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Civitas   (CIVI)

- Living proof against darwinism - a.k.a. the roster of the living dead…

Founded by :
Zeitgeist in September 1996

Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group

Base Country :

Website :

Trivia :
Zeitgeist where are you?

User rating:******____  5.5/10 (16 votes)   See votestatistics

All Members :
BlackJack   (inactive) .... Coder, Graphician, Webmaster
Brainsmasher   (inactive) .... Graphician
CandyMan   (inactive) (6-2004 -> ) .... Coder
Chico   (inactive) .... Coder
Doc of Desire   (inactive) .... Cover Designer, Hardware-Guru, Swapper
Hucky   (inactive) .... Coder
Zeitgeist   (inactive) (9-1996 -> ) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Organizer, Swapper
Black Joker   (ex) .... Graphician, Musician, Swapper
Braindeath   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Catweazle   (ex) (9-1996 -> ) .... Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Datrax   (ex) .... Musician
Der Holzfäller   (ex) ( -> 1998) .... Diskmag Editor, Papermag Editor
Exile   (ex) ( -> 16/1-2023) .... Graphician
Firebird   (ex) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Swapper
FRaNKy   (ex) (1/8-2003 -> 9/1-2005) .... Graphician
Fzool   (ex) .... Swapper
G-Fellow   (ex) (2004 -> 1/1-2013) .... Musician
Ghost   (ex) (1996 -> 1997) .... (unknown function)
JSL   (ex) .... Graphician
Linus   (ex) (6/3-2005 -> 1/10-2005) .... Musician
LordNikon   (ex) .... Coder
Megatron   (ex) .... Graphician
Mr. Linger   (ex) .... Coder, Swapper
Nightlord   (ex) (20/3-2003 -> 1/1-2007) .... Coder, Musician
Paradizer   (ex) .... Graphician
Pingo   (ex) .... Coder, Graphician, Musician
Puterman   (ex) (2000 -> 1/1-2003) .... Coder, Musician
Raven   (ex) .... Swapper
Red Eagle   (ex) .... Musician, Swapper
Richard   (ex) (2001 -> 26/4-2010) .... Coder, Musician
Robin Hood   (ex) .... Cover Designer, Diskmag Editor
Rough   (ex) (2001 -> 2002) .... Cracker
Snoky   (ex) .... Coder, Swapper
Sputnick   (ex) (9-1996 -> ) .... Coder
Tadpole   (ex) (1/3-2000 -> 31/10-2001) .... Swapper
Taxim   (ex) (1997 -> 1999) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Musician, Swapper
The Syntax Virus   (ex) (1996 -> 1997) .... Diskmag Editor, Swapper

