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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2206 : Demo of the Year Competition 2014
2015-01-19 08:22

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
Event id #2206 : Demo of the Year Competition 2014

Our dear sceners,
a little more than 6 weeks left till the deadline of the compo.

We have some serious stuff coming in already, grab your chance to be part of this event,too.

rules are easy, off you go!

go create!
2015-01-19 13:04

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 277
2014?! you mean 2015 i think ;-)
2015-01-20 17:23

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 411
Count me in!
2015-01-21 13:26

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
We were a little late but decided to still call it 2014 to be able to have another one in 2015 :-D

everything is prepared and ready to go.
2015-02-04 21:17
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 355
So how does one go about submitting the entry?
There is a mail address listed on the page, but it's only mentioned under the "voting lottery" (?) section.
2015-02-05 18:57

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
Shadow, the easiest thing would be to mail it to me or any other member of the orga-team. Drop me a message on csdb or email.

you will then get your login/passwd for the voting site where you can check out/vote for all releases.

That will be possible immediately after the deadline.

could people who are planning to take part please contact one of us? Right now we don't have the feeling to get a lot of stuff. If you have some troubles with the rules or questions then pease feel free to ask. We don't want to end up with just a handfull of releases.

Guess it should be possible to polish up one of those 100000s of started parts for this compo?

that would be great.
2015-02-06 10:54

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
thanks to the guys in G*P we have the first completed entry for the compo. thanks for that.

2015-02-10 20:21

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
"don't touch memory-area $0500-$07ff" - is it ok to move that area to a safe place at startup, e.g. $c000-$c2ff, and then copy it back when the spacebar is pressed? (reason: too lazy to use a different bank... :) )
2015-02-10 20:23

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
sure you can move it, but don't change it :-D
2015-02-10 20:30

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
2015-02-12 14:45

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 411
"entry is not allowed to alter/use/touch the drive in any way."

Can the loader handle arbitrary values to $DD00? Or do bits 3-5 need to be 0?
2015-02-12 21:38

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 411
And I am out :( I really enjoyed having a C64 coding crush after all those years. I was so excited that I forgot about backups. And naturally(?), I am suffering from my first HDD head crash ever. Learning the hard way is too cruel at times, damnit! So sad, I was really happy how the part came along...
2015-02-12 22:24

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
ask NSA... they have all your data! :)
2015-02-12 23:12

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2170
Nnja: for real "out"?

Even if all backups are gone/there aren't any, you've got 2 more weeks.
2015-02-13 09:14

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 411
TheRyk: I didn't want to just participate. I wanted to finally finish this one proof of concept which was waiting for years. And I wanted to know how my very best shot would look like in 2015. I wanted to release BIG. Even then, two weeks would have been ambitious despite my good progress. But now, with not only the sources but also the toolchain gone... geez, still baffled about me being so careless. Shit!
2015-02-13 11:26
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Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 91
Ninja, the best backup is in your brain. Recoding from scratch always leads to better, more efficent and more elegant implementations. Cant count how many times I have said that to all those "we dont want to reinvent the wheel - project managers".
2015-02-13 12:05

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 675
Ninja, get very drunk. Forgot you ever coded on this and wake up with a bad hangover and that GREAT idea of an demo part ;-)
2015-02-13 13:39

Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 255
Ouch. This is why I now never leave the computer after a coding session without pushing my work to a remote git repository. Even if it's just a few lines of code or a note in a text file. I realize this is not very comforting words right now, sorry. Listen to enthusi instead!
2015-02-13 15:47

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
that is sad news, ninja. I was so happy to hear that you wanted to release something for this compo after all those years.

heads up, keep coding!
2015-02-13 15:51

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5078
pretty sad, I'd be excited to see something new from you, Wolfram. Recoding it will not take as much time than for the first time, but god knows how much work you've invested is lost :( it must be pretty demoralizing aswell
2015-02-19 16:43

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
just a couple of days left and till now we haven't been flooded with releases though.

maybe give us a note if you are working on something, otherwise we will have an easy voting going on with not that many releases..

please take part if you have something lying around worthy.
2015-02-21 00:30
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Registered: May 2010
Posts: 125
Uhm, whens the deadline? Would like to work on something simple.
2015-02-21 10:06

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2170
@Rudi: all info's in the event entry Demo of the Year Competition 2014

You've got one more week.
2015-02-24 23:14

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
Some more releases seem to flow in, hurry up and finish something for the compo please. would love to see some more nifty parts.
2015-02-26 15:04
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 355
So...will there be any more entries? Ours is still the only one listed on the webpage!
2015-02-27 08:58

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
another entry that got sent in. Hurry up people.
2015-02-27 10:05

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
If you want to participate but lack in time for finishing your release in time, then drop me a line.

