Text: | inja - quite a cool one, beats many imit
ations for sure! E.' rtmbo Ci.L - bw dr!
these tunes are t@solute shit! i bet Dh
ey were used by a mistake! E..O robocop
- this is just a masterpiece - with the
touch of class - beat that monC!! E..x v
indicator - my t@solute favorite tune on
the compie, i've hetrd nothing comptrt@
je with these great pieces, just check o
ut the titje tune in level c! E.* ren"*
de Ci2 - not much to sayC.: a bit disapp
ointing maybeC?! E..B platoon - some rea
l nasty melodies have been put into thes
e tunesc.1 another goldie!!C !CC .2that'
s it i think (i hope i didn't forget any
!) BC 2well, resttrt @ AI <read the ot
her scroll first F.U .$B ok, this is tra
p of bonzai writingD... C i just wrote t
he other scroller so i am a bit out o in
spi' - i'll just get myself a cigarettec
.+ hang on!! N.* A back!!C /the taste o
f itC!" EmD.C .'B ok, as ftr as i am i
nformed it seems that our name is alread
y spread quite well, and i'm happy to he
tr that! C ooh by the way, as i spoke
with stone of our group c.( bonzai c..'
he asked me to write something to him D.
Ak B ok, veikko!! A hello stone, how
are you doing, cool pal - i hope your pa
rents won't get a hetrtattack when Dhey
get Dhe phone bill!! anyway, who ctres??
by the way - you better sttrt to go pap
er-rounds, ctuse we tll tre going to the
dominators, upfront and trilogy ptrty o
n the twenty-sixth of december, and i ex
pect that you will come to my place ther
eafter so that you and i ctn have a vGe.
Try 'wet' new-yetrs ptrty (i know Dhe pl
aces to be (places to be is equal to 'g
i r l s') - so, i hope you will comeC.8
no no, what am i sayingC?C 1you m u sH
KPcomeC.6 do you hetr me, stoneC?.n com
e or drop!! B (not to be misunderstood!)
A well, veikko-boy, now i've written ab
out six hundred bytes of text to you (ha
ppy now, babe'??)C !CC 8let's change the
subjectD..< A i'd like to send some pe
rsonal greetings, and here we goE." BD A
wfox of upfront (hi pal, i hope that you
will finish the logo for our t-shirts s
oon - i will beat you in a beer-competit
ion aKPDhe ptrty, so you better sttrt pr
acticing, martin!!) - k.kid of dominator
s (hi dtnny, i hope that we ctn sttrt sw
apping videos as soon as i get my video!
C?A.) - colin of opal (hi colin, thanks
for the post-ctrd (a bit late maybe!) i
hope you and i will have a great swap-ti
me together (greet amok from me!)) - tsh
of trc+wwe (hi pal, i hope that you're
not angry bectuse of the long delay!? h
ow about a logo for us??) - unicorn of m
icro (hi mister paperboy!! i am really l
ooking forward to your next demo!) - the
creep of x-factor (cool ctlls, ctll me
again soon, will ya?!) - bagder of horiz
on (i am still waiting for a new demo fr
om you guyz??) - A i better enac..M also
some greetings to : C t.j. of sharks -
falcon of run dmc - all in dominators -
business (hi simon!) - tony of shape (f
ootball is a disease or what?) - cody of
ice-t (thanx for fixing that ct@je for
me - you're a real pal, j0rgen!)E .1A o
k, i think that's about it - see ya all
laterC!3 B ooh by the wayC..? i hope a
lso to be on the amiga after christmass
- see ya thereD.F !CD .trap crap wrap |