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- - Coffee and Cigarette anyone? <3 - - Where a circle of lovers meet themselves in a hall of sensuality, Jesus is among them in a sense of mystery (Symbolizing Gheymaid Inc.) - - But beware, if love through sex turns into AIDS, sex through love turns into SENSE (Symbolizing The Eternal Love)
Gheymaid Design
Founded by :
Knoeki & Intensity on 1 April 2007
Group Type :
Demo Group
Base Country :
Website :
http://www.gheymaid.org (in planning)
Trivia :
The Big Hunt :
The following poems I did write for those sceners I would like to gain (back) for the new Gheymaid Inc. If they feel loved and generated in their interest in any way, they will return to / join the group by themselves, except one person I probably lost forever, which you will recognize yourself who that is :
- Been there, Done That, I need you more than the heaven sent (Symbolizing DCMP)
- Could I just tell you why I treated you so bad, the sword would kill me for the best scene pal i ever had (Symbolizing Bordeaux)
- We reached our hands for you, you did not grab, we called out for you, you did not hear, too loose you forever, and we love you, is what we do fear (Symbolizing FMan)
- When a Turk meets an Iranian in such a friendly manner, the smell of kebab for everyone is dependant not only for the minor latter (Symbolizing Sonic)
- Wherever you are now, however you feel, whenever they treated you bad, I'm mad to get you back, night and day I am turning the wheel (Symbolizing Jessika)
- Could it be you sitting in a chair looking at me, let a kiss cause you to open your eyes and see (Symbolizing Lolita)
- Our prods are the rose of god's tongue, my look is so ice cold like nobody can rank (Symbolizing White Flame)
- You are the door, he knocks at my heart to, could you please open, mother of fortune, I love you (Symbolizing Nada)
- The rose of your smile embraces me like the dangerous kiss from a sweet innocent gothic child (Symbolizing Mermaid)
- It's not because we can love, it's because we do love! (Symbolizing Zerozillion)
- The sweetness in your look tells more tales than a thousand sided book (Symbolizing Motion)
- Reading your sentences, it's like if the white light does shine through my heart and it's fences (Symbolizing Xiny6581)
- You achieved more than us all, slick as Finland's ice, you stand in front of us bright, thick and tall (Symbolizing Codehead)
- Your bright humour belongs to Gheymaid Inc., like the yearn for a sweet laughter in the dead heart of mine (Symbolizing Fade)
And last but not least...
- Our teenage dream will die again never, that you choosed the dark side and did not return, not being able to undo, good bye my friend, it will part us forever... (Symbolizing Knoeki)
And more members to come and go eventually...
History Of Gheymaid Inc. :
2006: Intensity got inspired by the movie "Coffee And Cigarettes" by Jim Jarmusch so much, that he started to spread online coffee and cigarettes in the IRCnet Channel #c-64 frequently for the other sceners. That behaviour got more and more popular amongst the people, while different guys from the channel got "educated as Gheymaids" from time to time to let them serve coffee and cigarettes in the channel more or less aswell.
2007-2010: Gheymaid Inc. was founded by Intensity and Knoeki on the 1st of April and did it's first steps being a comedy group releasing a few demos and collections at the start. Almost all "educated Gheymaids" joined the group officially. A funny and familiar atmosphere surrounded the group, until Intensity lost the motivation by the time to work on the group, because of certain issues which he just could not fit to his imagination of his group actually. By the meantime the train seemed to derail, after the most members left the group.
2011: Still the "red line" forced Intensity, after almost every member, except Xiny6581 and Motion, left the group, to order his thoughts about GMI to create a new concept. A Music/Graphics group was born out of GMI in this year again seeking merely for female artists, aswell as christian orientated guys and others from the scene.
Today: Gheymaid Inc. stays the phun group, like it was before. Instead of the concept of a "pure phun group", it has now it's weight in the topic of the "true, dearest and most faithful love" the scene ever could present symbolically, concentrating on a complete design and art basis, producing graphics and music collections only, no demos, no magazines, no tools, no cracks etc.
Final Words:
Gheymaid Inc.'s other aim, which might interest you all, is a secret one, built on the idea to form a real positive scene sect, a phenomenon never seen before in the scene. To reveal it now will destruct everything, so I will keep the secret, I won't share it even among the members... Until the right time comes, when a certain in the truest sense of the word satisfying happening will take place, where only insiders and chosen ones, so called victims of love, will be able to take part in.
One Last Message:
"Matthew 19,26: But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."
Current Members :
Motion | (1/4-2007 -> ) | .... | Coder, Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician |
Releases : (33)
Submitted by TheRyk on 20 January 2011
Just read about it in a chat. My deepest sympathies. RIP. |
Submitted by leonofsgr on 20 January 2011
Submitted by Motion on 14 December 2009
If I've dissolved, I wouldn't be able to type this now, would I? I'm still active in GMI and there is some code to be deployed. The others decided to leave, I didn't. So the group exists for now - then I can lay it to rest with some dignity!