I am not too satisfied with the hand in amount of releases till now, is there some problem with the rules or such?

Literally there was not much reaction at all, I do understand if you dislike the rules or part of the rules but we are open for discussion. We just wanted to have some old-school kind of offline event with a suprise release of the final version other than knowing everything before even the deadline.

Do you need more time? would'nt you do something anyway? shitty rules? what is the matter?

I can rename it to 2014/2015 or just 2015.

I got just one comment from Bob that he dislikes the idea of having no public release before the end of compo. What about the others?

Does none care for such event? I simply don't know
2015-02-27 21:36

Registered: Apr 2013
Posts: 29
We just dropped our little entry for the competition...
2015-03-01 09:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 130
I like the idea that this is a "non csdb" compo.
But there is one thing I would like to change. As I understand only those who participate in the compo can vote on the entries.

This is my suggestion if you arrange it another time.

After the deadline release all entries but entries should NOT be uploaded to CSDB at this point. Because this can affect the real voting.
The entries should be downloaded elsewhere.

Now have one-week as "voting period", where everyone not just the participant can vote on their top 5 entries.
After this announce the result and then upload to csdb.
2015-03-01 10:28

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
well, everybody could have applied for voting, but none did, so maybe not that interesting at all.

I am sure that I will not do another doty :-D
2015-03-01 12:21

Registered: Nov 2014
Posts: 11
Maybe the overlap with BCC#9 kept some people from entering here? :-(
2015-03-01 16:50

Registered: Oct 2011
Posts: 40
This is surprsing me! Nobody applied for voting??? What is going on???
Just guessing, maybe this time DOTY came to close to X14...People are taking a rest after all those great productions... Dunno...
I personally liked the idea not to release the stuff before the end of the compo, on the other side, it could be that releasing the parts before, could have motivated others to participate, too....?
Hey Scene, wake up!!! :-)
2015-03-02 14:41

Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 87
4 entries only, oh, that's not much...

I like the idea that this is a "non csdb" compo, too but Dr.Science is right when he say it motivate maybe some people to start a part when the releases are up before the deadline...

On the other side, i'm not in the mood to code anything at the moment, xmas time, it's cold outside... i was ill and, and, and... ;)

Extending the deadline is unfair against the people/groups who have entered in time.
2015-03-02 14:49

Registered: Jul 2012
Posts: 341
Quoting Xenox

Extending the deadline is unfair against the people/groups who have entered in time.

Similar discussion at Demo of the Year Competition 2013 :)
2015-03-02 15:26

Registered: Nov 2014
Posts: 11
Well... I can only speak for me, and I don't have a problem with extending the deadline.
My part was ready in time and I finished it as planned, so I wouldn't change a thing.

On the other hand: To calm those that have already entered, allow them to update their entry, if they wish to do so.

Since this is my first demo (part) to be released (one way or another ;-), I would appreciate the competition not to end in disappointment and drama... :-(
2015-03-02 17:23

Registered: Apr 2013
Posts: 29
I dislike the idea of waiting till a big event occur and then release the parts but even while disliking the idea I've made a part for the compo.
2015-03-02 18:18

Registered: Sep 2014
Posts: 77
\o/ Huueeaay :D
2015-03-03 20:36
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 355
So, what will happen now? Will there be a voting round and later release of the demo with the four parts that were entered? Or is the project shut down due to too few entries?

