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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #178591 : Dataliner - Native Python 2.7 Script
2019-06-22 11:48

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2932
Release id #178591 : Dataliner - Native Python 2.7 Script

Submitted by zzarko [PM] on 22 June 2019
I have modified dataliner script to work with Python 2 and Python 3, so no two versions are needed. You can find it at:


I have tested the output of original Python 2 script and modified-one with Python 2 and Python 3, and diff says that the outputs are identical (although, I tested with only one input file, so maybe more testing is needed).
2019-06-23 11:03

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1411
And here's a shorter version, with the multiple passes over the data removed and the temporary file with one text line per data byte optimised out.

from __future__ import print_function
import sys


if len(sys.argv)<4:
    print("Please enter all needed parameters:")
    print("Example: dataliner file.prg data.txt 100")
    print("This converts the binary data of file.prg into C64 V2 Basic data lines beginning "+
        "with line 100, stored in the file data.txt, which you can integrate in your Basic "+
        "listing with any text editor and copy and paste into VICE.")

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
    if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
        src=[ord(v) for v in f.read()]
        src= f.read()


if length < 3:
    print("Aborting. Selected binary file is too small!")

load_addr = src[1]*256+src[0]
line_number = int(sys.argv[3])

with open(sys.argv[2],'w+') as h:
    for i in range(2,length,16): # Die ersten beiden Adressbytes des C64 PRGs fliegen raus
        print("{} data {}".format(line_number, ",".join(str(x) for x in src[i:i+16])), file=h)
        line_number += 1

print("No. of bytes in DATA stream, omiting the first  2 address-bytes:", length-2)
print("File is loading in C64 memory at ${:04x}".format(load_addr))
print("Read into C64 memory from {} to {} + {}".format(load_addr, load_addr, length-3))
print("Location of text file with C64 Basic DATAs:   " + sys.argv[2])

2019-06-25 16:01
Account closed

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 228
Nice one, Christopher Jam.
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