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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja
2015-02-13 08:12

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja

So let's spin of this to a forum discussion and let me pick up a fragment of PAL's comment:

"He do this for fun over and over and over again and almost every time some of you slay him down like he was a target for shooting practice... AND some of you being such great successful demo artists too..."

To become better requires not only time but also effort and passion being put into things, that is why i think i got more successful and still hated for my motifs however, haha. Means i also went through a hard way of being ignored, criticised, crapped on, hated, be it for my prods, my attitude or the wrong group i was in. I'm still there, and all that fuelled basically my efforts just more. Too much scene love would just have made me gay and stagnate. Not the praise made most of us improve, but being self-critical, practise, and most of all the thought of beating all those critical dickheads who think they know better :-P

It seems however, that for JSL both ways don't work out.
2015-02-13 08:37

Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 44
Removing some of the comments by moderators' decision from the release was lame. Some of the removed comments were retarded, some of them were on point.
Still, I do understand that moderators do what they feel is the right thing and non-mods should respect that, no problem there, however I personally believe that altering what people expressed is not the right way.
2015-02-13 08:46

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2916
I've actually added some of the comments back into the entry and think as it stands now is good.

I wish we had a way of moving comments from entries to a thread like this, would save some headache and butthurt attitudes of a few.
2015-02-13 08:50

Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 44
Yess, the mods can be tough but fair! 8)
2015-02-13 09:01
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
You people have no life.
2015-02-13 09:40

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 597
what a boring place this would be without the drama and the attention whoring (",)
2015-02-13 11:35
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Registered: Dec 2006
Posts: 30
Yeah, well... The first question that needs to be asked is what JSL's motifs really are? Is he here to show of his skills and be a high-ranked GFX-artist? Or is he here because he enjoys doing pixels and projects with like-minded people on a prehistoric machine?

I'm assuming the last and with that in mind, I think comments on his work are very often exagerated and some people are just downright rude.

However, this IS the scene of scenes: the c64-scene. A scene where people's skills and determination have led to unbelievable achievements on a 8bit machine which 'sell-by' date was expired over 25 years ago. The competition between sceners and groups, pissing eachother off and getting the edge over the other(s) has always been part of that. And with all that, expressing opinions, especially negative ones, has often led to people increasing their efforts and producing better, sometimes even amazing products. As such, drama, in it's own way, has thus also contributed to what the c64-scene nowadays stands for...

Given the amount of years JSL has spent in this scene, he should know by now that people here are very passionate about this 'scene' and the warez being put out. ANY work that is uploaded here might receive harsh comments. Be it right or be it wrong, that's just the way it is.

So instead of reacting to the drama and making quit-threats, IMHO, JSL should stick to his believe and ignore negative comments. You just do what feels good and don't let others drag you down.
If for some reason you cannot ignore the comments and want more positive comments: increase your skills!!!!! There's no other way. Look at other people's work and what makes them so good (or bad). Practice and experiment. Might take years, but with consistent determination I'm sure you yourself will see the improvement over time and realise what the short-comings of your 'old' gfx were.
2015-02-13 17:25

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 56
Sounx: Very well written. And I second the last option given, from the start to support the Scene/releases with graphics, and not just showing off with graphics. And in the first years I had the aim for Party's, then Leon went upping heavy around, I went berserk and choose for the path "CSDb" and started uploading too, still am. But now since 6-7 years, most dragging me down on the retard graphics. And I get sometimes upset about the rude comments, when I expect positive comments "increase" the skills, but looking back since then, I didn't changed much in skills, have pictures with other fillings, and create new things, either from the past, comicbooks..movies.. or games.. and just being artistic, express myself in my c64 art, what I want to create, but maybe dull themes for others.. I love the pixeling, alltough due wrong meds end of last year, it went depressivly bad, and the scener's jokes did raised that level of frustation much more, like the pixeling did. Less stuff got finished, and since January I am picking it up, with new stuff, alltough I am fedup of C64 scene, and the 600 unreleased graphics makes me think "why making another Doublescreener, for the mass folder.." then again, life sucks badly with what happened, and to cheer me a bit up is that I picked up gaming, on Xbox360, and last month bought an XboxONE. So far my message.
2015-02-13 19:14

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
I think an important question is (which Sounx allready pointed out): do I make any progress/evolution in 'skills'? Or doesn't it matter to you, JSL? If it doesn't, you'd be laughing your ass off with all those angry comments about the lack thereof. Almost as if it's intentional.
2015-02-13 20:27

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
WHY DID YOU DELETE MY COMMENTS MOLOCH? THEY ARE ABOUT BEING HUMAN! They were also there after the comments originally in this thread!