Releases : (320)
Download$0400 Noter ... 1996 Tool
Download$0400 Noter V2.0 ... 1999 Tool
Download1K intro ... 2001 1K Intro(#3 C64 1K Intro at Forever 2e3 2nd Edition (2001))
Download3CE - 3 Color Editor ... 2007 Tool
Download4 the Scene ... 2004 Music
Download4k Byter ... 2002 4K Intro(#10 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 3)
DownloadAkte X ... 1998 Graphics Collection
DownloadAkte X - Tunguska ... 1998 Graphics Collection
DownloadAlone ... 2003 Music(#3 Mixed Music at 7D3 Demo Party)
DownloadAppetizer ... 2004 Intro
DownloadArt of Noise ... 2003 Music(#6 Mixed at Willow Party 2003)
DownloadAss-Randomizer ... 2011 Tool
DownloadAsteroids 64 + ... ??? Crack
DownloadAural Beats ... 2004 Music Collection
DownloadAvengers +4 ... ??? Crack (Broken)
DownloadBalloon or Die! ... 2000 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at LCP 2000)
DownloadBalloonacy V1.2 ... 2001 Game
DownloadBarbwire IFLI Remake ... 1998 Graphics Collection
DownloadBase 64 Remix ... 2011 Music
DownloadBird Mother + ... ??? Crack
DownloadBitharmonizer ... 2005 Music(#10 C64 Music at Forever Hex)
DownloadBlitzkrieg ... 2003 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Vision 2003)
DownloadBomb Chase ... 2002 Game
DownloadBroken ... 2005 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Floppy 2005)
DownloadBrucelee-ish2k5 ... 2004 One-File Demo
DownloadBuckaneer + ... 2007 Crack
DownloadC64 Memories fades away ... 2004 Music(#10 Mixed at Willow Party 2004)
DownloadCauldron II + ... ??? Crack
DownloadCelebrate Remix ... 2011 Music
DownloadCharset Viewer ... 2008 Tool
DownloadChartbusters II ... 1997 Tool Collection
DownloadCivitas Charset Dither Demo ... 2003 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Forever Quattro)
DownloadCivitas Cracktro ... 2007 Crack Intro
DownloadCivitas Cracktro ... 2002 Crack Intro
DownloadCivitas in here ... 1998 Graphics Collection
DownloadCivitas Intro 1 ... 1997 Crack Intro
DownloadCivitas Intro 3 ... 1998 Crack Intro
DownloadCivitas Intro 4 ... 2000 Crack Intro
DownloadCivitas Intro 5 ... 2000 Crack Intro
DownloadCivitas Intro 8 ... 2004 Crack Intro
DownloadCivitas Intro 9 ... 2005 Crack Intro
DownloadCivitas Logo ... 2008 Graphics
DownloadCivitas Logos ... ??? Graphics Collection
DownloadCivitas-Intro #1 Tool ... 1997 Tool
DownloadCivitas-Intro #2 Tool ... 1999 Tool
DownloadCivitas-Intro #4 Tool ... 2000 Tool
DownloadCivitas-Intro #5 Tool ... 2000 Tool
DownloadCivitas-Intro #6 Tool ... 2003 Tool
DownloadCivitas-Intro #7 Tool ... 1999 Tool
DownloadCivitas-Intro 10 ... 2007 Intro
DownloadCivitas-Intro 11 ... 2007 Intro
DownloadCivitas-Noter 1 ... 1999 Tool
DownloadCivitas-Noter 2 ... 1999 Tool
DownloadCivitas-Noter 3 ... 2000 Tool
DownloadCIVITAS' 2x2-Charset-Editor ... 2005 Tool
DownloadCivitaslogo ... 2002 Graphics(#6 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 4)
DownloadClown ... 2001 Demo(#3 Mixed Demo at LCP 2001)
DownloadCo-Op ... 2003 One-File Demo(#2 Mixed at Willow Party 2003)
DownloadComing Soon ... ??? Graphics
DownloadCommando +2 ... ??? Crack
DownloadCooler Can't Be v2 ... 2011 Music
DownloadCriminal ... 2004 One-File Demo(Released at Mail Madness Party 7)
DownloadCrycitas ... 2008 Demo
DownloadDance and Dance ... 2007 Music(#7 C64 Music at Forever 8)
DownloadDEC $D418 ... 2007 Music(#4 C64 Music at Primary Star 2007)
DownloadDecembaer ... 2001 Intro(#1 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 2)
DownloadDefector Preview ... 2006 Crack
DownloadDemo ... 2002 Demo(#5 C64 Demo at LCP 2002)
DownloadDestination X ... 2004 Music(#19 C64 Music at X'2004)
DownloadDevilbreath ... 2001 Music(#6 C64 Music at Core 2001)
DownloadDevilslow ... 2000 Music(#?? Mixed Music at LCP 2000)
DownloadDig Dug + ... ??? Crack
DownloadDiscojive ... 2001 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Floppy 2001)
DownloadDiscovery ... 2005 Crack
DownloadDMC V5 Music Collection #1 ... 2003 Music Collection
DownloadDont eat Civitas ... 2002 Graphics(#7 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 3)
DownloadDoris Reloaded ... 2008 One-File Demo
DownloadDots ... 2002 One-File Demo(#5 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 3)
DownloadDreaming of... ... 2004 Graphics(#11 Mixed at Willow Party 2004)
DownloadDreamnoter V0.1+ ... ??? Tool
DownloadDreamnoter V3 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadDreamnoter V4 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadDreamnoter V5 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadDrinkin' Bud Light ... 2003 Music(#8 C64 Music at Forever Quattro)
DownloadDT-NOTER ... 2009 Tool