If the project is dead and there will be no DOTY14-demo at all, I request that my part is not released, since I can use it for some other compo in that case.
2015-03-04 09:37

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 227
sad to see that theres too less entries to keep the DOTY alive.
on the other hand i didnt create anything myself due to lack of time. so...

i still think (as i said before, and as we did it with doty 13) that it is the better solution to release the single parts before the deadline at csdb.
as that may attract more ppl to compete, and brings back attention to the compo from time to time.

the "send the part to the organizers and let a jury vote" does obviously not work, even it may be the "better" solution and also would be more close to the tradition of the old doty in the 80s.

i believe that those compos organized ~2 years ago by didi (3-col logo compo and so on) wouldnt have 20% of the entries, if they wouldnt have been released at csdb before the deadline.
sad but true.

i feel sorry for slator and the others, who put alot of effort into this
2015-03-04 10:32
The Human Code Machine

Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 110
Extend the deadline and change the voting system.
2015-03-04 17:43
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Registered: May 2012
Posts: 4

We are currently discus the whole situation. I don't want to promise here anything, but maybe we will extend the deadline for 2 months. Please stay tuned ... we'll inform you asap!
2015-03-04 18:36

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11300
the "send the part to the organizers and let a jury vote" does obviously not work

the fact that everyone had released their stuff at X already and the timing of that compo was more than unfortunate cant possibly be a reason? seriously, what did you expect?
2015-03-06 16:22

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
I don't want to stress, but... ETA for the decision? :)
my vote goes to what mighty THCM said.
2015-03-06 19:21

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
ok, here we go now, sorry for the delay but we have a life, too and several timezones are between some of our members and us here in europe, so sometimes it just takes some time to get everyone to the keys that is involved.

We agreed to the following new parameters:

1) the deadline will be expanded till may 17th
2) all entries will be released at that day

We know that some people don't like this but we wanted to have some kind of "suprise" at least, this should be our compromise for not waiting too long before seeing the releases.

3) voting will be open for anyone, but you still have to send a message/email to get a votekey as we use our own website for the voting. fakevoting/multi-accounting etc. is not allowed and will lead to a ban
4) voting period will end may 31th. that should give enough time to check the releases
5) the original 4 releases will get a bonus, they will be included in the final demo for sure, even if they were dropping out of the top 10.
6) the final demo will be released as soon as possible after the deadline at the next suitable occasion, which I don't know yet.

we had some troubles to get this competition done, with a member near death during the creation of the invitation and a lot of personal drama, so we got into some not so good position with the timing. We decided to hold the compo after the X-party as the most active people would concentrate onto releasing there anyway. We guessed after X would fit in perfectly, with some parts that didn't make it to a demo, but didn't think of people being "burned" from creating stuff for X, we are not 18 anymore, we have families and x-mas and we should have known.

We hoped for some huge battle, which we still hope to happen :) we don't give up easily...

so, get out your coder-pants, jump into your pixel- and composer-karlsongs and go create.

A huge thanks to the original 4 groups who created something for the compo till now. We are really happy that you support us.
2015-03-06 19:48

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
So deadline is on Norways national day - gotta love that! Hope there will be great parts in the demo of the year. We will create a part for sure - just because we want to!
2015-03-06 20:24

Registered: Nov 2014
Posts: 11
Glad to see this decision! :-)

Just two more questions:
1. Am I allowed to enter another part? :-)
2. Do entrants also have to send a mail for a votekey or do they get one automatically?
2015-03-06 23:18

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
Quote: Glad to see this decision! :-)

Just two more questions:
1. Am I allowed to enter another part? :-)
2. Do entrants also have to send a mail for a votekey or do they get one automatically?

1) you can enter as many parts as you like, but if there are too many then the orga team can preselect :D
2) hell no, you will get a the keys by email before the compo ends
2015-03-06 23:35

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
sorry to hear about the drama, I hope the member with health problems has now recovered 100%.
(small story:) I started my part during xmas holidays for the AFL party and that one got cancelled (btw, happy 30 yrs guys!), then I reconverted it for DOTY... great to hear this event is not cancelled, otherwise someone could start to think I bring misfortune to the scene :)
end of may... uhm... this is a lot of time to keep my very own local support team (my kids and their schoolmates who want to watch the demo on youtube) quiet... :)
2015-03-07 10:27
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 355
As one of the authors of one of the "original four", I think this is a good compromise, guaranteed spot in the final demo is a nice bonus! :)
2015-03-08 08:47

