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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #197710 : Transwarp v0.64
2020-11-22 17:12

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3005
Release id #197710 : Transwarp v0.64

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2021-09-19 22:13

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3005
Quoting Zaphod
Any installed IRQ loader will have to fit in the space the old one was in, because there isn't much more.
Why, of course. =)

A quick peek in the code revealed that enough space should be available when replacing the IRQ loader/saver (which seems to be a variant of the G.I. Joe loader, and is somewhat scattered in memory).

I'd go for the original NTSC release, as the non-IRQ loading European release might have too many changes that may prohibit re-adding IRQ-loading. (Haven't compared the two versions thoroughly, but some parts of the code seem to have been moved around, i.e., the game might have been rebuilt from a modified source for the latter release).
2021-09-19 22:37

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
shows what i get for believing Remember about anything. :) They took one look at it and gave up. "there's no room for a better loader."

After all they were wrong about their claimed bugs in Chiller. I have collected both impossible crosses. only one of them even required using another one as a platform to reach.

I really don't know how to do much more than crack and train somewhat.

i suppose you have a memory map and suggestion on which loader to drop in that has a saver too? as far as I know joe loader only loads, though it would probably work.
2021-09-19 22:49

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3005
Another IRQ loader would mainly be "better" in that it would load and save plain files via directory, which is preferable for a proper crack. Slightly increased speed would be a plus (the files to load aren't very big, though).
Currently, i don't know of any combined IRQ loader+saver that would be small enough after install, then load and save files via directory (should be perfectly possible to make one, though).
(What does the game need a saver for, actually? Savegames or hi-scores?)

For your purposes, replacing the IRQ loader would/saver probably not be required. Replacing "intro" and main program with somewhat modified Transwarp-encoded versions would suffice, as you have suggested.
2021-09-20 01:49

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
It's for saving progress. Score is whatever you've dismantled, plus 100k for destroying the level 20 base. End trip dismantles everything for a cash in, but doesn't get you the 100k.

I'd make the release if i had the needed tool. as i said, i have a 27 block lucasfilm logo called KORONIS RIFT that when ran shows the logo, then kernal loads COPYRIGHT 1985, which is the slightly compressed main program at 193 blocks.

If I had a better tool, I can probably make a logo intro that decompresses faster. this one takes between 1 and 2 seconds.

I'm also not entirely sure the save is an IRQ saver. which may help some.
2021-09-20 13:02

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3005
No worries, the encoder will be released soon. I just want to add a few more games with separate intro and main files.

I'd try not to pack the files at all, as decrunching quickly eats up the fastload speed gain. Only pack to get files to below $d000, and then only partial packing (just an upper part of the program), with an RLE packer (G-Packer V1.0 came in handy).

IRQ saver or not doesn't make much of a difference. Fitting the drive-side saving part alone is most of the problem. =)
2021-09-20 21:51

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
okay i'm trying g-packer, and dunno what i'm doign wrong. i have main, which is 206 blocks before the packing (going under i/o). it is properly saved off, because i can monitor load it, put in original disk, g 8f0 and it works.

true drive is on, traps are off, and g-packer hangs up no it, and is unable to save a thing.
2021-09-20 21:52

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
Are you using it in PAL mode?
2021-09-20 22:07

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
no because the game i'm tryin to pack is NTSC.

sigh. that would explain it i guess.

how DO i tell g-packer to only pack enough to get it under 201 blocks?
2021-09-21 11:22

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 73
Quoting Zaphod

how DO i tell g-packer to only pack enough to get it under 201 blocks?

You can't.If you want to squeeze it further, then pack it 1st with some char packer/linker like Lightimizer/Visiomizer or try to use TLR's CLD from cbmtools.
2021-09-21 12:00

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3005
Quoting Comos
Quoting Zaphod
how DO i tell g-packer to only pack enough to get it under 201 blocks?
You can't.If you want to squeeze it further, then pack it 1st with some char packer/linker like Lightimizer/Visiomizer or try to use TLR's CLD from cbmtools.
Re-read the question. You're answering another one that wasn't asked. =)

But anyways, partial packing is manual work. This involves splitting up the unpacked file to a portion that remains unpacked, and another portion at the end of the file to pack.
The packed file will be composed of something like $0801:[BASIC line + depack code][unpacked portion][packed portion]:$d000, where the unpacked portion will remain untouched during decompression, and the packed portion will expand to beyond $d000.

That the unpacked file starts at $08f0 helps a lot here, as the depack code will fit trivially before it.
Bonus if you find a large empty block somewhere below $d000 (bitmap buffer or similar, which will we initialised later anyways). Then you can nicely pack data at $d000+ and put the compressed chunk to that empty block.
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