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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Do you have IT education ?
2009-07-11 07:01
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Do you have IT education ?

I was just wondering..

Who has actually an education in IT, or electronics ?
Or were you self-taught, before you got any ?
2009-07-11 08:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
I've got a degree in computer science, yes. What do you mean with 'self-taught'? When it comes to programming, I guess most of us here are just that.
2009-07-11 08:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
2009-07-11 09:26

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
Quote: I was just wondering..

Who has actually an education in IT, or electronics ?
Or were you self-taught, before you got any ?

Half way through IT education, decided to jump on the IT-bubble train instead. Self taught programmer since I was 5yrs old.
2009-07-11 10:05

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 138
2009-07-11 10:10

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 639
2009-07-11 10:31

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 343
telecommunication technician (involves lotsa electronics anyway) / IT litentiate... since monday \o/ ;d

actually I started self-taught programming when i was some 9yrs old ;)
school gave me bascis of electronics actually, but proper soldering etc and involving with atmega microcontrollers was taught on my own ;) (and after all resulted in projecting and prototypying educational environement for students based on atemga8 with some external stuff)

2009-07-11 11:02

Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 317
2009-07-11 12:18

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2918
IT/IS Lord.

Currently work for US.gov and spend lots of my free time managing Union issues at the work place.
2009-07-11 12:58

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 144
Yes, I'm a Software Engineer (though I don't currently do much programming at work).
2009-07-11 13:11

Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 222
2009-07-11 13:22

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 13
Yes, M.Sc IT.
2009-07-11 14:35
The MeatBall

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 367
Bachelor in Computer Science, working for a ISP, mostly network related stuff.
2009-07-11 15:02
Angel of Death

Registered: Apr 2008
Posts: 210
Nope. Never even had a decent lesson...
But I'm not working in IT either.
I'm actually an electrical service engineer...
2009-07-11 16:52
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Registered: Apr 2005
Posts: 247
Self taught in electronics.

2009-07-12 03:50
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
I came to IT school, with 5 years of C64/Amiga coding skills and became software engineer in 1992.
2000-2004 i was on 'data-mechanic', which I didn't finishs due to health reason, but graduated as a IT supporter instead.

I learned basic electronics, and digital design, but the practical experience is very low..

Yes, everybody is self taught (Jackasser at 5, yieharr!), but it's nice to have learned some stuff, to tie it all together, I think.
2009-07-12 08:05
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
None what soever.
2009-07-12 09:20

Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 185
Nope. I don't know the first thing about computers really.
2009-07-12 10:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 50
Quote: I came to IT school, with 5 years of C64/Amiga coding skills and became software engineer in 1992.
2000-2004 i was on 'data-mechanic', which I didn't finishs due to health reason, but graduated as a IT supporter instead.

I learned basic electronics, and digital design, but the practical experience is very low..

Yes, everybody is self taught (Jackasser at 5, yieharr!), but it's nice to have learned some stuff, to tie it all together, I think.

I came to IT school, with 5 years of C64 charset pixeling skills. Graduated and became software engineer in 1999.
Still, when I see WVL programming on c64 it is like black magic to me..
2009-07-12 11:50

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 889
Quote: I came to IT school, with 5 years of C64 charset pixeling skills. Graduated and became software engineer in 1999.
Still, when I see WVL programming on c64 it is like black magic to me..

Lol.. And that while I have no IT education whatsoever :)
2009-07-12 13:57

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Nope, no IT education.
I'm a BSc. in civil engineering and town planning.

@ WVL: but you _do_ have a degree in black magic, don't you?
2009-07-12 14:18

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 73
define "IT education"
2009-07-12 15:36

Posts: 392
I just finished my masters in computer science around 3 months ago.
Of course my thesis was in the field of real-time computer graphics :)
(Unfortunately not on our beloved C64 :'( )
2009-07-12 20:16

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
VIC: check the other answers... if in doubt, just tell what you did and we'll be the judges
2009-07-12 20:26

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 173
No. My speciality is within Visual Studies (Art-, Filmhistory and Semiotics) and History of Ideas.

Most of my IT-knowledge came from the scene/google... :)
2009-07-12 20:56

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 1510
No. Geologist (diploma) and used to call myself webdesigner and it service provider, fixing PCs and installing/repairing bloated/virus infected windowses. But I've had my dose of IT and decided that the adventurous life (cough) as a geologist is more suitable for me. ;-)
2009-07-12 23:38
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Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 211
nope, i started on c64. i have helped quite a few friends who have done computer degrees who had no clue what they were doing! ;)
2009-07-13 01:12
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Registered: Jun 2007
Posts: 343
i run branches of an IT company but got no formal degrees in any IT subject.
2009-07-13 07:11

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 441
electrical background from school, electronic and programming from personal interest. Now working on diesel and gas engine automation.
2009-07-13 07:41

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 889
Quote: Nope, no IT education.
I'm a BSc. in civil engineering and town planning.

@ WVL: but you _do_ have a degree in black magic, don't you?

