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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja
2015-02-13 08:12

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja

So let's spin of this to a forum discussion and let me pick up a fragment of PAL's comment:

"He do this for fun over and over and over again and almost every time some of you slay him down like he was a target for shooting practice... AND some of you being such great successful demo artists too..."

To become better requires not only time but also effort and passion being put into things, that is why i think i got more successful and still hated for my motifs however, haha. Means i also went through a hard way of being ignored, criticised, crapped on, hated, be it for my prods, my attitude or the wrong group i was in. I'm still there, and all that fuelled basically my efforts just more. Too much scene love would just have made me gay and stagnate. Not the praise made most of us improve, but being self-critical, practise, and most of all the thought of beating all those critical dickheads who think they know better :-P

It seems however, that for JSL both ways don't work out.
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2015-02-15 09:47

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 323
Quoting Jailbird

Just go to #c-64 to see some shit.

I’ve seen some shit...

Me myself can't login into that crap and I'm not a sensitive guy believe me. I just get some quotes about me from friends time by time. People LOVE to take shit on people, especially when they aren't around.

you must be a bit sensitive if this is your reaction? people talk shit all the time. people talk shit about others behind their backs. that's life. #c-64 isn't some ass kissing convention that's all big group hugs and rainbows. far from it. If you have a problem with people talking shit then why not confront them directly in #c-64? oh wait.. you don't want to log on. *rolls eyes*

@PAL by the way, sometimes you always sound like you are high on drugs or something. Do something about it.

2015-02-15 10:30

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Perhaps if you didn't write so much SHIT on csdb you wouldn't be a matter of others' attention on the #c-64.
And you just gave a prime example of that here:
> @PAL by the way, sometimes you always sound like
>you are high on drugs or something. Do something about it.

You obviously don't have a clue how rude and personal statements like that are.
Also your "friends" are not doing you a favor either when they quote you out of context lines from the irc.

Eh. At least I have the fucking guts to tell my opinion in others' face. No wonder why anonymous vote exists, the C64 scene is just full of shit eating hypocrites.
2015-02-15 11:10

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
He reminds me of Bob, from Bob's Burgers!
2015-02-15 11:45

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Well.. I just think you are bullying JSL on a level he do not deserve just from doing what he like to do, that is what I tried to say and I also say it is not OK at all. I think you are cruel toward a fellow scener and it is about time someone say that straight out because it is truly not a normal thing to do over and over and over again like some of you do.

To stand out and say this make me the next target? well go on - if that is your kind of amusement in life.
2015-02-15 11:55

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
2015-02-15 12:08

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Well.. I just think you are bullying JSL on a level he do not deserve just from doing what he like to do, that is what I tried to say and I also say it is not OK at all. I think you are cruel toward a fellow scener and it is about time someone say that straight out because it is truly not a normal thing to do over and over and over again like some of you do.

To stand out and say this make me the next target? well go on - if that is your kind of amusement in life.

I'm the cruel one, yes. Boo-fucking-hoo. You obviously never read any other comment-thread under a JSL release other than the last one.

Oh yes, you'll have to spend a lifetime to go through his near million images. And call out at least 50% of the C64 scene.

But sure, just keep up with the white-knight warrior stuff if that's your thing.
2015-02-15 12:40

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
TBH, when I read things back:

JB seems not cruel at all. And it even seems that assuring JSL that graphics like this ninja deserves anything higher then a 6 as a vote, is cruel in it's own way!

The again: It is pointless for me (or anyone) to get involved in a discussion like this anyway. Pointless to ask JSL to filter out his worthwhile releases, pointless to ask some sceners to be less harsh and direct, pointless to ask the basket-cases here to write less emotional comments.
Pointless, up to the point that JSL quits releasing on csdb.
2015-02-15 13:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
As a sidenote, I really have nothing better to do than fucking with you.
So. You either keep up with me or ban me from CSDb.

2015-02-15 14:48

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1334
JB, you send a fuck to your own beer? Is it symbolic in any way? :P Jailbirdson&Jailbirdson - No More Beers! :D
2015-02-15 15:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quite close Jammah, but it's more like "Fuck you beer, I'll drink the bloody shit out of you, mothefucker!".

Great. Just reminded me that it's time for another one.

No crybaby is replying to this thread, I'm bored. Put your shit together, people.

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