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 277
Very Glad for the decision , means Delysid would probably
also participate DOTY compo . btw who is the scener who
was close to to death? i hope he is fine and back to normal
state of health and feels okey. pls send him a package of
health from all the scene ppl
2015-04-09 10:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 130
Now Revision is over. Support this nice event. Deadline May 17th.
2015-04-09 14:51

Registered: Nov 2014
Posts: 11
My second part is almost finished! :-)
Just some polishing, writing a nice tune and implementing the fadeout routine...
2015-04-10 17:57

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
May 17th.... oorrgghhh.... gotta come up with something nice too! The scene must have a DOTY every year - it is an institution... in early days we entered and I think we can enter again... would love that!
2015-04-23 21:40
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 355
Still only the "original four" that show up on the DOTY2014 page...
A couple weeks left though!
2015-04-24 07:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 130
I will try. will deliver late in that case . but no winner. no acid pills...
2015-05-09 23:26

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
ok, we are getting into the final stage, hope that some people are still willing to deliver something :-D

hurry up and get something done, one week left
2015-05-14 13:28

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
just 4 days to go till the deadline!

hurry up and finish your entry or create some quicky :-D

Don't forget to send an email or pm if you want to take part in voting!

Easiest way would be to simply do a part and then you will get the votekeys automatically after the deadline!
2015-05-16 20:16

Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 120
Contribution done and sent. :)
2015-05-17 20:17

Registered: Nov 2014
Posts: 11
Second entry sent! \o/
2015-05-19 09:15
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 355
1) the deadline will be expanded till may 17th
2) all entries will be released at that day

2015-05-19 14:33

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
ok, finally it is done, the deadline is over.

The votekeys to the people interested in the compo have all been sent out.

If you still want to participate in the voting then contact me.

A big thank you to all persons who supported this competition by sending in a part or two!

Some people struggled to finnish off their releases last minute but we did not want to prolong the compo over again, there was a lot of time actually.

A pitty but we have to be fair to the other people involved.

Planned release for the final version is the Nordlicht party in Bremen next month, we are not sure if we can manage to release a pack before this date, as the flashback party in australia needs a lot of work from my groupmates.

maybe we get the release done and tested before NL, but don't count on this.
2015-05-19 14:39

Registered: Apr 2013
Posts: 29
So the parts are still not released untill next month ?

If that is the case I will release the part myself and withdraw it from the competition.
2015-05-19 15:19

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
Quote: So the parts are still not released untill next month ?

If that is the case I will release the part myself and withdraw it from the competition.

the idea behind it was to create a complete version with all entries that will be released then as one big pack.

sure you can release your part now if you wish, just the voting is not in here
2015-05-19 17:46

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
I've uploaded my part :)
2015-05-19 18:02

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
not that someone gets it wrong, you can upload your part if you like as the deadline is gone, just the whole pack will be released later in a more demo-ish way...
2015-05-19 18:27

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
btw: thanks Slator and the other organizers for the cool compo!!! Even if perhaps you expected more entries pleez don't give up, the DOTY spirit must stay strong!
2015-05-19 18:29

Registered: Apr 2013
Posts: 29
Quote: the idea behind it was to create a complete version with all entries that will be released then as one big pack.

sure you can release your part now if you wish, just the voting is not in here

2) all entries will be released at that day

But don't bother, i will release it myself
2015-06-02 08:53

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 273
ok, the compo is over now, voting periode has ended:
The results are the following:

4 HOUSEPARTY 2015 100
5 DOTTY 92

The extra votes for the best code/gfx/msx are:




2015-06-03 17:40

Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 120
Thanks for voting for us! Looking forward for the doty demo glued together.
2015-06-23 10:05

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
I thought full DOTY was ready for Nordlicht. I guess it wasn't shown there, right?
Slator, any idea when it will be released?
2015-06-23 13:03

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 434
Quote: I thought full DOTY was ready for Nordlicht. I guess it wasn't shown there, right?
Slator, any idea when it will be released?

He couldn't release it there as he was incognito with his alter ego handle S'lothar...
2015-06-23 21:03

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 516
ah, that explains! :) did he let his beard grow like I did for 1 month before X2014?...
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