DownloadEarworms #2 ... 1999 Music Collection
DownloadEnigmatic Wave ... 2007 Music(#2 C64 Music at 15 Years Oxyron Party 2007)
DownloadEuro Beats #1 ... 2001 Music Collection
DownloadEuro Beats #2 ... 2001 Music Collection
DownloadExtreme Demo Maker 100% ... 2004 Tool
DownloadFace+Lightsource ... 2004 Graphics
DownloadFalcon Patrol II +3 ... 2007 Crack
DownloadFarOff CyberSpace (short) ... 2004 Music(#25 C64 Music at The SID Compo IV)
DownloadFear ... 2003 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Vision 2003)
DownloadFeel The Night ... 2004 Music(#8 Mixed at Willow Party 2004)
DownloadFile Master V1.0 AR6 Fix ... ??? Tool
DownloadFillram ... 1998 Tool
DownloadFinsterwald ... 2004 One-File Demo
DownloadFlashnoter V0.2 [german] ... 1998 Tool
DownloadFlying Ace + ... 2005 Crack
DownloadFor Sorting ... 2000 One-File Demo
DownloadForever Ever ... 2006 Music(#6 C64 Music at Forever 7)
DownloadFreedom ... 2002 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Mainframe 2002)
DownloadFunction Key ... 2012 Music(#6 Mixed Music at Demodays 2012)
DownloadGalaxy + ... 2002 Crack
DownloadGenesis + ... 2002 Crack
DownloadGhosts'n Goblins +8 ... 2001 Crack
DownloadGlide Away ... 2005 Music(#3 Mixed Music at 7D5 Demo Party)
DownloadGo For It ... 2004 Music(#6 C64 Music at tUM 2004)
DownloadGodbreath ... 2000 One-File Demo
DownloadGravity 3 ... 2003 Game(#1 C64 Game at Vision 2003)
DownloadGreenish ... 2001 4K Intro(#10 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 2001)
DownloadGrid + ... 2006 Crack
DownloadGwen ... 2019 Graphics
DownloadHappy 2009 ... 2009 Music
DownloadHappy2k2 ... 2001 4K Intro
DownloadHeavy Metal Deluxe ... 2002 Game
DownloadHeavy Metal Deluxe W.I.P Preview ... 2002 Game Preview
DownloadHenry's House + ... ??? Crack
DownloadHires Multicolor Tool ... 2003 Tool
DownloadHires-Tool V2.0 ... 2015 Tool
DownloadHomer's dayout ... 2003 Music Collection
DownloadHot Shot +3 ... 2004 Crack
DownloadHotshot +3 ... ??? Crack
DownloadHouse C64 Remix ... 2003 Music(#6 C64 Music at North Party V8.0)
DownloadHover Bovver ... 1998 Crack
DownloadHucky's First ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadI Can't Code 2 ... 2002 One-File Demo(#6 Mixed at Out of Orderia 2002)
DownloadI Can't Code 3 ... 2003 One-File Demo(#2 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 5)
DownloadI Entered the Dancefloor ... 2001 Music(#?? Mixed Music at LCP 2001)
DownloadImmortal ... 2006 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at Big Floppy People 2006)
DownloadIndependent God ... 2006 One-File Demo(#7 WiLD Demo at Forever 7)
DownloadInsane World ... 2002 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Mainframe 2002)
DownloadIntro Song Slow ... 2012 Music
DownloadJamming from the Past ... 2011 Music
DownloadJammy Packer V1.0 ... 2003 Tool(#12 Mixed at Vision 2003)
DownloadJazz ... 2002 Graphics
DownloadJoho ... 2002 Music(#?? Mixed at Mail Madness Party 3)
DownloadJudas Iscariot ... 1998 Graphics(#13 Mixed at Willow Party 1998)
DownloadJumper Preview ... 2007 Crack
DownloadJust Something ... 2004 One-File Demo(#9 Mixed at Willow Party 2004)
DownloadKill Your Idols ... 2002 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at GREP 2002)
DownloadKiller-Drive 64 #10 [german] ... 2000 Diskmag
DownloadKoala Fade-In Generator ... 2003 Tool
DownloadKung-Fu Master +3 ... ??? Crack
DownloadKurt and Doris ... 2001 Demo
DownloadKurze Melodie ... 2002 Music(#3 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 4)
DownloadKurzschluss ... 2007 One-File Demo(#1 Mixed at Willow Party 2007)
DownloadLeaves ... 2002 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Forever III)
DownloadLEXX - The Dark Zone ... 1998 Graphics Collection
DownloadLords of Chaos ... 2004 Crack
DownloadLove ... 1998 Graphics(#11 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadLow Range ... 1998 Graphics Collection
DownloadLSD 4k ... 2000 4K Intro(#3 C64 4K Intro at Computer's Hell 2000)
DownloadMagic Carpet +2 ... 2008 Crack
DownloadMagic Copy V1.3+ ... 1997 Tool
DownloadMemory Mover V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadMicro-Writer 2 ... 2004 Tool
DownloadMilliardär ... 2005 Crack
DownloadMini Painter V2.0 ... 2000 Tool
DownloadMinimal Jungle Experience ... 2004 Music(#12 C64 Music at North Party V9.0)
DownloadMist ... 2004 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Forever 5)
DownloadMontezuma's Revenge + ... 2000 Crack
DownloadMSX Front 64 #1 ... 2004 Music Collection
DownloadMSX Front 64 #2 ... 2005 Music Collection
DownloadMSX Front 64 #3 ... 2008 Music Collection
DownloadMusic for Boys ... 2000 Music Collection
