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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #194939 : CorGI
2020-08-24 01:35

Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 32
Release id #194939 : CorGI

User Comment
Submitted by Elko [PM] on 24 August 2020
Yeah Corona makes me sick and depressive. But i try to do the best of that shit, its a kind of "must" do this, to protect friends & family. From biological and evolutionary standpoint its full ok for me to live with all that restrictions ;-D but hey, do what ever u want, BUT live with the consequences.

DAMN what a mind-blowing scroll-text, cant believe it. A new LOW-Level.

User Comment
Submitted by ZeSmasher [PM] on 23 August 2020
many comments, so I had to read that infamous scrolltext... GI Joe just typed covid tests aren't 100% accurate and he's skeptical about the government's decision to wear masks.
well, I don't think he spread fake news like covid is an hoax or Earth is flat, so let's move on. and yes: coronavirus suxx!

User Comment
Submitted by Nordischsound [PM] on 23 August 2020
one point to say "this sucks", I'm on board. Guess what? just found out, that a friend of mine lost a aunt and a cousin in brazil, because of COVID-19

User Comment
Submitted by Honcho [PM] on 23 August 2020
I'm all for free speach, but ignorance kills.

User Comment
Submitted by Medicus [PM] on 23 August 2020
This production makes me sick!


User Comment
Submitted by awsm [PM] on 23 August 2020
Kudos my friend for being able to release while being boozed, also I encourage free speech and respect your opinion, but I'd also rather happily enjoy a fresh dose of tripper than approve your scrolltext message.

User Comment
Submitted by Groepaz [PM] on 23 August 2020
This scroller is a new low. And you should probably watch this video to understand the actual error ratio of those tests.

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk [PM] on 23 August 2020
Freedom of Speech Disclaimer: Opinions of single members do not necessarily represent whole group.

Corona and fun, Corona and non-mainstream opinion, well... it was clear that this release provokes reactions.

In a way, I can understand iAN's reaction, especially as he's from Italy.

However, I've read through the scroll once more and found that GI-Joe _mainly_ just points out inaccuracy of some figures, nothing wrong with that imho, although I personally might not draw the same conclusions from that.

So what Jammer say bu also, freedom of speech includes GI-Joe is gonna endure that people criticize his view.

User Comment
Submitted by Jammer [PM] on 23 August 2020
His holy right to convey any bullshit he wants to ;)

User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG [PM] on 23 August 2020
Very stupid message in the scroller. Just because you were lucky to not get infected so far doesn't mean the Covid is an hoax, it's serious and you should be always careful.
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2020-08-28 00:42

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433

Godwins Law doesnt apply here because *there are nazis on those demos*. And not just a few.
2020-08-28 00:45

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 479
Quote: OK


can be closed now :)

Funny, didn't know this, but seemingly I'm a living proof Godwin was right;))

To my "defense" *erm*: the Nazi-comparison was highly inspired by the recent discussion around Strider I read about in some other thread here on csdb (and the links given there). The emberrassment-level in my head when reading the scroller of the CorGI-demo was just like when watching the old fairlight demo with right-winged content in it (or maybe even higher).
2020-08-28 01:06

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2320
what GPZ sez is a well-known fact - unfortunately. Problem is there ARE moderate, left wing and even hippie like people who really protest for their opinion and are too blind to consider whether it's a good idea do so in such a crowd, let's say marching with fascists on your left and right and themselves holding up a sign "defend democracy".

All I'm saying is labelling every non-mainstream opinion "Nazi" ain't democratic (actually it's the opposite, it's what Polish/Turkish/etc. "fake news" legislation does) - and won't help to convince anyone but rather radicalize people who still might be open to arguments...
2020-08-28 09:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
This isnt about opinions at all - but about safety of the general public. Those ppl already showed once that they are not even planning to stay safe. Their fault.
2020-08-29 15:52

Registered: Sep 2015
Posts: 23
Quoting Copyfault
Sorry, but for me this is just like those Nazi-glorifying demos that were out there in the past.
Quoting Groepaz
Godwins Law doesnt apply here because *there are nazis on those demos*. And not just a few.
btw, I´m not a Nazi and I don't like any kind of extremism, radicalism and terrorism. But hooray that you have finally dug the Nazi-haunch. I've been wondering if it takes so long... :)

I generally don't like stigmatizing and discrediting people by other people or by the media. I think this is a major problem in our social interaction with each other.
The truth is i.e.:
Most of the polish men are NOT car thieves.
Most dutch people do NOT have a caravan.
And so on ... the list is long ....

Most german peaceful "anti-corona-laws" demonstrators are not Nazis or Reichsbürger or whatever.
And: "A formative influence on the march or the overall rally did not come from these" - written by the german "Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz" about the demo on 01.08.2020 in Berlin.
source: https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/corona-demo-nur-einz..

But if such stigmas and discredits to peoples are also disseminated, forced an repeated through the newspaper, radio, television, socialmedia, then this is not only non-investigative journalism, but this meets the first, the 3rd and the 5th point of the generally known guidance on "how to manipulate crowds successfully".
1. Manipulation by repetition
2. Manipulation by creating fear
3. Manipulation of thinking
4. Manipulation of behaviour by language
5. Manipulation of information
6. Manipulation of needs

Masters of this class combine all 6 points simultaneously for the maximum effect. :)
That works since thousend of years very sucsessful.

