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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #3029 : BCC Party #15
2021-01-17 22:33

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2359
Event id #3029 : BCC Party #15

Hey there party people!

Last year we were lucky to hold our event before everything had to be cancelled. This year it's not realistic to believe that a real party in late February is possible - which is really bad, as BCC misses partying with you realtime...

However, we've decided to do a one-day remote only party to keep BCC spirit alive.

Submit any C64 entries whatsoever via email to ryker[ÄT]freenet.de (=TheRyk, that would be me).
Please do executables or (in case of emergency!) contact me early if you need help with coding an executable.
Deadline for all remote (<-there are no others) entries is Friday 26th of Feb, 23:59:59 (<-Edit: 6 more hours) CET(<-! Edit, of course Summer Time in Feb makes not much sense in Europe, thanks to Larry/ROLE for reporting, CET!)
Why an evening before? Because we need time to sort and test the entries.
Please hit it or at least contact us before deadline if you have problems hitting it.
Musicians: Please specify 6581 / 8580 / Stereo etc., not only for music entries but also whatever demo entries have sound.

More info will follow soonish! Have some patience with us, we're not top-experienced in party-streaming, that's why we can't tell you much more at the moment. We can also not promise that this will be the best-working online event ever. Only thing we promise, we're working on it. :)

This announcement is mainly so you C64 demo scene gourmets and also competitors can save the date.

your BCC Orgas
... 15 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts....
2021-02-26 23:13

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2359
One more thing, if you want your farts to stink almost like at the real event, here's Hoeepie and Saskia's vegetarian(!<- took me as a carnivore years to notice!) Chili recipe for 8 l pot, sorry in German, no time for translating ^^

Quoting 'Sassi'
es gibt nicht DAS rezept.....weils am ende doch immer etwas frei
schnauze is....aber fürn 8 l topf kaufe i....6 (kleine 400g) dosen rote
kidneybohnen, 2dosen mais,3-4 dosen tomatenstücken ggfs tomatenmark
gerne auch noch 2-3 pakete passierte tomaten und dann entweder 1 kg hack
gemischt oder trockenes soja hack da wees i allerdings keine mengen
sollte am ende aber auch ca 1 kg ergeben....zwiebeln,knoblauch und 2-3
rote paprikas
zwiebeln und hack anbraten paprika in stücken dazu und dann bohnen und
mais dazupacken....tomatenstücke und passierte tomaten reinkippen
köcheln lassen....und dann brühe etwas salz paprika pfeffer...scharfe
asia sosse oder chillis....

das besondere is das vegane soja hack....wir kaufen es lose also ohne
verpackung zum selber abfüllen...direkt im veganshop neben unserer
wohnung..daher hab i echt keinen plan von marke oder firma..aber dis
gibts ja nun überall...unsere variante is trocken muss also eingeweicht
werden..ich weiche es in heissem wasser mit brühe ein...da es ja vegan
bleiben soll hab ich immer vegeta pikant genommen....(die pikant
variante is ohne geschmacksverstärker) oder man nimmt normale
gemüsebrühe...10 -15 min bis es weich geworden is..dann auswringen am
besten mit den händen..anschliessend kräftig anbraten..

soweit die theorie....die praxis is dann halt echt...frei schnauze 😉

Bottom Line: C'mon, it's Chili! Hardly anyone's too stupid to cook that ;)
2021-02-27 14:58

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2359
Quote: Here's an updated time table, no promises - there's till an hour for incoming releases and the Internet streaming - is quite new to us - plus, real party time tables have also not too ofen been real :)

2021-02-27 16:00:00	Warming Up at BBB (an early chance to get your VOTEKEY) 	
2021-02-27 16:45:00	Official Opening Speech 	
2021-02-27 17:00:00	SID Disco Brainstorm 	
2021-02-27 18:30:00	Best Of BCC - winning entries from past years 	
2021-02-27 19:35:00	BCC #1-#14 party clips 	
2021-02-27 20:00:00	Wild 	
2021-02-27 20:10:00	C64 Graphics PETSCII 	
2021-02-27 20:30:00	C64 Graphics (other than PETSCII) 	
2021-02-27 21:15:00	C64 Music 	
2021-02-27 22:15:00	C64 64k Demo 	
2021-02-27 22:45:00	C64 Demo 	
2021-02-27 23:15:00	SID Party (Röly & Thunder.Bird) While Voting 	
2021-02-27 23:59:59	"Prize Giving" 	

Please note the bold-printed shift of 15 min (last two events), keep your fingers crossed ^^