Hands down... Seriously! In 1992 this was the reason for me leaving the scene... Not that I got hate or anything but all the rudeness and the so-called seriousness and no more fun... Why do you bother time after time, over and over is beyond me... and at the same guy? As a parent this is what I teach my 12 year old daughter not to be part of... Some of you are all so anal, because you defend your right to state what ever you want and you do not see this other fragile person over and over trying to defend his pixel work... It is amazing what JSL is doing - there can not be one man alive with the heart and will like him... He do this for fun over and over and over again and almost every time some of you slay him down like he was a target for shooting practice... AND some of you being such great successful demo artists too... I can not understand the logics in this - to go down and beat on this guy while he is on his knees already - for Christ sake he is asking you to stop beating him for years!!!! Why are you so cruel? ...just for him being one of us in this very strange thing called the scene, he is a part of us, we should care for all the colours within and try to make everyone feel like home... CSDB should be a safe harbour not a war place any more - this is why I said in one demo with a koala some time ago - JSL YOU ARE MY SCENE HERO!

I can say that this image is not JSL best image, I can also say that the art is not up to my standards of what I would like to create, I can even try to say that he should do this or that... but to really hit him this hard is just cruel... I look at your art in another way JSL - your art is for me a flower looking different than the big demo gfx in the best demo - your art is super nice within your style and your universe. Thanx for doing your thing and not copy all the so-called best out there. I love your art - they make me smile and they make me think you created them with grace and joy and struggles and dedication and I would like to see you smiling when you look at a final image due to be released!

I have been bad on-line - I have not seen what I did - most of those times it was because I were in a really crappy place myself.

Beat me too... because I am so bad stating this... like you did last time... Love.


JSL - you will have to get shit forever in your life from these people that are not able to see you as a person and as a living beeing with feelings - just because you do not create what they want... I really hope you see what that is! That is beeing cruel to a fellow friend or a person they do not want to be nice too... the only way you can earn their respect is to create something they like, not to be you but to be something they like... this is the worst ever in history... shame on you all and shame on you again for not understanding the human aspect in this. You shit on all values that I have learned from my mother. I did it easy for you all... I really did. But you have no love in your heart for the other side of your world... you are ignirant, selfish and cruel.


JSL - I told you in the past that you should really create a chindrens book with your art... c64 images and a nice story... you never kind-of-responded to that so what I did was to drop stating that and urging you to do that over and over... because my brain kind of figured out that you did not want that... just like the comments you get, they are the same... it is like going to a restaurant and complaining over and over so I can not understand why they do that OVER AND OVER AND 4EVER! But Stainless said it best maybe... You People have no life! I will end my comments with that because it is just about friends all of the c64 - It is for sure not Hollywood - it is about a place where we can be friends with a weird hobby as a massive bonus. It is about beeing in a hotelroom after democompo at Datastorm with friends having a blast... it is about beeing at parties having fun making compos with great demos that we created it is about love for me... love for my friends!

Thanx! Keep on releasing JSL!
2015-02-13 20:40

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
The restaurant camper is parked in the middle of our sesame street and Elmo is always serving the same food and *even* Oscar is yelling at him to take his batch somewhere else. It makes Elmo sad when he does that. :(
2015-02-13 20:49
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1888
2015-02-13 20:53

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Oscar is still coming back - even Elmo never change - The difference is that in a real world to tell Elmo that he do not fit in, that he need to move elsewhere is plain cruel and show a narrow mind of the kings-in-their-own-minds-we-know-best-do-what-we-do-because-we-accept-no-other! What you are saying is that the COMMODORE64 SCENE HAS NO ROOM FOR JSL? My god you are nasty on-line... If this had happened in my daughters class there would have been a meeting about it with the school and the parents and the kids, just because we do care about each other!

