TUM 99
Party Report
Submitted by Fzool (Fzool) on April 24 2002
Written by StyX of HeadCrash (PC)
Welcome to the report of our TUM '99 party trip.Enjoy.
Day 1:
Right after school we all packed together our PC's. A bit too late Ctulhu and Ramon (again) arrived at my home. After that we drove to ThUmB and fetched him. On the way to Mannheim (the city where the party should take place) of course there was a traffic jam and so we arrived Mannheim quite late in the evening. After that the search for the party hall began. All we knew was, that it was located somewhere in the industry-harbour, but hell, they have "Harbour 1", "Harbour 2".... So we drove around absolutely stupid and passed very dark places where surely no one would go when it's dark ;)
After about 1 hour we finally asked some people in a company and we found out, that we already had missed the hall about 2 times with about 20 meters =) At 7 o'clock we reached the hall and build up our equipment. At that time there weren't too much people there. As we thought that they would keep the deadlines we started working as hell. ThUmB was tracking, I was finishing my ANSI's and Ctulhu continued the intro. Later we found out that they moved the deadlines about 10 hours ;) After some hours we still had problems squeezing the intro to 4096 bytes, but finally with some hardcore-optimizing we got it. During the next hours we just did this and that and talked to some nice people attending the party. The party hall was quite cool. It was an old industry-hall with a small bigscreen, black-lights, a rotating cube and so on. In the evening the organizers started to show some old and new demos which was very cool. After ThUmB had built in a network card Ramon gave him, suddenly his CPU-cooler fucked up. Wow, did you know how hot this piece can get ? ;) However, Ctulhu managed it to get it running again and ThUmB's processor is still alive. Here you can see the party hall. The computers in the back are ours. (Hell, why is mine shut down ???)
Day 2:
Finally some hours of sleep and the party could go on. The intro was finished now and we all recognized: man, this piece sux. We released it and waited for the compos to start. But they didn't start and so we were waiting. Today the organizers managed it to get the ethernet running and some very intelligent dudes were chatting on IRC with people just sitting 2 meters beside them ;) Ctulhu and Ramon filled their disks with tons of demos and other stuff. During the next hours we were quite unproductive (hmm, didn't ThUmB and me plan to continue on our school project ???) and so we played some old games like Giana Sisters and Mario Land. When looking around we saw many people playing, but those were C64 or Atari games so it was O.K ;) Later on some people went to a computer market near the party place and Ctulhu and me decided to buy something for eat and drink. When coming back of course all parking places were occupied and we had to park a few hundred meters away (on the way I threw down my bottles...plastic bottles rule ;) In the evening they announced on the bigscreen, that the 4k intro compo will be kicked. Of course this couldn't be and so we asked several people to make an intro so that the compo would be held. Finally only Ramon made an intro and so the compo could start ;) Late in the evening (with a delay of 12 hours) the ANSI compo started (in which I gave 2 of the 3 entries ;) and later on all the others. As expected the compos weren't too serious but there were still cool entries in the gfx and music compos. The last compo was the 4k intro and we realized, that our hardcore-optimizing was too hardcore. The intro fucked up and 2 parts were missing ;) (hmm, maybe those 2 instructions were quite important...) Luckily they executed it a second time and now it ran fine (the people were impressed and we received standing ovations). As nothing special happened that day you now may go on with day 3.
Day 3:
Early in the morning (after some sleep) I started to code again. Actually that's what i did most time ;) We all were waiting for the price giving now but they delayed it again. So we spent our time patching Windows (some nice texts during startup and on the buttons ;) and we tried to hack the GameBoy emulator, but it didn't work. With a delay of 2 hours the price-giving started. What a great victory ! Place 1 of 2 in the pc 4k intro compo ! Ctulhu and me took the great non-present price made of pure air and presented it to the crowd ;) Surprisingly ThUmB won the 4channel compo although they had burned his entry in the oven (drunken organizers suck ;) And even my ANSI made the 1st place and I won a great packet of crisps. After that we started to pack our things together and said goodbye to the organizers. We hope that this party will be held again next year because it was real fun. And perhaps the compos will have more entries next year. So, CA there !