Submitted by plagueis on 9 December 2009
Gheymaid dissolved Dec. 7??? At least give us a farewell disk-mag explaining the tumultuous events leading to its eventual demise. |
Submitted by Radiant on 20 February 2009
Nice that somebody is keeping the spirit alive. :-) |
Submitted by The Overkiller on 20 February 2009
Submitted by Medicus on 20 February 2009
LOL. The last 2 statements look so 1988ish :). \o/ |
Submitted by Intensity on 26 October 2008
Dear Knoeki, You neither contributed ANYTHING to GMI to make it active nor you did theI gfx I asked you to do *one year ago*, just the simplest gfx you can do, hell you could even use a converter!
Ok, the demo crashed, and it wasn't a kickass demo anyways, but several ppl seem to like it. What do you really want? You NEVER did give me constructive critique to my organisation, just said yes and amen to everything and then quit the group.
However, I discussed with other members anyways about GMI, and we decided to soon delete all inactive members, so we can do the deal also without you! Bye Bye Knoeki! |
Submitted by null on 26 October 2008
I quit the group on X'08, because instead of having the demo we had planned was not released, nor was there anything really nice. the release we did have was just a lame videoconvertion which diddn't run on a real c64, even though they had plenty time to test it.
in other news, Intensity just doesn't seem to be able to organize a group properly, meaning that a lot of people are just doing stuff for themselves ( or working for their other groups ) instead of working together. Just look at the releaselist... there are THREE X-mas demos... |
Submitted by Intensity on 4 October 2008
Jessika quit the group due to personal troubles. |
Submitted by ZZAP69 on 27 May 2008
Sorry if I've been sleeping, but what happend to jESSIKA? |
Submitted by Optimus on 21 February 2008
Strange name for a group.
I do not like neither coffee nor cigarettes.
The gfx and design of some of your releases rulez though!
Promising new group and seeming fun.
Heh :) |
Submitted by stash on 20 December 2007
Submitted by Intensity on 26 July 2007
Changed the trivia, i hope it's more understandable now. Greetings, Arman |
Submitted by Intensity on 27 May 2007
What this group is all about? Hell, can't you read?
We mention it AGAIN : This is not fake group releasing joke-pr0n-fake-productions. Instead we want to use our time to surprise the scene with coffee&cigarettes related Demos and Collections in a Café-Ambience. If there is any uncertainaty about this group, we welcome you to ask your questions in the CSDB-Forum. Thanks! |
Submitted by Matt on 25 May 2007
@knoeki: yes rome was built in one day, didn't you know that? :)
come on what is this group all about of is het gewoon allemaal dikke zever? |
Submitted by null on 23 May 2007
FMan: rome wasn't built in one day... give us a bit time =)
from what I've seen so far, we have pretty cool stuff ^^ |
Submitted by Raf on 5 May 2007
no sarcasm , no lies. just the most idiotic reason to set up a group I have ever read. and ... such a "group" is getting relatively high attention. WTF? is the scene already dead? |
Submitted by Intensity on 27 April 2007
Submitted by ZZAP69 on 20 April 2007
My downvote stays until this group has made a release! Making this group land on top groups is for sure an abuse of the CSDB. |
Submitted by Intensity on 14 April 2007
I know it was fun to be on the top of the charts. but I have to agree with DCMP. I recommend you all to remove your votes, and give us votes when we have released something, to make the CSDB votes at least "a bit" more serious. |
Submitted by DCMP on 14 April 2007
Why vote for a group that has not released anything.
That makes no sense in the first place. |
Submitted by icon on 11 April 2007
What Zyron said...Top groups?!... Jesus!!! |
Submitted by Intensity on 11 April 2007
Some ppl are really getting jealous I suppose. :) No seriously, we are not to blame that we are at the top of the charts, it's just our geeky popularity factor. We have never deserved being voted higher than Crest or Oxyron. But I am sure we will prove with our releases that we are a decent demo group. |
Submitted by null on 10 April 2007
In case you have not noticed... as you can read in the forums, we are working on stuff... I repeat:
so look out for some nice productions coming to you in the new future...
and I will repeat again (because some people are clearly ignorant after we have told we are not fake for 4537 times...):
*rawr* -_-' |
Submitted by Zyron on 10 April 2007
I agree, seeing this as #1 in Top Groups is simply offensive to the other groups. |
Submitted by maestro on 10 April 2007
no releases and yet still top group!!! hmmm me thinks this group should be removed or all there votes should be disregarded |
Submitted by LordNikon on 2 April 2007
__o .. _o\ .. \o\ .. |o| .. |o/ .. /o/ .. /o_ .. o__
*** Gheymaid Inc. - da ruling company! ;) ***
__o .. _o\ .. \o\ .. |o| .. |o/ .. /o/ .. /o_ .. o__ |
Submitted by Steppe on 1 April 2007
This is gonna have will been teh bestest group in Commodore history. EVER. And that includes Amiga and Comodoore PCs. NO KIDDING! |
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