Absolutely last comment: You shall be very happy JSL have his guts and his backbone and just go on...
2015-02-13 21:11

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
Oscar is saying that he should take his batch some place else. That's different, isn't it? I know, I know, it's sesame street, letters and words and all that complicated stuff. ;)
2015-02-13 21:24

Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 6
CSDb has way to much drama, I never seen anything like it anywhere else in the scene.
I thought the scene was about everyone having fun and loving the Community and enjoying being part of it?
Also this downvoting on releases that are clearly worthy of more than a 1 need to be monitored better, I would say 99% of these 1 votes are the same people that cause unnecessary arguments here.
Seriously, people need to grow up, CSDb is a community of people more or less between the age of 30 upwards right?
I really love everything about CSDb except for the petty arguing and lamers downvoting 'cause they think it's amusing. While I'm ranting why can't we edit our comments!
Also why make a thread about it too, is this to move the flaming away from the release comments or?

My 2 cents.
2015-02-13 21:41

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2916
@Kitty - Its clear by your post that you don't know much about the scene. If you think CSDb is bad, be happy you never called scene boards (BBS), you'd be shocked.

The flaming shouldn't be on the entry comments. I believe we shouldn't allow comments besides production notes, etc. on entries. We should use the forums for all commenting/discussion.

Its not the job of the staff to monitor votes. Just like everywhere else in life, people can vote however they feel here.

I think Jailbird said it best, so here is the quote:
Like it or not, the scene is still a heavily competitive place, and people will be often cruel or brutal. This is not a magical la la land with rainbows, unicorns and shiny happy people all around.
2015-02-13 22:14

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
@Kitty: Not even toward a person that say clear and loud out that he is on medicine for a mental condition - not even towards that one person they will leave it alone. That is the scene I left and I so much hate - because one is not able to see humans on other places than where one are in ones own mind. Inside the upper, lover and both side borders they are!

You should all have a look at Kjells demo LARGER THAN LIFE demo in fact... no one knew what he was, how he thought, but the saddest thing in the entire world is what he did in the end... I can say this because JSL is other, he is not there... we can never know but JSL have said that he has massive problems in his life and need his medication because of that... give JSL a hug instead of a full fist to the solar plexus all the time! I think he need that - because we all do. I need that... this post is a bit strange but I must put it like this because you never stop. One can comment and give all kind of feedback but what happened so often is that it is way beyond normal behaviour... a person with no meds would want meds because of things like that... Be a bit nice for gods sake! Be humans!

In 2009 I saw that there were people on-line digging the c64 and creating stuff for it so I got the best friends together and we created Another Beginning demo... We were so proud and I felt that the scene were back in place and so cool in a way, because I did not see all the flame I just saw the pro c64 vibes and friendships... it was not like that at all was is? Is it? If it is not like that what is the point?
2015-02-14 05:46

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 56
Ofcourse I read all posts this morning.. The thing with progressing and skills is something, that people amazes when they watch a Demo, and say WOW, so I understand becoming Ultimate in Graphics, is a thing people want. However, like said before I stick to Amica Paint, because I am very used with it's options, while others push their art to UFLI/IFLI/HIRES etc., I used to work with a Mouse on the Amiga1200 in the nineties, but after the brokedown of the hardware, and Zapotek got me into Axelerate.. I tried Amiga Forever on pc, or GFX2 most common by Pc graphicians, but never got back into the coolness with a mouse, and unlearned it. That's why I don't do Project1, Timanthes, or Pixcen etc. with a Mouse, straight Joystick pixeling (Arcade). Coming back to progress and skills, for some years back it was about support c64 scene with releases, and like noted before, what if I don't progress, there are 2screeners I think are cool made, pictures too, but I have another insight on my pixeling. My friends in Email like the graphics, but when it hits CSDb it is what is mentioned above, a bad cruel place. I am proud on the picture JSL Hungry Mouse, upped recently, alltough some people still found it a .... picture in therms of bad pixeling, took me 4 and half hours. I love what I create, but when it comes to progress, I better could give up because I can't match the style of others. I am currently this morning to start a pixelday, so the urge is still there, and during the week I do research for idea's, sketch out, for the weekend. As for medicine for my mental state, last year I had meds for Neuropathic Nervepain in the feet, caused by the Diabetes. It ended up, while pixeling EACH weekend, in constant dizzyness, tiredness, and confusion. I couldn't do anything and lied on bed of these symptoms, pixeling stopped, and I spoke the doctor, but she refused to stop the meds, because she and others confirmed "pixeling isn't important, the feet are!" and I felt quite depressive, frustration level build up, still tried pixels with the crap feeling in my head of the meds, I spoke loud to the people that I want to get rid of the meds, because of pixeling. And last month, it dissappeared, leaving me the pain back in the feet. Picked up pixeling, but when I wrote I was Always a pusher, I got the frustration level now, maybe it's stress on what I've on mind. About PAL's comment on a childrensbook, doing such thing on the Commodore64, affects less children, fathers show their children the c64, but nowadays kids play most on a Nintendo Wii. Yogibear and I did in 1998 a childrensbook on the Amiga, where Yogi did music, about a Cat on a world journey, through many country's, where we used references from the library to pixel, in the end mailing 50 production company's, and when 2-3 replied out of all, saying "this is the crappiest stuff I ever saw" our idea failed, with it's animations..and we stopped, then the re-enter in c64 scene came, Zapotek, Axelerate, and now years later, heavily much graphics, still busy, but no progress to others, and some stuff got better.. Even the logos got better since Axelerate's Quality Deserves a Name.. Going to pixel some scenes now.. Laters.. ;)
2015-02-14 11:02
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Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 749
There's a couple of ways to look at it JSL, either you're worried about progressing as an artist or doing things for your own enjoyment.

