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Vandalism News #60 [2013] |
Diamond Edition
Website :
Released At :
Syntax 2013
Achievements :
WiLD Demo Competition at Syntax 2013 : #4
Credits :
Code | .... | Ed of Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
| | Jolz of Onslaught |
Music | .... | celticdesign of Genesis Project, Masters' Design Group |
| | dEViLOCk of Arsenic, Oxyron, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. |
| | DJB of Onslaught |
| | Flex of Artline Designs |
| | Hein of Vision |
| | Laxity of Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants |
| | Linus of Camelot, Crest, Resource, Tristar & Red Sector Inc., Viruz |
| | OMP of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix |
| | Scarzix of F*A*I*C, Offence |
| | SIDWAVE of Ancients |
| | SoNiC of Onslaught, Smash Designs, The Art Project Studios, The Obsessed Maniacs |
| | Stein Pedersen of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix |
Graphics | .... | Almighty God of Ancients Pledge Inc., Inside, Level 64, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
| | grip of F*A*I*C, Istari, Senex, Vandalism News Staff |
| | iLKke of DataDoor, Funkentstört, RGCD |
| | Joe of Crest, Hoaxers, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
| | Veto of Arsenic, Oxyron |
Design | .... | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, RGCD, Vandalism News Staff |
Disk Cover | .... | Duce of Extend |
Text | .... | Conrad of Onslaught, Samar Productions, Viruz |
| | Devia of Ancients, Arsenic, F*A*I*C |
| | Ed of Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
| | grip of F*A*I*C, Istari, Senex, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Heavy Stylus of RGCD |
| | Hoild of Cinematic Intuitive Dynamix |
| | Intensity of Dekadence, Level 64 |
| | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, RGCD, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Joe of Crest, Hoaxers, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
| | Kenz of Binary Zone, Commodore Zone, Cosine, Psytronik Software |
| | Lemming of HiRMU, Nostalgia, Offence, Orange, Späggession |
| | Lft of Kryo |
| | MacGyver of Bliss |
| | Macx of Chromance, F*A*I*C, MaZZA, Offence, Onslaught, Senex, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Pal of F*A*I*C, Fairlight, Offence |
| | Ray of Unreal |
| | Scarzix of F*A*I*C, Offence |
| | Skull of FanCA, Samar Productions |
| | Stan of BRAINfART, Hitmen |
| | The Chaos Engineer of Hokuto Force |
| | Vengeance of Onslaught, The Force, Vandalism News Staff |
| | ZZAP69 of MaZZA, Onslaught, Senex, Vandalism News Staff |
Charset | .... | Joe of Crest, Hoaxers, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
Linking | .... | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, RGCD, Vandalism News Staff |
Concept | .... | Vengeance of Onslaught, The Force, Vandalism News Staff |
Loader | .... | Jolz of Onslaught |
Interviewed | .... | Bob of Censor Design |
| | Crossbow of Crest |
| | cTrix of Disaster Area |
| | Fix of Onslaught, Rewind, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. |
| | grip of F*A*I*C, Istari, Senex, Vandalism News Staff |
Help | .... | Adam of Onslaught |
| | Ian Coog of HVSC Crew |
| | Mermaid of Genesis Project, Vision |
| | Sander of Fairlight |
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User Comment Submitted by NecroPolo on 11 April 2016
After a little phase delay I could check this one. Great stuff and great read.
I'm especially fond of Electrosphere pt1 tune by Scarzix. It kicks major ass! | User Comment Submitted by Jak T Rip on 3 January 2014
Wow, what a massive release. The diamond intro just blows me away. | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 22 November 2013 User Comment Submitted by fenz on 22 November 2013
Akira: Yeah, it doesn't state which side to swap to. It just says "DISK". How clever is that ;) | User Comment Submitted by celticdesign on 16 November 2013
what a blasting issue. find some time for reading now...
really love every part of it and feel in the mood to give some comments.
oh dear, the R.I.P section makes me cry as we are all getting old and time takes their tributes...
scarzix tune is so bloody awsome.
that is exactly the style i would like to do, but me fails hard. :-)
also love devilocks tune. man it's so fucking cool for reading!
same goes for prosonix! always love your flow!!
wow, laxity crispy beats and leads rocks!!!
man, djb sounds very draxish, what is a pretty good thing :-)
hein seems to be the disco queen! very nice conversion, awesome filters!!!
sonics tune is a smoth abd tripy journey. me likes alot (looping it for a long time now)!
nice medival tune from sidwave! you should listen to it as it has a real nice progression. love it when the drums flow in!!!