DownloadMy World ... 1998 Music Collection
DownloadNamevoter ... 2002 Music(#10 C64 Music at LCP 2002)
DownloadNecrophilia Is Ok!! ... 2003 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Breakpoint 2003)
DownloadNew start ... 2005 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at 7D5 Demo Party)
DownloadNibly ... 2005 Crack
DownloadNotepad ... 2004 Tool
DownloadNyaaaah! 2003 [seuck] ... 2004 Game
DownloadOld-fashioned Goose Shampoo ... 2001 Music(#4 C64 Music at Floppy 2001)
DownloadOlo + ... ??? Crack
DownloadOne Hot Minute ... 2003 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Mail Madness Party 6)
DownloadOne Moment of Tecnikaliti 70% ... 2004 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at 7D4 Demo Party)
DownloadOops... I did it again ... 2003 Graphics(#14 Mixed at Willow Party 2003)
DownloadPacta cum daemonibus ... 2004 Graphics(Released at Mail Madness Party 7)
DownloadPakacuda +2 ... 2003 Crack
DownloadParty on the 64 ... 2002 Music(#13 C64 Music at Forever III)
DownloadParty-Music-Player V0.1 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadPaul der Käfer ... 2004 Crack
DownloadPaul Norman Attack Volume 1 ... 2000 Crack
DownloadPBC - Noter II ... 2005 Tool
DownloadPBC-Noter ... 1997 Tool
DownloadPic-Changer V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadPillow Fluff ... 2004 Music(#3 C64 Music at Primary Star 2004)
DownloadPing ... ??? Game
DownloadPingu ... 1999 Music
DownloadPlanet of Death ... 2006 Crack
DownloadPower of Recollection ... 1994 Game
DownloadPowernoter 8 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadProphecy & Fate ... 2006 Demo(#7 C64 Demo at Breakpoint 2006)
DownloadProphecy & Fate Remastered ... 2012 Music
DownloadPs4partyscroller ... 2004 One-File Demo(Released at Primary Star 2004)
DownloadPublication #10 ... 1996 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #11 ... 1996 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #12 ... 1996 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #13 ... 1996 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #14 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #15 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #16 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #17 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #18 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #19 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #20 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #21 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #22 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #23 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #24 ... 1997 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #25 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #26 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #27 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #28 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #29 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #30 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #31 ... 1999 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #32 ... 1999 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #33 ... 1999 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #34 ... 1999 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #35 ... 1999 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #36 ... 2000 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #37 ... 2000 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #38 ... 2000 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #39 ... 2000 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #40 ... 2000 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #41 ... 2000 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #42 ... 2001 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #43 ... 2001 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #44 ... 2001 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #45 ... 2001 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #46 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #47 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #48 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #49 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #50 ... 2003 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #51 ... 2003 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #52 ... 2004 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #53 ... 2004 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #54 ... 2005 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #55 ... 2005 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #56 ... 2005 Diskmag