2021-02-27 16:00:00 Warming Up at BBB (an early chance to get your VOTEKEY)
2021-02-27 16:45:00 Official Opening Speech
2021-02-27 17:00:00 SID Disco Brainstorm
2021-02-27 18:30:00 Best Of BCC - winning entries from past years
2021-02-27 19:35:00 BCC #1-#14 party clips
2021-02-27 20:00:00 Wild
2021-02-27 20:10:00 C64 Graphics PETSCII
2021-02-27 20:30:00 C64 Graphics (other than PETSCII)
2021-02-27 21:15:00 C64 Music
2021-02-27 22:15:00 C64 64k Demo
2021-02-27 22:45:00 C64 Demo
2021-02-27 23:30:00 SID Party (Röly & Thunder.Bird) While Voting
2021-02-28 00:15:00 "Prize Giving"
2021-02-27 18:35

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 111
How to vote for the compos:

head over to Big Blue Button and get your VOTEKEY

register your nickname with that VOTEKEY at:

We're chatting at BBB and on Twitch:

2021-02-28 16:18

Registered: Feb 2018
Posts: 215
This was a really good time, one of the most enjoyable online happenings I've had since the shit hit the fan last year. Massive thanks to the BCC crew for making it happen, you did great!!
2021-02-28 17:12

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 269
This was fun, thank you organizers, participants and attendees <3
2021-03-01 16:44
Monte Carlos

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 368
Even a defective HDMI splitter was not able to disturb the fun of this online happening!
2021-03-01 20:52

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2359
Thanks for the feedback, dudes, it's really appreciated!

Here's the results once more!
Thanks in the name of BCC orgas to all competitors and online party people!

Please check out https://c64clubberlin.de/?p=5383 for detailed post party info, be aware the stats stuff also contains tabs you might wanna check.

Here the obligatory .txt wall :)


1. #01 193 pts Embukyaku [fm-yam] - Atlantis / MultiStyle Labs / Pretzel Logic
2. #02 88 pts Corontäne Companion Bot - !BASICGOTT

1. #01 159 pts A-Team - Kody/HF
2. #07 152 pts Bison Man - Logiker
3. #06 147 pts Yang-Myung [KR] - Logiker
4. #05 140 pts A Nibble - Chagizzz
5. #02 134 pts Mr.T-popart - Kody/HF
6. #03 127 pts Stalin - Kody/HF
7. #04 100 pts Mayday - Brainstorm/CCL/MYD!

1. #11 240 pts Habanero - The Sarge/FLT
2. #02 209 pts Noodles & Sake - Lobo/ATL
3. #03 206 pts Thought - Almighty God/Level 64/Excess/Atlantis
4. #05 200 pts Shroom Shroom! - Aomeba/Artline Designs/Siesta
#07 200 pts Solar-Sonar - Leon/SGR/Chorus/RSC
6. #16 195 pts Open Up - Exocet / Dentifrice^Up Rough
7. #19 191 pts "Roots" - by Luisa Poo-Brain^Rabenauge and Oni / Poo-Brain
8. #17 187 pts The Stars Are Right - Mythus/LSD
9. #08 171 pts Hangman Tree - Fabs/Hokuto Force
10. #18 159 pts Taikatiili - Brittle/Dentifrice^Demozoo
11. #06 157 pts Speccy Siblings - Mikael/Pretzel Logic
12. #10 149 pts The Mad Downvoter - Fabs/HF
13. #09 147 pts The Blossom - Nordischsound/HF
14. #01 146 pts Firebirds - Firelord/Excess
15. #15 145 pts RX-79 Close-Up - Titus75/HF
16. #14 137 pts Etrurian Sunset - Titus75/HF
17. #13 119 pts Roboformx2 - Fabs/HF
18. #12 113 pts BCC Tower - Parr/HF
19. #04 110 pts Fosters - LZwerch

1. #10 189 pts Mayday! in Monsterland - Toggle / Padua
2. #03 160 pts Astronomia remix - Uctumi/HF
3. #09 150 pts XV21 Prototype by Vincenzo - Vincenzo / Lethargy^Singular
4. #12 148 pts Filterlicious - Mythus/LSD
5. #13 142 pts On a floor somewhere in Tegucigalpa - Røly / Mayday!
6. #07 134 pts Wanna Tell, Can't Say! - manganoid/HF
7. #11 127 pts Rising Sun - OnoSendai
8. #04 116 pts Bad Apple - Slaxx/HF
9. #05 115 pts From Fake to SID - Nordischsound/HF
10. #06 111 pts Il pranzo è servito - Nordischsound/HF
#08 111 pts My Soul - G-Fellow/Code7
12. #01 110 pts SYS4000 Part III - Sonki / BCC
13. #02 69 pts Fugue - Micha/Stabile Altbauten