and last but not least 2 stunning tracks by flex <3
keep on rockin' all. starving for VN#61 now! | User Comment Submitted by Scarzix on 15 November 2013
Thanks MagerValp, I am glad you enjoyed it. Cruzer, you might be on to something there... :-) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 15 November 2013
if it works in 2.2, then it works in 2.4, except PEBCAK | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 15 November 2013 User Comment Submitted by Moloch on 15 November 2013
Running fine here with my WinVICE V2.4 install | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 15 November 2013
no problems whatsoever running in VICE 2.4.1/2.4.5
some wrong setting? 2 or more drives attached? try deleting vice.ini | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 15 November 2013
Conrad: I stopped with 2.2 in Vice (the rest I had problems with after this). | User Comment Submitted by Conrad on 15 November 2013
Running this on Vice 2.4 and seems to stop loading half-way after the intro. ?! (TDE is on) | User Comment Submitted by Fungus on 15 November 2013
Great issue, great tunes, great articles all around. +1 #c64isntdeadyet | User Comment Submitted by Cruzer on 15 November 2013
I would say it's even w u n d e r s c h ö n | User Comment Submitted by MagerValp on 14 November 2013
I've had the tune by Scarzix looping for hours now, it's w o n d e r f u l. | User Comment Submitted by macx on 14 November 2013
Pay extra attention: The Ligherside is back! | User Comment Submitted by celticdesign on 14 November 2013
Thank you to all involved! Perfect mag!
10+ | User Comment Submitted by Akira on 12 November 2013
Lovely work as usual, big ups!!
I think I landed on a bug though. I was on "News V" and I tried to change the tune, which prompted for a Disk swap. The mag just got locked on that, it wouldn't recognize any disk. I went back to chose another article and that was the end of it, kept asking for "Disk"(which?) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 11 November 2013
"magic wand with smoke" ? yeah right. complete with a beachball floating on it \o/
i want some of that stuff too! | User Comment Submitted by Scarzix on 11 November 2013
Thanks G-Fellow. I kinda guessed you might like my tune. :-) not sure how many others do, but hey, can't please everyone, right?
Awesome stuff to read btw. tried to see if I could read it all in one evening... failed. hehe as expected. Had a blast reading about the events I was at myself. Including sharing the flat with Bob, Magnar and the Offence/FLT guys at BFP. Truely a fun weekend in my memory.
And grip, you ... you William Gibson you! :-) Nice Monalisa stuff. Loved it! | User Comment Submitted by Archmage on 10 November 2013 User Comment Submitted by Dr.Science on 10 November 2013
WOW, this is not only a Diamond Edition, but a MONSTER Edition, too! Just enjoying it, this will be a nice reading! And yes, the intro rocks! | User Comment Submitted by G-Fellow on 10 November 2013
I did read all, except The Market, I read this later. A really good issue with very good written articles. Alot of interesting informations and background scene informations.
My favourite tune is from Scarzix, followed from the Flex tunes... | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 10 November 2013
And crossbow answered NONE of my questions.. :-) | User Comment Submitted by iceout on 10 November 2013 User Comment Submitted by Cruzer on 10 November 2013
Great work yall! And wow, Crossbow actually answered some of my questions! Epic! :D | User Comment Submitted by FATFrost on 9 November 2013
Shit... It's amazing to have a mag as good as this.... And the intro is awesome.... Amazing music and the graphics...phew... Especially by illke... Jeeezzzzusss.... What a great Saturday... Thanks!!! | User Comment Submitted by Doc Strange on 9 November 2013
Hats off, amazing edition. Definitely will read through everything during the weekend. Straight 10. | User Comment Submitted by Fix on 9 November 2013 User Comment Submitted by Dr.j on 9 November 2013
One word: WOW. it two words (or more..) such incredible intro i haven't seen for ages , so impressive effect of the rasters, about the issue i didn't read yet all the articles but i shall do it during the week. thumbs up for such big efforts from Onslaught and Wrath Design to bring this diamond edition. you guyz Jazzcat (and the rest) simply rocks ! | User Comment Submitted by Sledge on 9 November 2013
The intro was really cool! I have not had time to read the magazine yet. Moving to a new house makes it hard to get really good data moments! | User Comment Submitted by MacGyver on 9 November 2013
radiantx: Indeed, not yet. Thought you were refering to the charts. My bad :) | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 9 November 2013
MacGyver: You obviously didn't read the "World of Demos" chapter. | User Comment Submitted by MacGyver on 9 November 2013
Thanks to all involved for the massive amount of work that went into this. At the first glance, it has absolutely paid off. Glad I could contribute ("The Market").
radiantx: Because the question was not "Best Demo 2013", but "Top Demos since September 2012", obviously so voters could include demos released at X2012. | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 9 November 2013
Extremely nice intro.
But, how can Coma Light 13 be a candidate for 2013's best demo? | User Comment Submitted by Prowler64 on 9 November 2013
Cool, now I have something to read during the week! | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 9 November 2013
namevoting still rules in 2013, already a 10 and the file isn't upped yet.
edit: now I can place my 10 aswell, but I like to judge by myself after actually running it than judging from the party bigscreen =)
Great mag as usual, very impressive intro, big amount of great tunes | User Comment Submitted by Magic on 9 November 2013
Finally its here! The 60th issue.. Respect! En keep em coming!
Edit: Saw the issue on the livestream.. :) |
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