I do have a degree in Physics, for a lot of people that counts as black magic. There's only a couple of ppl who do have a real degree in black magic. /me looks at dane, jb, hcl, jackasser, xbow, graham, mirage, etc ;D
2009-07-13 09:50

Registered: May 2005
Posts: 90
Yup. Bachelor (although our educational system didn't have the international degree system yet back then).
2009-07-13 10:03

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 225
No... No IT-education ... Have been studying math for a year... Fortnately I quit - it was too nerdish for me ;) ... Today I am a psychologist and I like that far more ;) ... My programming skills are very limited and today I have almost forgotten all but I did some assembler programming and Pascal on the pc ;)
2009-07-13 12:14
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Registered: Sep 2008
Posts: 308
Nei. Njet. Nein. No. Nada. Nil. Zero. Null. 0. Nothing. Not at all.
2009-07-13 16:55

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 289
No education here beyond primary school. I learned to code on the 64, and currently work as a developer because of it.
2009-07-13 19:34

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Had to take a year to get a diploma in graphic design... but really I never should have as it were a walkover year in a way... but on the other hand I really got a good diploma, the best the scool had ever given out to a student ;-)
2009-07-13 20:41
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Registered: Jan 2002
Self taught electronics & programming since childhood (1st language ever learnt: 6502 assembly. Basic came 2nd).
Used to work in home electronics repair but decided to make my computer hobby a profession 9 years ago (better $$).

Working as an embedded systems programmer (multimedia cellphones) most of the time, getting chances to program in assembly on various RISC CPUs, which is kinda fun (not like C64 fun though).

Trying to finish my computer-science degree in night-school for some time now... going very very slowly :)

Working in this field is rewarding, but the hours are way too long.
I want my life back!! (and time to finish a damn demo)
2009-07-13 23:24

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
1996-7: Self-taught BASIC on Commodore 64 and BBC Micro model B.
1998-: Self-taught and understood hex and binary through the help of programming manuals and C64 crunchers/packers/music relocators ;). Self-taught assembler (6510) about the same time.
2003: Got a PC and self-taught C/C++ and 8086 asm, about age 17 onwards.
2003-06: Completed a National Diploma in I.T at college.
2006-09: Graduated with an honours degree in Software Engineering... took a small interest in electronics during that time. (made assembler programs for PIC micro-controllers)
Today: Still looking for full-time work...
2009-07-13 23:41
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Registered: May 2002
Posts: 421
None at all, I'm afraid.
2009-07-14 07:16

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 675
Started with BASIC. Used alot of poke and peek instead of variables I recall. Only did little asm in AR6 mon first.
Started PowerBasic and TurboPascal and x86 asm on PC about the same time as 6502 asm. At some time decided against too much x86 :)
Nowadays lots of C, much less Python and some tiny x86 and 6502 of course. Except 6502 also for work. Diploma in physics/astrophysics. Working on Phd there. No prof. IT education (just listened to some lectures to avoid QM ;)
Luckyly I make modern PC look like slow slugs with my matter simulations ;-) so C64 always makes me think: hey, that was fast!
2009-07-14 13:34

Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 459
None, what so ever..
2009-07-24 15:41

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 323
I have much experience as a computer technician, music producer and IT consultant. I'm qualified enough but I don't have that nice 'laminated piece of paper' to tell me that I've spent thounds of dollars for what i've learnt for free.

>> Adam/Usagi <<
2009-07-24 17:48
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Registered: May 2003
Posts: 59
ALmost have my bachelors degree in software engineering (Bachelor)
2009-07-24 17:50

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 14
I had my first basic course in 1983. on speccy. After that basic + pascal in highschool (1986.-1990.) on apples II. In 1991. i got my first job as service technician in one Apple centre. Workin in IT since then. During all that time i had a speccy, c64, amiga500, mac plus, imac... programmed on some, did some music on others...
2009-07-24 20:30
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 124
Officially, I learned Pascal, F and Java. For education's sake.

Inofficially, BASIC on c64 and am now learning C++ at work. It's my biggest regret that I never found the time to get a real hang of machine coding on c64.
-- La vie, c'est la guerre des dualités.
2009-07-24 20:36

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 73
/me has a masters degree in Humanistic Informatics... Which might or might not be "IT-education", depending on the definition :P
2009-07-24 20:56
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Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 25
I got a Ph.D. in law. That's it.
2009-07-24 20:58

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
Quote: I got a Ph.D. in law. That's it.

Right Mr. Prezid3nt!
2009-07-25 09:20

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 639
I don't have any kind of education to speak about.
2009-07-25 11:54

Registered: Jun 2009
Posts: 231
I was in an IT class in the secondary school but I use 0.001% of that in practice. Partly, because they teached useless crap only, partly because as a consequence I became maximally unmotivated with the school and did not care much after a point - and played music most of the time possible, anyway. I just kept coming there only for getting the degree necessary for college studies and go on. All my IT-related things I use for daily work came by experience.
2009-07-26 11:21
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Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 189
We don't need no education.
2009-07-26 14:36

Registered: Jun 2009
Posts: 231
Quote: We don't need no education.

"We dont need no thought control" :)
2009-07-27 19:12

Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 317
"No dark sarcasm in the classroom"
but seriously I think thing's I've learned at Software Engineering classes are useless here
2009-07-27 22:04

Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 494
I didn't finish any computer related program but 6 years ago, I've signed up for master of informatics. I finished the lessons and gave up at thesis level. It was pointless for me to spend so many hours for a degree (under my circumstances).

About learning programming on my own, every year I feel like I've doubled my programming skills comparing to the last year. It's going like that for last 20 years. 10 years ago, I was a great programmer. Now I'm way better than that and I feel like a beginner. You cannot teach this to yourself, only the years can do. There is always much to learn, specially in a dynamic world like technology.
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