an artist or doing things for your own enjoyment.

Progressing as an artist means not hammering out pictures in four or five hours because graphics take time to produce as well as passion and using native tools makes that process longer rather than shorter. You don't have to keep up with the cool kids by switching to another resolution or copying their styles because it's about finding your own way, but at the same time look at the work of and listen to advice from other artists because that's pretty much how they got where they are.

And if you're just doing it for your own love/amusement then bollocks to what anybody says and i mean that literally, ignore every comment either positive or negative because they're simply not relevant to what you're doing. You love it, end of story and feedback is irrelevant so getting upset about any of it is pointless.

Also, use paragraph breaks yeah? =-)
2015-02-14 15:38

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 117
For some people life suxx so Bad that they need a victim and here is a nice place for it.

I am also thankful to jsl, waiting years for releasing a
Demo from my side.

Moloch BBS time is oder you know it best .
That few "heros" that are still arround should stuck togehter.
Critism in first was an objectiv way mto judge.
Meanwhile degenerated only to the negative aspect of it.
2015-02-14 15:54
Account closed

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 197
My advice is,
what would you do if you have 5 years to live? live from your heart, enjoy life and yourself
and know that negativity of other people have nothing to do with you , keep your inner beauty clean!
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