Progressing as an artist means not hammering out pictures in four or five hours because graphics take time to produce as well as passion and using native tools makes that process longer rather than shorter. You don't have to keep up with the cool kids by switching to another resolution or copying their styles because it's about finding your own way, but at the same time look at the work of and listen to advice from other artists because that's pretty much how they got where they are.

And if you're just doing it for your own love/amusement then bollocks to what anybody says and i mean that literally, ignore every comment either positive or negative because they're simply not relevant to what you're doing. You love it, end of story and feedback is irrelevant so getting upset about any of it is pointless.

Also, use paragraph breaks yeah? =-)
2015-02-14 15:38

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 117
For some people life suxx so Bad that they need a victim and here is a nice place for it.

I am also thankful to jsl, waiting years for releasing a
Demo from my side.

Moloch BBS time is oder you know it best .
That few "heros" that are still arround should stuck togehter.
Critism in first was an objectiv way mto judge.
Meanwhile degenerated only to the negative aspect of it.
2015-02-14 15:54
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Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 197
My advice is,
what would you do if you have 5 years to live? live from your heart, enjoy life and yourself
and know that negativity of other people have nothing to do with you , keep your inner beauty clean!
2015-02-14 16:12

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
About the book... I meant to create a printed children`s book with your images to make the story stand out... not on a c64 but as a printed children`s book on paper with real koalas on print with big pixels... I really think you could have done such a great work on something like that... I really do think so... My daughter love your pixel art and I also do love them... because they are you, they are not what anyone else are creating, and I think your art is far far far from crap. I like them, actually some of the few making me smile and be happy.

Testa: that is a nice advice
2015-02-14 16:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11300
CSDb has way to much drama, I never seen anything like it anywhere else in the scene.

you haven't been much into the scene and its communication platforms then. in fact, csdb is a calm and sane place with everyone being mostly polite at all times - compared to pretty much every other scene platform in the past.
2015-02-14 16:39

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 705
My words of advice would be the following..

A) If you are doing this for your own personal enjoyment, then great.. do not take things seriously. But please try to take into account hints and tips that people may give (if you decide to attempt to take these one or if you want to)

B) If you want to achieve high votes or/and create new challenges for yourself, you need to work more on improving the technical/artistic skills. There is nothing else that can be done in this matter. Complaining will get you nowhere

Above all, asking why picture xyz gets more higher votes than your pictures is not on. If you wish to get higher votes, then you need to follow step B.

Try not to let anyone put you down. You are after all helping in increasing the scene related materials being produced for the C64 but also remember that the scene is a very competitive place.
2015-02-14 16:44
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Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 197
Thanks pal, I fought 3 times for my life ..that was not easy..

I always enjoy all your pictures but also those of jsl ..
and when I do not like something I do not give a negative comment..
I do not make myself negative for anyone anymore
it is a waste of time, energy and your mental health,
2015-02-14 17:03

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Testa... good... constructive feedback is nice... and it can be negative in improvement and all - but it is totally different to bully a fellow scener... I mean the mods here often state that this is a database of releases from the c64 platform - I guess there is no way JSL could release anything and it did not eventually come on here? Is there? So in that way he is fucked - because if he do what he like and with his friends and make a demo with those pixels it is per definition... soon CSDB time and to be beaten silly... it is just horrible! And people not understanding that are bad.

