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Forums > CSDb Feedback > weighted average?
2005-07-06 19:05
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Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 131
weighted average?

ok something i just noticed when i was voting for alih.

the guy has 6 9's and 3 8's and a 1 from a downvoter. his weighted average turns out to be 7.7.

now if we took the arithmetic average. it would be
(6 x 9) + (3 x 8) + 1 = 79 divided by 10 would be ~ 7.9

so the weighted average function was supposed to be able to recognize downvoting and perform better than arithmetic average. I say something is wrong.

not only the real average should have been somewhere in high 8's, but also the csdb function works even worse than the arithmetic average.

am i making a calculation mistake or something?
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2005-07-09 13:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
Quote: As someone might have noticed I have (once again) altered the weighted average algoritm a tiny bit, so for instance MacGyver dosn't get a 10 as cracker.

For now we will leave it at 5 votes as it have been so far.

If you still think some of the ratings looks weird or are unfair then remember the following:
1. The charts here in CSDb are only for the fun of it. The main purpose of CSDb is still information = facts.
2. The more votes, the more accurate the ratings are, so VOTE! and get others to vote too. :)

I'd vote more if I had the feeling my vote actually counts.

And yes, that's a reference to the transparent voting discussion ;)
2005-07-09 17:25
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Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 163
Perff, I reckon Bayesian weighing (i.e. using the empirical distribution a priori) will reflect the actual appreciation better than does a rather arbitrary appropriation of probablistic weighing.
2005-07-10 09:45

Registered: Sep 2002
Posts: 118
Quote: Perff, I reckon Bayesian weighing (i.e. using the empirical distribution a priori) will reflect the actual appreciation better than does a rather arbitrary appropriation of probablistic weighing.

Same goes for me! ;)
2018-03-27 13:56
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Registered: Oct 2012
Posts: 10
I've got a related question, I hope this is the right place to ask.

So, one of my entries got 2x10 and 3x9, how comes that my weighted average is 9.8? What is the formula? :)
2018-03-27 14:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
about time this thread got necro-ed
2018-03-27 14:45

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5110
Quote: I've got a related question, I hope this is the right place to ask.

So, one of my entries got 2x10 and 3x9, how comes that my weighted average is 9.8? What is the formula? :)

the formula is secret, to avoid manipulating votings. but it has some secret ingredient against downvoters. so likely alone standing votes, or those not so numerous has less weight
2020-08-15 18:46

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
I applied my compo voting formula to musicians' charts for fun:

25Hz Compo average calculator

It's simple like hell but question is if it does the right job, besides weeding out unpopular votes:
(10 * #10s^2 + 9 * #9s^2 + 8 * #8s^2 + 7 * #7s^2 + 6 * #6s^2 + 5 * #5s^2 + 4 * #4s^2 + 3 * #3s^2 + 2 * #2s^2 + #1s^2) / (#10s^2 + #9s^2 + #8s^2 + #7s^2 + #6s^2 + #5s^2 + #4s^2 + #3s^2 + #2s^2 + #1s^2)

It surely inflates average if devote fans and groupmates throw their handful of 10s but this effect applies equally to every popular value so it's honest in this respect.
2020-08-16 10:17

Registered: Apr 2013
Posts: 117
I remember seeing a video here at the forums where one guy did vote 1 to 10 to see how the voting system behaves. The conclusion was that it more-or-less ignores a few 1-3 point votes before starting to take them into the equation. Which is why downvoting with 4 became popular.

Note that having public votes would prevent most of it.
2020-08-16 10:17

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3005
How does it perform against CSDb Voter Pro 1.0 ? :)
2020-08-16 10:39

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Quoting F7sus4
I remember seeing a video here at the forums where one guy did vote 1 to 10 to see how the voting system behaves. The conclusion was that it more-or-less ignores a few 1-3 point votes before starting to take them into the equation. Which is why downvoting with 4 became popular.

Formula is not weighted at all (but can be, like everything else). You make things bad with downright 1 but you need quite a lot of 1s so lonely vigilantes stand no bigger chance against cluster of other grades ;)

Quoting F7sus4
Note that having public votes would prevent most of it.

I'd opt for public votes as well but in practice it prevents people mostly from voting at all :D

Quoting Krill
How does it perform against CSDb Voter Pro 1.0 ? :)

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