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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja
2015-02-13 08:12

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja

So let's spin of this to a forum discussion and let me pick up a fragment of PAL's comment:

"He do this for fun over and over and over again and almost every time some of you slay him down like he was a target for shooting practice... AND some of you being such great successful demo artists too..."

To become better requires not only time but also effort and passion being put into things, that is why i think i got more successful and still hated for my motifs however, haha. Means i also went through a hard way of being ignored, criticised, crapped on, hated, be it for my prods, my attitude or the wrong group i was in. I'm still there, and all that fuelled basically my efforts just more. Too much scene love would just have made me gay and stagnate. Not the praise made most of us improve, but being self-critical, practise, and most of all the thought of beating all those critical dickheads who think they know better :-P

It seems however, that for JSL both ways don't work out.
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2015-02-14 16:12

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
About the book... I meant to create a printed children`s book with your images to make the story stand out... not on a c64 but as a printed children`s book on paper with real koalas on print with big pixels... I really think you could have done such a great work on something like that... I really do think so... My daughter love your pixel art and I also do love them... because they are you, they are not what anyone else are creating, and I think your art is far far far from crap. I like them, actually some of the few making me smile and be happy.

Testa: that is a nice advice
2015-02-14 16:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11302
CSDb has way to much drama, I never seen anything like it anywhere else in the scene.

you haven't been much into the scene and its communication platforms then. in fact, csdb is a calm and sane place with everyone being mostly polite at all times - compared to pretty much every other scene platform in the past.
2015-02-14 16:39

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
My words of advice would be the following..

A) If you are doing this for your own personal enjoyment, then great.. do not take things seriously. But please try to take into account hints and tips that people may give (if you decide to attempt to take these one or if you want to)

B) If you want to achieve high votes or/and create new challenges for yourself, you need to work more on improving the technical/artistic skills. There is nothing else that can be done in this matter. Complaining will get you nowhere

Above all, asking why picture xyz gets more higher votes than your pictures is not on. If you wish to get higher votes, then you need to follow step B.

Try not to let anyone put you down. You are after all helping in increasing the scene related materials being produced for the C64 but also remember that the scene is a very competitive place.
2015-02-14 16:44
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Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 197
Thanks pal, I fought 3 times for my life ..that was not easy..

I always enjoy all your pictures but also those of jsl ..
and when I do not like something I do not give a negative comment..
I do not make myself negative for anyone anymore
it is a waste of time, energy and your mental health,
2015-02-14 17:03

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Testa... good... constructive feedback is nice... and it can be negative in improvement and all - but it is totally different to bully a fellow scener... I mean the mods here often state that this is a database of releases from the c64 platform - I guess there is no way JSL could release anything and it did not eventually come on here? Is there? So in that way he is fucked - because if he do what he like and with his friends and make a demo with those pixels it is per definition... soon CSDB time and to be beaten silly... it is just horrible! And people not understanding that are bad.

When I said that I did not like the graphics in the fantastic demo from booze, that they looked like scanned or converts from a pc in a way I do not like at all... still it is great but it is not jailbird gfx in a way... I also gave the demo a vote of 10 and still I was beaten about it and creators of that demo felt I was so bad and they asked me in pms about if all gfx sucked and so on... MAN it is a 10 vote demo from me with a comment that if the gfx had been super all over it would have been the EoD killer maybe... for me... and that I mean is fair feedback......

Imagine how JSL feels like when all go at him in real nasty costumes.
2015-02-14 17:39
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Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 197
pal: true you can give feedback in a positive or a negative way
i prefer people to be honest in a nice and a friendly way.
there is enough shit in the world...

i have a question for you, are you are competive person?
i mean when you are pixeling your beautiful graphics
are you really in a competive mood state or do you just
let your creativity and love flow.. but when you participate
with the same graphics at a compo do you really want and need it to win..
that is a contrast don't you think?

personaly i don't like any kind of fights i always feel i lose a bit of the contact with my inner beauty and treasures
i dont feel peacefull and relaxed..

albert einstein:
"Try not to become a successful person, but a person with self-esteem."
2015-02-14 17:54

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Again you post very true words and it is well put and the question to me is very valid I guess. First of all I love to pixel and create demo parts and make them shine so much I am able to... that is where it is the most fun for me, go that extra mile to make it the best I could manage to do within my own skills and also aim, time and motivation.

Very often my motivation is to make something that I am happy with, but parallel it is also for me very important to put my efforts into something that I think can mean something special for others and not to promote ourself... I am not making demos to become David Beckham - I create demos because we are great friends making our demos together and we create them for all our friends in the scene - with all the love we would like our demos to hold.

In 1992 all demos had text explaining the genius in the next part... some still do kind of this to make the viewer understand that this is from the best coder or something - I am not there and think our demos prove that noone of us are! I do this because I love doing it.

When I enter the compos with my gfx - hmm... at X2014 it was just because I really had this image I wanted to drive til it was finished and then thought I can do that here at the party and I want that and then I did that. I did not do that to win in the way that that is more importaint, I like to contribute in compos at great parties that great people create for us in our gang of weird sceners - for them and also myself I did that image I think... But of course it was super nice to win... added bonus max for me and tom and che that helped me with the displayer... ofcourse that is cool as hell.

At Datastorm we actually created a demo for Datastorm people - it is our gift to them. I see myself in that and not that much in doing these things to win - but it is paralell - because when you do your best in the time you can put into it ofcourse one want the demo to do great - At X2014 I think the third place was super-insane-cool to get... I am very proud of that! And I still think Oles music in that demo is a masterpiece and much better than the rest there... hehe... so... what can one say.

I know that the others in our group do parts when they feel for it too, when they want to do it and that is the force I think. Then a party come along and it get also a bit stressful because one always want to give more or better... why... not to win but inside we are that way I think... aren't we all?
2015-02-14 18:07
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Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 197
pal: when i look at your graphics i always see your inner beauty...
it is just right there: boem! to me you are the best in the c64 scene...
you can be proud of that!.
it is not only your graphics but also your friendly attitude...
yep i mean it...
2015-02-14 18:17

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Thanx... you do not even know what it meant to read those words. Thanx! I am very proud of what WE have done the last years on the c64 scene. AND MOST IMPORTANT: ALL THE FRIENDSHIPS ARE JUST SO GREAT! THAT IS THE SCENE FOR ME - NOT THOSE OLD RUSTY BBS MEMORIES OF YOUNG FOOLS BEING LAME! When I was in Razor1911 on Amiga I entered a BBS and they all bowed down and gave me unlimited credits in downloads and such things, thanx, but really i was there to look at things other had created or to chat with fellow friends!
2015-02-15 00:58

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 219
JSL: the 10 production companies never said: "this is the crappiest stuff I ever saw".
Can't you remember we were not satisfied with the end result?
Nowadays the drawings are hopelessly dated.
And yes we could make a fine children's book but you don't want to draw on PC.
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