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Forums > CSDb Discussions > What does it take to arrange a good party?
2010-01-04 14:17

Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 185
What does it take to arrange a good party?

I just noticed that there will be no LCP this year. Instead of pestering people who need a deserved break to make me a party, I think it would be interesting to investigate what sort of workload it would take to arrange a small (40-50 people) C64/other 8-bit party myself. Mind you, this is just at the level of throwing ideas about.

So, you experienced party arrangers out there: what are the pitfalls and what does your checklist look like?

There is also one thing that might make this kind of hard to pull off, and that is the fact that I live in Oslo, Norway. So you Swedes, Danes and other EU citizens - hypothetically - if a party in the southern part of Norway seemed well arranged and cosy and not too expensive in itself - would you consider coming?
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2010-01-06 13:12

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 227
Quote: Party also needs:

1. working votesystem
(yellow post it notes to vote, forget it)

2. an electrician
(to handle emergencies)

i dont think you need an electrician for a 40 ppl party... but you need to try calculate in average how much power the equipment / computers will need, and make sure that the power supply is strong enough.
but- if its that solskogen location there shouldnt be any problems with the power i guess.

2010-01-06 13:13

Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 185
Mvlp: check PM
Jan: for a 30 people party? I plan to do it oldskool, pen and paper ftw. And I'll bring some fuses. :P
2010-01-06 13:52
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Registered: Apr 2005
Posts: 56
Make sure people don't bring fridges, water boilers, etc. - oldschool computers or PCs don't need that much power. There is no need for an electrician on small(er) parties. Just be reasonable (no high power appliances, no 10 power strips plugged into each other, etc).
2010-01-06 13:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11294
There is no need for an electrician on small(er) parties. Just be reasonable (no high power appliances, no 10 power strips plugged into each other, etc).

having someone who atleast knows some basics and who can check simple things like "16A per outlet max" etc may be handy though :)

(votesystem? wtf.)
2010-01-06 14:09

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 227
ah yes - and make a website with a registration form :-) its always nice for ppl to see who is coming (and often had a little impact on my own decision about attending a party)
its also good for you to see how many ppl are going to attend. so you can make up a more proper calculation.

for the two oxy-parties i have organized i can say that you should count on about 20% visitors less than signed up (alot wont come, and some other - non-registered ppl will show up or sign up last minute.)

and just for psychological reasons maybe dont say "hey ppl, come to my 30 ppl party..."
better say: "there is plenty of space for about 100ppl" :-) (if the location is big enough hehe) that may attract a few more ppl and you may end up with a 50ppl party.

ah and btw... an invitation demo is always a nice to have if there's time for it. it brings more attention to the party i think.

just my 2 cents...
2010-01-07 02:03
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Well, things can go bad without an electrician, and why not have him ? it takes those issues off my back.

If you have a proper sound-man, you should also have proper people on the rest of the assignments. IMO
2010-01-07 06:33

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 639
I'd probably show up, given due time to book train tickets etc (Swedish ticket prices are quite horrendous if you don't book well in advance). Probably some other people from Stockholm would be interested in joining up - it's not hard to go from here to Oslo.
2010-01-07 07:22

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 401
Quoting Jan Harries
Well, things can go bad without an electrician, and why not have him ?

Exactly what can go wrong without an electrician? - as opposed to what can go wrong with an electrician present?
Exactly which types of failures do you expect you'd actually need an electrician for?
2010-01-07 10:04

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
Come one people, stop wasting everyone's time with projector specs and electrical needs. We're talking about a cosy little C64 party for 50 people, not Breakpoint.

And to answer Archmage's question, if there is no Swedish summer party, I don't mind driving 3 hours north instead of 3 hours south.
2010-01-07 10:31

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 401
I would have to drive for 9+ hours... hmm.. not entirely out of the question, but it IS a looong way.
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