Fresh Party 1990
Party Report
Submitted by freestyle (Freestyle) on October 1 2008
Written by Freestyle
Fresh Party Report from Lucerne/Switzerland 20./21. April 1990; Released in Mamba #07
the party was held from 21st to 22nd April in Lucerne, Switzerland...
here we go...
one could think this party can't be
good, coz switzerland is a bad coun-
try to make copy-parties. but on our
opinion everyone who thought this,
thought wrong! the party was well or-
ganized. there was for example a
billard-table, a table-tennis, a pin-
ball-machine, a popcorn-machine and
a lot more.
the following groups were present at
the party:
fresh, genesis project, crazy, the
force, best cracking team, future
concepts, the ancient temple, kiss,
the cfa, actual, lazer, abstract...
genesis was busy with some life-crax,
done by the goblin, while fresh,the
cfa and stingray made some imports.
the demo-competition was on a high
standart. the first price was a ra-
ther new c-64! the results are:
1. tat
2. future concepts
3. the force
4. kiss
5. lightflash
6. sky runners
the main room was in a disco. the
discolights and the cool sound let
grow up the atmosphere, coz several
groups haven't finished their demo
in time, the deadline was set to the
end of the party and there was no
time left to show the demos to the
above the room for the c-64's there
was a room for amigas. on the first
day there were also about 50 amiga-
freaks. but they disappeared on the
same evening. well, i think this par-
ty was a success in the opinion of
the majority...