Quoting Groepaz
They should have sponsored that demo.... and then bomb it with napalm.
Ohh, really ? That´s much lower then my scrolltext, man .... :/
I still hope it was a bad joke ...

ok, Back2(Off)Topic (´hope anyone can randomly close that fred finally ...)

I´ve checked today the official case-numbers of the RKI from 28.08.2020
In the last 7 days we have here in Schleswig-Holstein (where i live) 122 cases positive tested - 4,2 per 100000 peoples.
In SH live almost 2.9 Mio Peoples...
That are 0,0042% of all people of Schleswig-Holstein they have tested positive with a PCR-Test in the last 7 Days. I´m very lucky about the less case numbers.

The "warmspots" in Germany are:
NRW: 0,01 % positive tested by PCR-Tests in 7 days
Bayern: 0,015 % positive tested by PCR-Tests in 7 days
Baden Würtemberg: 0,0137 % positive tested by PCR-Tests in 7 days
Hessen: 0,0148 % positive tested by PCR-Tests in 7 days

I don´t know how many are false positive but that decrease the numbers of infected ppl once more.
But is this an epedemic with pandemic proportions? No, it is no longer in Germany, according to the official numbers.

For me, only official facts count - not opinions, stigmas and discredits.

Therefore, there is no longer any legal basis for continuing to suspend the German-Basic-Law in parts. But the government is doing it anyway because they deliberately or unconsciously ignore the facts.
The german government want´s everyone to comply with the laws in force. But they don't themselves in some cases.
There are also many other things worth protecting in a society. Many jobs, businesses and livelihoods are already destroyed or very much at risk. And also the development and future of children are in danger. And not only because of the coronavirus itself, but also because of the government's disproportionate actions for the last and probably the next weeks.
People are simply worried about the democratic future of Germany.
That's why the people are out on the street.

So I'm not afraid anymore to get infected with the virus in Germany.
Crashing by plane is imho statistically much easier in these days.

But I will continue to perform all the hygiene rules that they have been ordered.
I've been doing this 30 years during the flu season (except wearing a mask).
And i try to eat less junkfood add daily some vitamin c, d and k into myself. A strong immune system is the best shield against such a virus.

ok, this whole thing here has nothing to do with C64 stuff anymore, that´s right.
I think politics is a bad topic in this forum, but somebody has moved the comments on the discussion here ...
Whatever, i don´t know - i don´t care ...

Let's just do more interesting things on the C64 like a "fart contruction kit" or whatever....

have a sunny weekend ....
2020-08-29 17:30

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
the government's disproportionate actions for the last and probably the next weeks

yeah, wearing a fucking piece of cotton in your face when going shopping is outragous. especially when this is the very reason for why we are doing so well at the moment.

meanwhile that demo in berlin is going crazy just as expected. they should fine everyone not wearing a mask, and give the money to the poor cops who have to babysit those idiots.

fortunately, its just under 8% or so who think those actions are totally over the top. most ppl are fine with it, or even think its not enough.
2020-08-29 22:53

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 479
Quoting GI-Joe
Quoting Copyfault
Sorry, but for me this is just like those Nazi-glorifying demos that were out there in the past.
Quoting Groepaz
Godwins Law doesnt apply here because *there are nazis on those demos*. And not just a few.
btw, I´m not a Nazi and I don't like any kind of extremism, radicalism and terrorism. But hooray that you have finally dug the Nazi-haunch. I've been wondering if it takes so long... :)
Will refrain from contributing to the actual discussion but let me rephrase that I nowhere stated you to be right-winged or a Nazi or smth alike. To the opposite, I still think you're a good chap and am looking forward to meeting and chatting with you in the future (when I consider the overall situation as 'save' ;) - and, ofcourse, when you are interested :)=) ).

My criticism was aimed at the action of inviting people to a gathering which is known to severly affect the virus spread probability. But as said b4, let's wait for the right moment where we can discuss this personally.
2020-08-29 23:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbyqngOdkIs

it's hard to call them not nazi
2020-08-30 00:50

Registered: Sep 2015
Posts: 23
Quoting Copyfault
Will refrain from contributing to the actual discussion but let me rephrase that I nowhere stated you to be right-winged or a Nazi or smth alike.
I know that no one called me a "Nazi". That's why I wrote "btw" at the beginning. That was just a personal description of me - just for people who don't know me ;)
Quoting Copyfault
To the opposite, I still think you're a good chap and am looking forward to meeting and chatting with you in the future (when I consider the overall situation as 'save' ;) - and, ofcourse, when you are interested :)=) )
Yes, I would very much like to do that if i see yourself at a party later after all the Corona madness.

Quoting Groepaz
also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbyqngOdkIs
it's hard to call them not nazi
I have written how the "Bundeamt für Verfassungsschutz" assessed the demonstration on 01.08.2020 in Berlin. No more, no less.
Incidentally, this (your link) is a completely different demo, which has nothing to do with the "Anti-Corona Measures" demo. Several hundred demos were registered for the 29.08.2020 in Berlin.
2020-08-30 00:52

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11433
Yeah sure, different people. Thats why they carry signs saying "Corona Rebellen". I got it.

(several hundred(!) demos. but of course! where do you get this "information"? a quick look at google shows that there were 2 or 3 events, all related to corona idiots. no more no less.)
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