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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Just for curiosity
2009-10-26 19:47

Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 222
Just for curiosity

I wonder ... How do your families/friends consider your c64 love?

Personnaly I have 3 children and a girlfriend who see me like I'm an E.T. sometimes... My youngest son who is 5 years old sometime enjoys playing some of the 64 games but it don't take very long before he goes back to is Nintendo DS...

Sometimes, when a new flashy demo comes out here, I play it in Vice Full screen with speakers up and ask my girlfriend "Look ! Look ! Awesome what a 1mhz 64k computer can do! These coders are awesome! Don't you think? She replies : Of course.. Of course...

Do the people you love see you like an E.T. sometimes too?

Just curious and jobs boring so...
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2009-10-28 18:15
Death Merchant
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Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 13
Even though all my friends are artists and musicians, none of them seem to understand demos. The most hilarious response was, "What's the point?" Even though my girlfriend went to school for video and appreciates experimental and abstract video work, she just rolls her eyes when I show her something. The only people who show much interest are various musicians who see the SID chip as something to be exploited...which is great...but they too don't see "the point" of demos.
2009-10-28 19:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
Well the artistic value of a lot of demos is near zero. The demo scene really has its own values, and they don't mean a lot to outsiders.
2009-10-28 19:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
s/alot/most/ :)

and who cares wether they see the point. i dont see the point in running after and kicking a ball either :o)
2009-10-28 20:02
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Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 211
i don't think the artistic value is zero, how can you say that!? some of the artwork within the c64 scene is on a par with anything else painted on a canvas, it take just as much work to produce pixel art as traditional works.

but the main point i want to make is that c64 demo's will always be amazing, to the person who is interested in them, you cannot force a person to like something such as a demo, the person has to become interested in their own way and that is why we all like them and people outside think we're strange for watching them, the same reason why we think they're strange for spending 4-6 hours of trashy soap operas every night without fail and when questioned about it will defend it to the grave! lol....

each to their own i suppose.

lollypops all round!!!!
_ _
2009-10-28 20:23
Hate Bush

Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 460
@Jan: by 'absurd creativity' I mean creating something solely for the sake of the creator's pleasure. (and keep in mind that the subject "artist -> artist = good, artist -> audience = bad" has been discussed before, so please don't bother.)
2009-10-29 11:06
Death Merchant
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Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 13
"Well the artistic value of a lot of demos is near zero. The demo scene really has its own values, and they don't mean a lot to outsiders."

One of the main reasons why I like demos is seeing how far people can push the machine with its extreme limitations. That is an artform. I would think alot of my artist/musician friends would see that aspect of it as they too are always working under severe limitations of either resources or ability. What I think turns most of them off is the sort of "raver/visual candy wallpaper" aspect of many productions. But yea- I don't think they realize that everything is done in code and not some after-effects like application.

Even though my stint in the scene was short lived and, to be honest, not of top quality, it taught me alot about art even though my current art is far removed from demos and 8-bit culture. In the era I was active, 88-91, demos were primitive compared to today's productions but it taught me how something can be very iconic. I viewed the classic Fairlight intro as if it was a Virgin Mary icon...it was that powerful in my thirteen year old mind.
2009-10-29 12:40

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
I don't talk about the scene to my friends much, because I don't want to sound like a nerd, but when I have had discussions, people I know have often been interested. I think the whole "retro" thing is fashionable these days anyway, I know people who make music on Gameboys, people who're into old 80s synths etc. I've been to electronic music nights where half the tunes sound like they could be from an 80s computer game. There's even music in the charts that sounds like it was made with an 8 bit computer. Pixel art has also had a growth in popularity in recent years with work by guys like E-Boy appearing on bags, trainers, posters etc (shame it's always the same stuff!).

I don't think this kind of thing is quite the same as the scene, though outsiders will often see a connection.
2009-10-29 17:56
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Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 204
In fact, in modern music, I hear more and more "sidsounds" in songs. It is a revival i think.
2009-10-29 18:01

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
revival? its "hip" - and i am glad when its over :)
2009-10-30 06:13
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Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 137
Why do guys collect baseball cards? or are into sports? or model trains? or work on old cars? or anything else that people do that they have to justify to others. It's a bit easier for me now that I've found others locally that also have the commodore bug, but I've often tried in my mind to justify my hobby. I try to stop that now. It's like every other kind of hobby in the world. You get hooked on it, love every facet of it, and noone else seems to get it.

It's also perspective. Remember when you saw Star Wars, or The Termnator, or any other high budget movie at the theater when it came out? Now go back and watch it on dvd. Now compare the graphics/sound with what you find on youtube, or on regular tv now. The movies of old just cant compete. When we see all this little machine can be made to produce, we're in awe of it. As newbies come into the fold, their perspective is much wideer than ours is, so they blow off alot of what we show them. That and since they can do much more with their cell phone than the c64 can produce, it's easy to dismiss it.

Love it because you love it.

Nuff Said.

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