DownloadPublication #57 ... 2006 Diskmag
DownloadPublication Text Packer V0.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadReflective ... 2001 Music(#5 C64 Music at Core 2001)
DownloadRobotics ... 2001 One-File Demo(#?? Mixed Demo at PHAT1)
DownloadSchwert & Magie VII + VIII ... 2006 Crack
DownloadSeafox + ... 1998 Crack
DownloadSelfportrait ... 2003 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at Vision 2003)
DownloadSerenity-Noter ... 2003 Tool
DownloadShanghai ... 1998 Crack
DownloadShellreef ... 1997 Game
DownloadSimple 9x9 - Charset - Editor ... 2006 Tool
DownloadSingles Collection Volume 2 ... 2003 Demo
DownloadSit in My Underwear, Drinking Pepsi ... 2002 Music(#16 Mixed at Vision 2002)
DownloadSix Exclusive Tunes ... 2012 Music
DownloadSkate Rock + ... ??? Crack
DownloadSkin Goes Beserk ... 2004 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Out of Orderia 2004)
DownloadSliggy SOS [seuck] ... 2004 Game
DownloadSmart Logo Maker V1.0+ ... 2007 Tool
DownloadSmart Logo-Maker ... 2007 Tool
DownloadSmash 4k ... 2003 4K Game(#35 Mixed at 2003 MiniGame Compo)
DownloadSnodge's Big Day Out ... 2007 Music(#4 C64 Music at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadSnokie + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadSolaris ... 2004 Music(#6 C64 Music at Primary Star 2004)
DownloadSongs for Summer ... 2005 Music Collection
DownloadSprite -> Char-Animation ... 1997 Tool
DownloadSquare ... 2001 One-File Demo
DownloadSquare Pit 64 ... 2007 Game(#2 WiLD Demo at Forever 8)
DownloadStar Noter V1.0 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadStereoid ... 2005 Graphics Collection(#11 Mixed at Willow Party 2005)
DownloadSub Hunter - Prototype preview ... 2004 Game Preview
DownloadSub Hunter Final Preview (Level 1) ... 2006 Game Preview
DownloadSuper Galaxys Duel ... 2003 Game
DownloadSuper Galaxys Game Preview V1.1 ... 2003 Game Preview
DownloadSuper Galaxys Preview ... 2003 Game Preview
DownloadSwinging in 2007 ... 2007 One-File Demo(#6 C64 Demo at 15 Years Oxyron Party 2007)
DownloadTech 4k ... 2001 4K Intro(#5 Mixed at Willow Party 2001)
DownloadThat Annoying Ring Tone ... 2006 Music(#3 C64 Music at Primary Star 2006)
DownloadThats Sid ... 2002 Music(#4 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 4)
DownloadThe Light ... 2002 Music(#5 C64 Music at Mainframe 2002)
DownloadThe Lost Parts ... 2004 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Sacred Stone ... 2002 Music(#1 C64 Music at Role Party 2002)
DownloadTheme of Breakpoint ... 2004 Graphics(#13 C64 Graphics at Breakpoint 2004)
DownloadTheory of Remote Plane Hijacking ... 2001 Music Collection
DownloadThief ... 2001 One-File Demo
DownloadThinking ... 2004 One-File Demo
DownloadToolish World ... 1998 Tool Collection
DownloadTraditional Goat Polish ... 2001 Music(#?? C64 Music at TRAX 2001)
DownloadTriangle of Code II ... 2008 One-File Demo
DownloadTrip to Triton ... 2007 Music(#4 C64 Music at Nightshift 2007)
DownloadTrolly Valley Preview ... 2007 Crack (Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadTwo Guys in IFLI ... 1997 Graphics
DownloadU.a.c. ... 2004 Music
DownloadUtopia Version 2 ... 1999 Music
DownloadUtopish Style ... 1999 Graphics Collection
DownloadVidcom Crazy V3 ... 2001 Tool
DownloadVisitors ... 2002 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Floppy 2002)
DownloadVN#41 Song Fix ... 2004 Music
DownloadVoodoomania ... 1998 Music Collection
DownloadWasting Rastertime ... 2005 Music(#5 C64 Music at Forever Hex)
DownloadWeird !! ... ??? Basic Demo
DownloadWhat If........? ... 2004 Music(#13 C64 Music at X'2004)
DownloadWho Dares Wins +5 ... ??? Crack
DownloadWho Dares Wins II +3 ... ??? Crack
DownloadWicked Pixels #1 ... 1997 Graphics Collection
DownloadWizard II ... 1998 Game
DownloadWonderful Live 2006 ... 2006 Music
DownloadWorkaholic #1 ... 1999 Tool Collection
DownloadWorkaholic #2 ... 1999 Tool Collection
DownloadWorkaholic #3 ... 2004 Tool Collection
DownloadX-Static ... 2001 Music(#8 C64 Music at X'2001)
DownloadXmas 2002 ... 2002 One-File Demo(#1 Mixed at Mail Madness Party 4)
DownloadXmas Crazy ... 2005 Game
DownloadYou be mine ... 2004 Music(#6 C64 Music at Forever 5)
DownloadYou Rock The Boat ... 2007 Music(#4 C64 Music at Maximum Overdose 8)
DownloadZion ... 2005 Music(#23 C64 Music at The SID Compo V)
DownloadZorro + ... 2000 Crack
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About this site:
CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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