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Vandalism News #67 [2017] |
Website :
Released At :
Syntax 2017
Achievements :
WiLD Demo Competition at Syntax 2017 : #3
Credits :
Code | .... | Perplex of Offence, Vandalism News Staff |
Music | .... | 6R6 of Nostalgia, SHAPE |
| | Hein of Vision |
| | Jammer of 1mandivision, Artstate, EXclusive ON, MultiStyle Labs, PriorArt, Samar Productions |
| | Jeroen Tel of Focus, Maniacs of Noise |
| | LMan of MultiStyle Labs, Oxyron, Performers, Remix64.com, The Tuneful Eight |
| | Magnar Harestad of Censor Design |
| | No-XS of Desire, House Designs, Toondichters |
| | psych858o of Artstate, Elysium, MultiStyle Labs, Onslaught |
| | Stinsen of Genesis Project |
| | V0yager of Darklight, Nah-Kolor, Tropyx |
| | Wiklund of Fairlight, Insane, MultiStyle Labs, Poo-Brain, Retroguru, Sid Ryders |
| | ZZAP69 of MaZZA, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
Graphics | .... | Almighty God of Level 64, Onslaught, Sputnik World, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Animal Bro of Funkentstört |
| | grip of F*A*I*C, Istari, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
| | iLKke of DataDoor, Funkentstört, RGCD |
| | Pal of F*A*I*C, Fairlight, Offence, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Seven of The Solution |
| | Shine of Arsenic, Delysid |
Design | .... | Jazzcat of Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, RGCD, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Pal of F*A*I*C, Fairlight, Offence, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Perplex of Offence, Vandalism News Staff |
Text | .... | Bob of Censor Design |
| | Conjuror of Offence, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Deetsay of Da Jormas, Dual Crew Shining, Nah-Kolor, Orange, Panic, Zymosis |
| | grip of F*A*I*C, Istari, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Jazzcat of Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, RGCD, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Macx of Chromance, F*A*I*C, MaZZA, Offence, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Magic of Nah-Kolor, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Magnar Harestad of Censor Design |
| | Marq of Dekadence, Fit |
| | Pal of F*A*I*C, Fairlight, Offence, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Perplex of Offence, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Seven of The Solution |
| | TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday! |
| | Unkle K of Reset Magazine Staff |
Linking | .... | Perplex of Offence, Vandalism News Staff |
Loader | .... | Krill of Plush |
Interviewed | .... | Anthony Stiller of Pond, Privy Software, Reset Magazine Staff |
| | Flex of Artline Designs |
| | Oziphantom |
| | Shine of Arsenic, Delysid |
Test | .... | Magic of Nah-Kolor, Vandalism News Staff |
Help | .... | Didi of Laxity |
| | Sander |
| | Zagon |
Directory Art | .... | ptoing of Funkentstört |
| | Sink of Desire |
SIDs used in this release :
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Summary Submitted by WAVE on 30 November 2017
I love the amount of new SID KIDZ in this... kidding! Amazing how they got everybody onboard to write or submit new tunes for this release. | Summary Submitted by hedning on 26 November 2017
Moved from Comments:
"Submitted by Magic on 26 November 2017
Spread across 5 sides of pure
8-bit eye and ear candy!
- Vandalism News unveils the CSDb Plain PetSCII results!
- Who is hot and who is not? The latest news, best demo
reviews and most recent charts inside!
- CSDb; Perff the founding father talks about what became
one of the main pillars of today's C64 scene!
- Interviews: we go one on one with Flex, Ant Stiller and Shine
- Partyzone lookback at 2017: reporting exclusively from
Revision, Nordlicht, Gubbdata, Radwar, Zoo and
Datastorm Winter & Summer!
- Backstage: Bob/Censor Design gives an insight on the
challenges of making Censor Design demos!
- Hitmen in trouble: how a group got split up!
- World-record: making 13.6kHz unlimited channels 8-bit
sample looper on the C64!
- The Market - Games & Hardware: the most comprehensive
list with exclusive commentary.
- 10 exclusive SID tracks inside! Bop your head to Wiklund, Psycho8580+Jammer, LMan,
Magnar, 6R6, Hein, Stinsen, ZZAP69, V0yager and No-XS!
- Intro done by Offence featuring Jeroen Tel with 8 speed sid music!
- And much, much more inside!" |
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