When I said that I did not like the graphics in the fantastic demo from booze, that they looked like scanned or converts from a pc in a way I do not like at all... still it is great but it is not jailbird gfx in a way... I also gave the demo a vote of 10 and still I was beaten about it and creators of that demo felt I was so bad and they asked me in pms about if all gfx sucked and so on... MAN it is a 10 vote demo from me with a comment that if the gfx had been super all over it would have been the EoD killer maybe... for me... and that I mean is fair feedback......

Imagine how JSL feels like when all go at him in real nasty costumes.
2015-02-14 17:39
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Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 197
pal: true you can give feedback in a positive or a negative way
i prefer people to be honest in a nice and a friendly way.
there is enough shit in the world...

i have a question for you, are you are competive person?
i mean when you are pixeling your beautiful graphics
are you really in a competive mood state or do you just
let your creativity and love flow.. but when you participate
with the same graphics at a compo do you really want and need it to win..
that is a contrast don't you think?

personaly i don't like any kind of fights i always feel i lose a bit of the contact with my inner beauty and treasures
i dont feel peacefull and relaxed..

albert einstein:
"Try not to become a successful person, but a person with self-esteem."
2015-02-14 17:54

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Again you post very true words and it is well put and the question to me is very valid I guess. First of all I love to pixel and create demo parts and make them shine so much I am able to... that is where it is the most fun for me, go that extra mile to make it the best I could manage to do within my own skills and also aim, time and motivation.

Very often my motivation is to make something that I am happy with, but parallel it is also for me very important to put my efforts into something that I think can mean something special for others and not to promote ourself... I am not making demos to become David Beckham - I create demos because we are great friends making our demos together and we create them for all our friends in the scene - with all the love we would like our demos to hold.

In 1992 all demos had text explaining the genius in the next part... some still do kind of this to make the viewer understand that this is from the best coder or something - I am not there and think our demos prove that noone of us are! I do this because I love doing it.

When I enter the compos with my gfx - hmm... at X2014 it was just because I really had this image I wanted to drive til it was finished and then thought I can do that here at the party and I want that and then I did that. I did not do that to win in the way that that is more importaint, I like to contribute in compos at great parties that great people create for us in our gang of weird sceners - for them and also myself I did that image I think... But of course it was super nice to win... added bonus max for me and tom and che that helped me with the displayer... ofcourse that is cool as hell.

At Datastorm we actually created a demo for Datastorm people - it is our gift to them. I see myself in that and not that much in doing these things to win - but it is paralell - because when you do your best in the time you can put into it ofcourse one want the demo to do great - At X2014 I think the third place was super-insane-cool to get... I am very proud of that! And I still think Oles music in that demo is a masterpiece and much better than the rest there... hehe... so... what can one say.

I know that the others in our group do parts when they feel for it too, when they want to do it and that is the force I think. Then a party come along and it get also a bit stressful because one always want to give more or better... why... not to win but inside we are that way I think... aren't we all?
2015-02-14 18:07
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Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 197
pal: when i look at your graphics i always see your inner beauty...
it is just right there: boem! to me you are the best in the c64 scene...
you can be proud of that!.
it is not only your graphics but also your friendly attitude...
yep i mean it...
2015-02-14 18:17

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Thanx... you do not even know what it meant to read those words. Thanx! I am very proud of what WE have done the last years on the c64 scene. AND MOST IMPORTANT: ALL THE FRIENDSHIPS ARE JUST SO GREAT! THAT IS THE SCENE FOR ME - NOT THOSE OLD RUSTY BBS MEMORIES OF YOUNG FOOLS BEING LAME! When I was in Razor1911 on Amiga I entered a BBS and they all bowed down and gave me unlimited credits in downloads and such things, thanx, but really i was there to look at things other had created or to chat with fellow friends!
2015-02-15 00:58

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 219
JSL: the 10 production companies never said: "this is the crappiest stuff I ever saw".
Can't you remember we were not satisfied with the end result?
Nowadays the drawings are hopelessly dated.
And yes we could make a fine children's book but you don't want to draw on PC.
2015-02-15 04:02

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Quote:
CSDb has way to much drama, I never seen anything like it anywhere else in the scene.

you haven't been much into the scene and its communication platforms then. in fact, csdb is a calm and sane place with everyone being mostly polite at all times - compared to pretty much every other scene platform in the past.

Yep. Second that.