C64 64K DEMO
1. #07 191 pts Catwalk - Pretzel Logic
2. #04 132 pts Little Intro - Hokuto Force
3. #06 115 pts BCC= Cat - Logiker
4. #01 114 pts Bled'n Rue Intro - Excess/Germany
#02 114 pts Thanks - 4gentE
6. #05 102 pts Turkey Served - Hokuto Force
7. #03 80 pts Blau & Schlau - Franzi & Hansi

1. #01 213 pts None of us Are Getting Out of this Life Alive - NOUAGOOTLA - BCC Allstars = LSD, MYD, NSD, RAB, EX, ATL, PDA
2. #02 194 pts Thirty - Focus

54 votes were cast by 60 registered voters.
Made possible by Wuhu - http://wuhu.function.hu 

Even more info: https://c64clubberlin.de/?p=5383

What TuB forgot, thanks also to Yugorin of Samar for sponsoring the Non-PETSCII Gfx and the Music Compo prizes for #1 Winners. More Info on Prize Giving: I'm gonna email all the #1 guys soonish to get their snail mail addresses, Thunder.Bird and me will ship some nice prizes to winners of other categories, when we meet next time IRL (which unfortunately might be after Easter), so please be patient with us.

Ryk and the other BCC #15 Online Orcs

PS: Huge virtual hugs to Charlie aka Chain-Q without whom we'd have hardly ever performed half as well as we could thanks to all his skills, experience, equipment, time and devotion! An just in case, you wonder/didn't notice, Charlie and Thunder.Bird were teamed up to stream from real hardware, Hoeppie took a lot of care for the BBB video conference, Röly and Brainstorm provided great stuff to stream for Warming Up and breaks etc. TheRyk was that tipsy old nerd that told some stories from his mancave in the attic.
2021-07-01 21:40

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2359
Quoting TheRyk
More Info on Prize Giving: I'm gonna email all the #1 guys soonish to get their snail mail addresses, Thunder.Bird and me will ship some nice prizes to winners of other categories, when we meet next time IRL (which unfortunately might be after Easter), so please be patient with us.

Sorry for the lag. Tomorrow prizes will be shipped (apart from kody/HF - winner of PETSCII - of whom I didn't get a post address by now, so if you wanna claim your prize, drop me PM or mail, I honestly tried my worst via E$G to get the address).

As I've already mailed the winners around Easter, don't expect wonders as our PR man Hoeppie did not (as for real parties) contact vast amount of generous sponsors during Pandemic. So Thunder and me mostly looked in our personal stashes and in former years parties unclaimed prizes to pick something for you. If you think the prizes totally suck, ain't worth the shipping (which has become quite complicated after BrExit in MiBri's case), don't forget all the invisible <3<3<3 and pain I put into the packages ;)

Apart from the already shipped stuff sponsored by Yugorin/Samar (thx once more), the following is almost on its way:

n0mistake / BCC Al(t)stars for NOUAGOOTLA
- 1x C64 / 1541 / 1084 3D print miniature
- 2x Audio CDs by e-md
- 1x cigarette case
- 1x BCC clubtape (German)
- some promo material by former BCC sponsors Prior Art, Polyplay, Protovision

Mikael / P.L for Catwalk
- 1x C64 / 1541 / 1084 3D print miniature
- 2x Audio CDs by e-md
- some promo material by former BCC sponsors Prior Art, Polyplay, Protovision

Toggle / PDA for Mayday! in Monsterland
- 1x StereoinSID Adapter (c) 2009 Retro-Donald
- 2x Audio CDs by e-md
- 1x Jägermeister Schnaps Sunglasses
- some promo material by former BCC sponsors Prior Art, Polyplay, Protovision, Bintracker

TheSarge / FLT for Habanero
- 1x Gaming Mousepad Commodore 64 "Breadbin Apollo 11" by Pixelwizard
- 2x Audio CDs by e-md
- some promo material by former BCC sponsors Prior Art, Polyplay, Protovision

Mibri / ATL/MSL/P.L for Embukyaku [FM-YAM]
- 2x Audio CDs by e-md
- some promo material by former BCC sponsors Prior Art, Polyplay, Protovision, NES Commando

not claimed yet as I've not received any post address:
kody / HF
for A-Team
- 2x Audio CDs by e-md
- some promo material by former BCC sponsors Prior Art, Polyplay, Protovision

P.S.: HUGE HUG and <3 to Dr.J of LSD who supported the party by sponsoring the shipping costs
2021-07-13 08:15

Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 32
Thank you guys, I already recieved the extra loot!

You know this means some super wet smooches when we'll meet again! :-D
2021-07-13 10:25

Registered: Feb 2018
Posts: 215
I got my goodies, thank you!!
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