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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Music video/demo crossover
2008-12-19 16:46
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Music video/demo crossover

After harsh critique of my fastly made video, i gave it meaning, which was the idea to begin with, but it just failed because of mindless zapzap.. :)

So, V2 is uploaded.

12th Dimension V2

If you click the video url, on the vimeo video service page for the video, scroll down, and you can download the original file (not converted) (if you prefer that)
2008-12-20 00:26

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
Sorry, but now you just need to improve the tune.
It's quite annoying for me to listen to, to be honest. and why make it THAT long? Nothing much happens.
I honestly think you CAN do better, if you want to.

2008-12-20 04:07
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
It's not about better/worse, its about making a construction with certain elements. The tune is a sort of dance-club-mix, of this type that normally run for 1-2 hours, added constant hammering of drums, for oldskool techno effect. As a melodic composer, yes this is complete nonsense, but this is what i wanted to make. It has nothing to do with "how good i can do". The tune is 12 mins long, because thats how long it needs, to do all the elements i wanted to do with it. I am not making music for you, but for me. You can listen and get a glimpse inside me. Some you see you like, some you dont. I at least feel like that with music. Take what you like, forget the rest. I dont know why i even use energy on explaining this. To cut it all down, i had a feeling, made it fit, and then turned and twisted it until the whole string of elements had been worked over. This is called expression. That's how music comes from the heart, and not the "i want to design the perfect tune" (which leads to writers block)

I cant "do better", i can do "different"

If i put a slower classical melody on, it wont fit the video idea.

To boil it down:

01 - The computerdemo clips, are the past, the origin
02 - The Pc, the emulator, is the present, the now
03 - The live video clips is life: dance, data, love
04 - The music is a feeling, being turned and examined
05 - The ending is the door to the future
06 - The goal is to calibrate the connection to the NOW
07 - The secondary goal is to learn to make video
08 - The video is personal. If it wasnt, it would make no sense at all.
09 - The tracker is filmed because it is the instrument, not some guy playing live on a piano.
10 - The tracker is filmed from an emulator, because this is a reality. goattracker is used by many,
and C64 would be dead a long time ago, without internet and pc's
11 - If my name was HCL, the demos would look like this :-)
2008-12-20 15:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
ok, sorry, but I fail to hear expression on the lead for instance. :) but nevermind, don't bother explaining more.
2008-12-20 17:18

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 1510
I think this is by far Rambones' best tune (maybe on par with Creeper, which is one of the very few tunes of you I like a lot, Jan!). And the video, oh my, doesn't really work for me. Get a tripod, please or at least a cam with motion compensation...! ;-)
2008-12-20 17:54
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Jan does the data boogie \o/
2008-12-21 06:02
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Quote: ok, sorry, but I fail to hear expression on the lead for instance. :) but nevermind, don't bother explaining more.

Saying that it lacks expression, is much better feedback than saying "its annoying" :)

What you mean ?

There is vibrato on the lead, in the right place, to make it more alive. What else do you mean ?
2008-12-21 06:03
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Quote: I think this is by far Rambones' best tune (maybe on par with Creeper, which is one of the very few tunes of you I like a lot, Jan!). And the video, oh my, doesn't really work for me. Get a tripod, please or at least a cam with motion compensation...! ;-)

Static pictures, tripod mounted etc.. how boring! :-)

The tracker is filmed from moving around, because it gives an alive effect.

I give an example:

Elton John on stage, playing on a piano..
Filmed only from the front, and he dont move when singing, and all is completely static.

Is that any good ?

2008-12-21 06:08
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
About expression...
Be patient and wait for a certain diskmag to be released.
2008-12-21 06:38
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Ok, want to explain it properly, one last time..:

See when Devia is sitting with the C64, and browsing the 1541u menu on his C64 ?

First it focus on the screen, then on the whole, then on the 1541u itself, then on the screen, then on devia, the screen, devia again, then pan to left for a view of lotus.

Why is this ?

Instead of a static shot, where you see all, and have to decide what to see and find any meaning, I show you what to see! the camera guides you! to create a meaning.

This is the same with all the rest.
Tracker/pc/vice, democlips. different angles, zooms on key elements to see, to create the meaning.

To boil it even down simpler: you see, what i see, so you can see through my eyes, and maybe get a feeling of what its like to be me. That's the whole damn point of it all :)

Thats how good movies are: they let you be the main character, and see the whole film through their eyes.
Its the same shit here.

Why is it named 12th Dimension ?

Its a way to send the message, there is more ways to see things, than you normally do. You live in 3D, you think in 3D etc.. Science says there is 11 dimensions... I say there is 12! :-)

Now i really think that i cant cut it out anymore.

I dont say the music is the best ever, or brilliant, or anything, i just say: nothing is repeated more than 4 times (7 seconds is the max), all sounds are used, in different combinations, there are small details added, and there is constant development going on. to not make chaos, there is always 1 sequence that makes stability, by not changing when the other 2 voices do. Simply said it is the most detailed sid i have made. perhaps it is too complex, and that is the problem, and why you all hate it.

Too bad..
2008-12-21 10:48
Mr. Mouse

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 235
This video does nothing for me. Sorry to say, but it's the truth. The wobbly shoot does not make it alive, but frankly annoying to look at. You must know this to be true. But then again, to each his own. If it makes you happy.
2008-12-21 11:00

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
I like the fact that you try to make a video-ish demo, or a demo-like video, but in the end it's just a pile of mixed homemade footage.

The fact that you have to explain in detail, shows that your video doesn't explain it by itself.
There's something wrong with the message in relation to the audience you expect.

And personally I think cinematographic quality is lacking too :-)
Unstabilized handheld camera movement is not the same as dynamic filming.
2008-12-21 11:06
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Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 87
I really enjoyed the music Rambones, but would have preferred an Ancients demo to go with it :-)
2008-12-21 14:35
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Quote: I like the fact that you try to make a video-ish demo, or a demo-like video, but in the end it's just a pile of mixed homemade footage.

The fact that you have to explain in detail, shows that your video doesn't explain it by itself.
There's something wrong with the message in relation to the audience you expect.

And personally I think cinematographic quality is lacking too :-)
Unstabilized handheld camera movement is not the same as dynamic filming.

Well, i can understand what you mean.

So, crunching 12 dimensions into 3, is not possible :)
or only 1/100 can understand..

New York Blues won awards for the moving camera technique you know... :)
2008-12-21 14:41
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Reason for explaining is just: DEFEND!
2008-12-21 15:34

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
Time to close this thread?

It's going nowhere anyways
2008-12-21 17:05
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
It has gone more ways than expected.

This is my last post.
2008-12-21 18:17

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
New York Blues won awards for the moving camera technique you know...
Hehehe... that Edge of Discgrace is a cool demo for C64, doesn't mean that if I make a demo for C64, it'll be equally cool ;-)
2008-12-23 07:43

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1044
I didn't mind this at all really. More work from Rambones please!
2008-12-23 08:22

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Oh, I don't mind this at all, and it's not that bad either.
But one shouldn't make this bigger than what it is.

Rambones himself isn't too compassionate about other people's "artwork" either ;-)
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