Just go to #c-64 to see some shit. Me myself can't login into that crap and I'm not a sensitive guy believe me. I just get some quotes about me from friends time by time. People LOVE to take shit on people, especially when they aren't around.

@PAL by the way, sometimes you always sound like you are high on drugs or something. Do something about it.
2015-02-15 09:05

Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 44
Quote: Yep. Second that.

Just go to #c-64 to see some shit. Me myself can't login into that crap and I'm not a sensitive guy believe me. I just get some quotes about me from friends time by time. People LOVE to take shit on people, especially when they aren't around.

@PAL by the way, sometimes you always sound like you are high on drugs or something. Do something about it.

Perhaps if you didn't write so much SHIT on csdb you wouldn't be a matter of others' attention on the #c-64.
And you just gave a prime example of that here:
> @PAL by the way, sometimes you always sound like
>you are high on drugs or something. Do something about it.

You obviously don't have a clue how rude and personal statements like that are.
Also your "friends" are not doing you a favor either when they quote you out of context lines from the irc.
2015-02-15 09:11

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
o_O people are not high or drunk when they write such emotional poetry? yaikes.
2015-02-15 09:47

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 323
Quoting Jailbird

Just go to #c-64 to see some shit.

I’ve seen some shit...

Me myself can't login into that crap and I'm not a sensitive guy believe me. I just get some quotes about me from friends time by time. People LOVE to take shit on people, especially when they aren't around.

you must be a bit sensitive if this is your reaction? people talk shit all the time. people talk shit about others behind their backs. that's life. #c-64 isn't some ass kissing convention that's all big group hugs and rainbows. far from it. If you have a problem with people talking shit then why not confront them directly in #c-64? oh wait.. you don't want to log on. *rolls eyes*

@PAL by the way, sometimes you always sound like you are high on drugs or something. Do something about it.

2015-02-15 10:30

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Perhaps if you didn't write so much SHIT on csdb you wouldn't be a matter of others' attention on the #c-64.
And you just gave a prime example of that here:
> @PAL by the way, sometimes you always sound like
>you are high on drugs or something. Do something about it.

You obviously don't have a clue how rude and personal statements like that are.
Also your "friends" are not doing you a favor either when they quote you out of context lines from the irc.

Eh. At least I have the fucking guts to tell my opinion in others' face. No wonder why anonymous vote exists, the C64 scene is just full of shit eating hypocrites.
2015-02-15 11:10

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
He reminds me of Bob, from Bob's Burgers!
2015-02-15 11:45

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Well.. I just think you are bullying JSL on a level he do not deserve just from doing what he like to do, that is what I tried to say and I also say it is not OK at all. I think you are cruel toward a fellow scener and it is about time someone say that straight out because it is truly not a normal thing to do over and over and over again like some of you do.

To stand out and say this make me the next target? well go on - if that is your kind of amusement in life.
2015-02-15 11:55

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
2015-02-15 12:08

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Well.. I just think you are bullying JSL on a level he do not deserve just from doing what he like to do, that is what I tried to say and I also say it is not OK at all. I think you are cruel toward a fellow scener and it is about time someone say that straight out because it is truly not a normal thing to do over and over and over again like some of you do.

To stand out and say this make me the next target? well go on - if that is your kind of amusement in life.

I'm the cruel one, yes. Boo-fucking-hoo. You obviously never read any other comment-thread under a JSL release other than the last one.

Oh yes, you'll have to spend a lifetime to go through his near million images. And call out at least 50% of the C64 scene.

But sure, just keep up with the white-knight warrior stuff if that's your thing.
2015-02-15 12:40

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
TBH, when I read things back:

JB seems not cruel at all. And it even seems that assuring JSL that graphics like this ninja deserves anything higher then a 6 as a vote, is cruel in it's own way!

The again: It is pointless for me (or anyone) to get involved in a discussion like this anyway. Pointless to ask JSL to filter out his worthwhile releases, pointless to ask some sceners to be less harsh and direct, pointless to ask the basket-cases here to write less emotional comments.
Pointless, up to the point that JSL quits releasing on csdb.
2015-02-15 13:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
As a sidenote, I really have nothing better to do than fucking with you.
So. You either keep up with me or ban me from CSDb.

2015-02-15 14:48

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1334
JB, you send a fuck to your own beer? Is it symbolic in any way? :P Jailbirdson&Jailbirdson - No More Beers! :D
2015-02-15 15:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quite close Jammah, but it's more like "Fuck you beer, I'll drink the bloody shit out of you, mothefucker!".

