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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2678 : The 128b font compo
2018-03-18 13:25

Registered: Jul 2007
Posts: 369
Event id #2678 : The 128b font compo

Welcome to the 128b font compo!

The goal is to create the most legible, stylish, and/or awesome font using an executable program no larger than 128 bytes. The assumption is that the ROM font will be used as a basis somehow, although this is not a formal requirement.

The deadline is end of April 8, 2018, in a time zone of your choice.

The compo is held at CSDb, and the result is determined by the weighted average rating (including non-public votes). The ratings will be sampled one week after the deadline, end of April 15, in a time zone of my choice.

Judges are asked to consider screen codes 00-3f only. This comprises the uppercase letters, digits, and punctuation. The rules do not mandate that reverse-video characters work, so it is all right if the cursor doesn't work properly.

I reserve the right to modify the rules if there is a good reason.

Technical requirements

Maximum file size including load address is 128 bytes.

The program must load to the default location ($801), and must be executable with RUN. The new font should be installed at address $3800, after which the program should return to the BASIC prompt, with the VIC bank register ($d018) updated to point to the new font.

The entry should be uploaded in .prg format.

A person may be creatively involved in at most two (2) compo entries. (Idea/test/help credits don't count towards the limit.) It's alright to withdraw an earlier entry in order to submit a new one, up to the deadline.


The following template code is offered as a convenience, and may be used as a starting point. It simply copies the default ROM font.

        .word   $801

        .word   $80b,1
        .byt    $9e,"2061",0,0,0

        lda     #$33
        sta     1
        ldx     #0
        ldy     #2
        lda     $d000,x

        ; ...
        sta     $3800,x
        bne     loop

        inc     src+2
        inc     dest+2
        bne     loop

        lda     #$37
        sta     1
        lda     #$1e
        sta     $d018


Happy hacking!
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2018-04-16 05:32

Registered: Jul 2012
Posts: 376
Congratulations to all of you! :D
My personal favorite is "Shaded" by Jammer. :)
2018-04-16 05:45
Account closed

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 25
This was my first compo and I loved every minute of it! Thanks everyone and congrats all round!
2018-04-16 09:02

Registered: Jan 2014
Posts: 48
Congrats to all from me as well, there was a lot of cool stuff and it was definitely fun working on my own entries. I'm also happy to see that my personal favorite actually made first place :) Thanks for the interesting compo!
2018-04-16 10:48

Registered: Feb 2013
Posts: 1
I made 5th place?! Cool! Jammers Shaded was my personal favourite.
2018-04-16 17:38
Account closed

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 228
I have a question:

The vote-tool let me vote for 55 entries. There are a total of 59 entries on CSDb. Is there a reason why hese 4 entries are not marked as outside compo and not in the vote-tool?
2018-04-16 19:04

Registered: Jul 2007
Posts: 369
Mr Ammo: See post #59 about disqualified entries. Also, Cliche exists in two versions, and I assumed that only the smaller one was intended for the compo.

I will do my best to update the database to reflect the actual compo, but some entries are locked.
2018-04-16 19:18
Account closed

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 228
lft, thanks for your reply. That makes sense!
2018-04-16 23:00

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Congrats, Luca! :) That was hell of a compo. Brilliant idea!
2018-04-16 23:23

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
Only #16? Voting system must be broken :)

I liked this compo, didn't require a lot of time/effort (though some took it pretty far), and we got a lot of entries.

Good work lft!
2018-04-17 08:31

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 178
Wow, I really won this great compo! :o

Thank you all, it has been both a privilege and a big fun to be part of this competition, where I've seen some very smart code tests indeed.
Well, I've been more lucky than smart, developing a casual intuition that fitted in 128 bytes at its first attempt. Briefly, my entry deals with 3 steps:
- hires chars' pixels are usually placed odd to leave left/right space, so ASL'em to make'em even looking for lowres;
- all the 01/10/11 pairs become 11;
- AND/ORA to pick the right coloured bytes from a 8 bytes table instead of using a register, strategically putting this table to $0810 (AND #$07 ORA #$10).

My prefer ones are: The Chars of Reflection [128 bytes] by Lft, Sheriff Font [123 bytes] by Aleksi Eeben, Gotcha 45° [117 bytes] by bubis.
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