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Forums > CSDb Entries > Handle id #3491 : Bigfoot
2016-12-13 11:18
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3215
Handle id #3491 : Bigfoot

According Sentinel/Excess:
I found a mistake i cannot fix. Scener 3491 (Bigfoot) is linked to Scener 3242 (Macho). Scener 3491 has nothing to do with the one who now named Macho. That was an other Bigfoot before.
Scener 3491, who started in our group Excess has the name Thomas and comes from germany. He was active till 1994 changed no handle. He lives in a town next to mine so I know there are noch changes after 1994.
The other one is a dutch scener.
So in short, Macho is the dutch guy, Bigfoot/Excess is german. Can they be separated easily or it needs to create manually a new Macho entry and copy/pasting the content?
2016-12-13 13:06

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2634
Could that be the Excess Bigfoot? Bigfoot
I guess Sentinel might remember wheter he was in Paramount and RSI as well?
2016-12-13 22:05

Registered: Nov 2016
Posts: 21
Yes ,that is the real one. But he never was in RSI. Paramount is correct. The other groups were like listed id#3491.
2016-12-13 22:27
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3215
Ok then, Bigfoot is now Bigfoot/Excess, check it out. I'm not sure which Bigfoot was at the Venlo meetings, seems both could have been, Macho is listed too. I also assume that Macho really changed from Bigfoot and both times in Trinomic, but Bigfoot/Excess never was in Trinomic too.
2016-12-14 09:53

Registered: Nov 2016
Posts: 21
The #3491 Bigfoot was on the 1992 Venlo Meetings. As far as I know the Trinomic-Bigfoot has renamed to Macho. His old handle was Bigfoot.
2016-12-14 10:14

Registered: Nov 2016
Posts: 21
I have changed the Venlo Visits to the #3491 Bigfoot.
2016-12-14 18:04

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2634
You mean the #6701 Bigfoot? So the German Bigfoot was on the Venlo meetings? Guess we have it now. :)
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