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Text from Jonathan Dunn Music Collection

Description:Damaged scrolltext recovered partly.
Text:inja - quite a cool one, beats many imit
ations for sure! E.' rtmbo Ci.L - bw dr!
these tunes are t@solute shit! i bet Dh
ey were used by a mistake! E..O robocop
- this is just a masterpiece - with the
touch of class - beat that monC!! E..x v
indicator - my t@solute favorite tune on
the compie, i've hetrd nothing comptrt@
je with these great pieces, just check o
ut the titje tune in level c! E.* ren"*
de Ci2 - not much to sayC.: a bit disapp
ointing maybeC?! E..B platoon - some rea
l nasty melodies have been put into thes
e tunesc.1 another goldie!!C !CC .2that'
s it i think (i hope i didn't forget any
!) BC 2well, resttrt @ AI <read the ot
her scroll first F.U .$B ok, this is tra
p of bonzai writingD... C i just wrote t
he other scroller so i am a bit out o in
spi' - i'll just get myself a cigarettec
.+ hang on!! N.* A back!!C /the taste o
f itC!" EmD.C .'B ok, as ftr as i am i
nformed it seems that our name is alread
y spread quite well, and i'm happy to he
tr that! C ooh by the way, as i spoke
with stone of our group c.( bonzai c..'
he asked me to write something to him D.
Ak B ok, veikko!! A hello stone, how
are you doing, cool pal - i hope your pa
rents won't get a hetrtattack when Dhey
get Dhe phone bill!! anyway, who ctres??
by the way - you better sttrt to go pap
er-rounds, ctuse we tll tre going to the
dominators, upfront and trilogy ptrty o
n the twenty-sixth of december, and i ex
pect that you will come to my place ther
eafter so that you and i ctn have a vGe.
Try 'wet' new-yetrs ptrty (i know Dhe pl
aces to be (places to be is equal to 'g
i r l s') - so, i hope you will comeC.8
no no, what am i sayingC?C 1you m u sH
KPcomeC.6 do you hetr me, stoneC?.n com
e or drop!! B (not to be misunderstood!)
A well, veikko-boy, now i've written ab
out six hundred bytes of text to you (ha
ppy now, babe'??)C !CC 8let's change the
subjectD..< A i'd like to send some pe
rsonal greetings, and here we goE." BD A
wfox of upfront (hi pal, i hope that you
will finish the logo for our t-shirts s
oon - i will beat you in a beer-competit
ion aKPDhe ptrty, so you better sttrt pr
acticing, martin!!) - k.kid of dominator
s (hi dtnny, i hope that we ctn sttrt sw
apping videos as soon as i get my video!
C?A.) - colin of opal (hi colin, thanks
for the post-ctrd (a bit late maybe!) i
hope you and i will have a great swap-ti
me together (greet amok from me!)) - tsh
of trc+wwe (hi pal, i hope that you're
not angry bectuse of the long delay!? h
ow about a logo for us??) - unicorn of m
icro (hi mister paperboy!! i am really l
ooking forward to your next demo!) - the
creep of x-factor (cool ctlls, ctll me
again soon, will ya?!) - bagder of horiz
on (i am still waiting for a new demo fr
om you guyz??) - A i better enac..M also
some greetings to : C t.j. of sharks -
falcon of run dmc - all in dominators -
business (hi simon!) - tony of shape (f
ootball is a disease or what?) - cody of
ice-t (thanx for fixing that ct@je for
me - you're a real pal, j0rgen!)E .1A o
k, i think that's about it - see ya all
laterC!3 B ooh by the wayC..? i hope a
lso to be on the amiga after christmass
- see ya thereD.F !CD .trap crap wrap

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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