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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #30789 : Timanthes
2006-03-27 20:16

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 113
Release id #30789 : Timanthes

Starting a new thread so i can answer any questions about the program without polluting the comments thread.
I've already added some trivia-notes about it being a beta version, and not everything working properly yet, but it should be enough for people who just want to make koala/fli/afli/hires pictures :)

So, bring on the complaints :)
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2006-03-28 19:48

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
Quote: I am planning on releasing the source-code, I just have to clean that up somewhat first :)

Also, I will probably set up an internet-based CVS/sourcesafe system so other people can start working on it together with me, if they want

Great! I just discovered Monodevelop has an 'import Visual Studio project' option/wizard, I'm curious to see how (horrible) that'll work out ;)
2006-03-28 22:28

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 498
Quote: I am planning on releasing the source-code, I just have to clean that up somewhat first :)

Also, I will probably set up an internet-based CVS/sourcesafe system so other people can start working on it together with me, if they want

Dont you mean subversion??

2006-03-31 21:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
I was testing Timanthes with my tablet today. Except getting it down a few times (the layer-bug, fix it ASAP Mirage! :D ), I can't express by words how lovely the experience was :D WOW!
2006-03-31 21:48

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 113
jailbird: glad you liked it :) (and it's not a layer bug... it's a WM_PAINT message that's screwing everything up... close to nailing down that bug)

Care to post some of your experimental wacom pictures? :)

Oh, btw... i did some wacom pictures myself and i was constantly changing colours with the shortcut-keys (0-9, a-f) and switching from brush to pen ('.', p)... maybe useful for you aswell :)

I also noticed i will have to program shortcut-keys for dithered/non-dithered brushes and a couple of more things... all on my list for version 2.4
2006-04-03 21:43

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 113
Another bit of info i forgot to mention... when using the rectangular selection tool, if you press shift it will constrain to a 320x200 ratio... after that you can resize more easily to a 320x200 picture for converting (it'll be off by 1 pixel sometimes, but you can switch off the constrain ratio checkbox when you're in the resize dialog box and it'll still convert to 320x200)

There's probably loads more I forgot to mention in the help files, so i'll just keep updating those files and post updates here :)

Edit: when you're in double pixel restrict mode, you'll have to use the 25% dither brush to act as a 50% dither brush (curious as to why nobody has mentioned this yet ;)
2006-04-03 22:04

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 113
Another update...

When you're using a pattern brush with one solid c64 colour and one transparent colour you can switch the behaviour of the transparent colour with the 'toggle alpha colour' button on the toolbar... it will either use the pixels that are on the layer you're painting on or paint them transparent (and thus showing the background colour)

toggle alpha blending on:

toggle alpha blending off:
2006-04-04 06:49

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
Quote: jailbird: glad you liked it :) (and it's not a layer bug... it's a WM_PAINT message that's screwing everything up... close to nailing down that bug)

Care to post some of your experimental wacom pictures? :)

Oh, btw... i did some wacom pictures myself and i was constantly changing colours with the shortcut-keys (0-9, a-f) and switching from brush to pen ('.', p)... maybe useful for you aswell :)

I also noticed i will have to program shortcut-keys for dithered/non-dithered brushes and a couple of more things... all on my list for version 2.4

To post my experiental pictures? I care, but I don't dare ;)

No, actually I was really just playing - got my tablet few days ago, so I didn't saved anything, except for some outlines I'd like to use in the future. I promise I'll show you if I make something worth to share. :D
2006-04-04 12:12
Account closed

Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 39
Can anybody ZIP up a pre-installed copy for me or tell me how to make the installer work with only .NET 2.0 (no 1.1) installed? I still want to try this program...
please have pity on the n00bish emu kiddie responsible for the post above.
2006-04-04 16:12

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 435
Tried to make my Timanthes images work on Sanders install yesterday, and it didn't work at all. The program did run, both running his install aswell as the one I have installed on my MMC-card, although none of them wanted to recognize the Timanthes file.

Any explanations for this strange behaviour? I'm running the version prior to the official release at home, since the installer refuses to acknowledge that Dotnet is installed, and thus refuses to install itself.
2006-04-04 17:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
2Flower: Sander's system is just corrupt. Kill it.

Seriously, I noticed that after the .net installation I had a new user, so maybe it has something to do with rights? Just throwing shit against a wall here, ofcourse ..
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