Great. Just reminded me that it's time for another one.

No crybaby is replying to this thread, I'm bored. Put your shit together, people.

2015-02-15 16:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11300
don't you love it when something went terribly wrong?
2015-02-15 17:47

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 323

much better.
2015-02-15 18:13

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1334
And it escalated finally ;)
2015-02-15 23:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
much better.

This is actually quite accurate
2015-02-16 09:49
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Registered: Dec 2006
Posts: 30
Just great...

What has this scene come to?

Instead of watching anti-Jailbird demo's, reading f*ck-offs to JSL in scrollers and watching Hein/Adam-logos destroyed by bullet-hole-sprites........

All we get these days are some pictures of foreign beers which probably taste even worse then the stinky, asshole-scratching finger in front of it. xD

I'm considering doing an anti-Tdj demo to recapture the spirit of our flamin' on SH... Or maybe write a scroller about the pathetic shit that Sundancer used to spill on us on #c64...

ALL THAT just to show you pussies how it's done!!

2015-02-16 10:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting Sounx
All we get these days are some pictures of foreign beers which probably taste even worse then the stinky, asshole-scratching finger in front of it. xD

The beer is indeed shitty, but it's cheap, and it has alcohol in it. What else do you need?
And I use baby-wipes after shitting for optimal purification, so my fingers smell like flowers even after scratching my butt. Just so you know :)
2015-02-16 15:05

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11300
Instead of watching anti-Jailbird demo's, reading f*ck-offs to JSL in scrollers and watching Hein/Adam-logos destroyed by bullet-hole-sprites........

All we get these days are some pictures of foreign beers which probably taste even worse then the stinky, asshole-scratching finger in front of it. xD

word. spoiled brats.
2015-02-16 17:34
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
what is all this shit about ?

i enjoy all JSL pics, for x seconds..
some i remember, some i dont.

its another example, that comments on productions, turn into war between writers.

everybody has different taste.
just like with music and food.

just accept what you see, it cant be unseen.

if you like it, save it on hdd, and rewatch.

if you dont like it.. then why bother to comment ?
2015-02-16 23:24

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Pixel this, mofos :D

2015-02-17 00:22

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1334
DAFUQ? Seems legit! What have you done? :O
2015-02-17 01:09

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Not to be rude, but even though you have effects of blood in your "cool" photo it only resemble a very lame not fun at all gaylord version of Phil Collins...
2015-02-17 02:48
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
you have been pixeled!!

another Project One bug!
when saving over the imported bmp, it saves the koala, and keeps the rest of original pic.. yikes!!!

2015-02-17 05:34

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5078
"if you dont like it.. then why bother to comment ?"

my mistake. I always thought comments are about one's opinion on the release. but now I know its strictly about circle jerk off, and if you dont have anything nice to say then STFU.
2015-02-17 08:33

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quoting PAL
Not to be rude, but even though you have effects of blood in your "cool" photo it only resemble a very lame not fun at all gaylord version of Phil Collins...

Seems that my life has terrible special effects :D

Quoting Jammer
AFUQ? Seems legit! What have you done? :O

Oh nothing special. The result of me being bored and too much cheap beer :D
2015-02-17 08:50

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2942
2015-02-17 09:10

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Seriously, my god that look Bad. Hope you get well. What happened?
2015-02-17 09:41

Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 44
Quote: what a boring place this would be without the drama and the attention whoring (",)

2015-02-18 08:20

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 277
I really thinking for over an hour and asking myself
why JB upload his picture here. to add more drama
over here? to show his Extraversion ? what should
we think about it? and nevertheless i hope you gonna be okey and healthy
2015-02-18 09:06

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 43
Quoting Dr.j
I really thinking for over an hour and asking myself
why JB upload his picture here.

Wasted thoughts ;)
2015-02-18 11:13
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Registered: Dec 2006
Posts: 30
OMG! Isn't it obvious what JB is trying to say here?

He's trying to tell us graphicians that in the unlikely case you get bored from pixeling on the 64, all you have to do is drink lots of cheap alcohol to get the creative juices flowing from your mind.

Awesome artistic expression there, JB. ;-)

On a more serious note: hope all is well! But I'm guessing that is the case, or you would have had very different priorities than posting these pics online on CSDB.
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