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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2621 : BCC Party #12
2017-07-29 19:55

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2273
Event id #2621 : BCC Party #12

Good news, inspite of my leaving Berlin (just kidding, that was never a threat to the continuity of the party) and the old location no longer being rented to us (that was the true reason for doubt), the team has found a new place in the same district, so there WILL(!) be a BCC#12 in 2018! \o/

Short info:
free entry, donations welcome
competitions and prizes
breakfast and bbq
free coffee and tea
outdoor space w/o cars

Registration (in a perfect world on our homepage and not only here or on Facebook) is obligatory, this time, to help us planning. Here's the registry form:
(scroll a little)

We guess, about 40 people with plus 40 people without old erhm own hardware should fit. At the moment we do not expect that we have to close registration due to being overrun, but you never know :)

Place is called "Vereinshaus Goldregen", it's the club house of a Schrebergarten (<- German word for allotment gardens) colony, hence the tag line.

More info will follow in due time, here or on our homepage.

2017-07-29 20:14

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 522
2017-09-06 08:36

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 110
I just discovered that "days till party" disfunctions.

It shows the days left until next party in queue, so don't get confused by that.
Of course if you also may want to stop by at http://berlinc64club.de/events/7/vcfb/ you're heartly welcome!

Thanks for reading :)
2017-12-07 14:08

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 110
Only 77 days till party!

*** Register now as we have to know how many seats and tables are needed ***
Use this link please and/or try to register here or on bacefook: http://berlinc64club.de/events/4/bcc-12/

And please tell all your buddies on lemon64/forum64/reallife64 :)
2018-01-07 21:36

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2273
just a reminder:

46 days, that's a little less then 7 more weeks :)

So if you've got nothing to do in late Feb and have always wanted to visit Berlin, go and register!

Remote entries welcome as usual via mail to ryker[ÄT]freenet.de till Fri 23rd of Feb, 12:00 CEST high noon.

2018-02-09 12:41

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2273
Hey Saufziegen and other party animals!

To give you more than a *bump* reminder or GABBO/GABBO/GABBO, REMOTE-REMOTE-REMOTE, I'm gonna tell you something about the competitions and voting.

Old news: Deadline for mailing remote entries to ryker[ÄT]freenet.de is (as usual) Fri, 12:00 high noon CEST (so about 2 more weeks), live entries (it's enough to have one guy at the party to label it "live") can be delivered to orga desk on disk, USB, SD, whatever till Sat, 18:00 CEST.

Next I'd like to explain how categories are formed, as there's been some irritation in the past. IF(!) we've got more than 2 entries in a subcategory, we normally split them from main or "parent" category.
Example#1: (not very likely) altogether only 6 entries, 2x C64 music, 2x C64 gfx, 1x C64 game --> everything ends in "Mixed"
Example#2: (much more likely) We've got 2x C64 games, 2x other platform releases, 5x C64 gfx, 7x C64 music, 3x One-file demos, 2x Trackmos. --> there'll be
- Mixed (the games and the other platform stuff)
- Gfx
- Music
- Demo(!)
Example#3: 3 trackmos, 3 one-filed demos, 3 BASIC demos, 4 PETSCII gfx, 5 other gfx
--> there might(!) be categories
- Trackmo
- Basic Demo
- One-filed Demo
- C64 Gfx

And some info for music competitors but also the _AUDIENCE_!
There _is_ _NO_ 3:00 limit at BCC parties.
Never was. Never will be - as far as I'm concerned.

You might find that strange or funny, that's alright, but don't clap your hands or applaud at 3:00 playtime, this might have been fun once, but I kindly ask you to show respect to the composers who did longer tunes, especially as there ain't no rule forbidding them to. The concerns I've heard (but what if 6 guys hand in a 20:00 tune) are nonsense. If it's a 20:00 piece in the quality of Knuckles Busters by Rob Hubbard, it will be played for 20 minutes, so what!? If it's 20 min only randomly created off key beeep-buzzz-ear torture, I'm gonna know before compo start (you know, I check the entries before compo show), and will turn them off early enough or recommend a cigarrete break, but it has never happened yet and probably never will :)

We plan to have an internal Party Network, so that people can vote with their netbooks or smartphones or at a couple of machines we are planning to provide. No idea if this works out, but if it does, we might know the results already Sat night instead of me hanging on the phone and listening to Hoeppie counting votesheets at his breakfast table again ;)

Waiting eagerly for your remote entries!
Looking 4wd to party with you again,

PS: Over the whole 3 days we're expecting around 100 people again (if you count everyone who's there at different times), maybe some 75 on Sat night at the compo
2018-02-10 17:51

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 411
I couldn't find a time table. When do doors open?
2018-02-10 23:16

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2273
Yeah, time table is something we're still working on as there might be live acts to reserve time for.

You can count on some of us being there around 15:00, as we're going to get the keys about an hour before.


PS: normally official opening "speech" is around prime time (20:00) but it's also normal that a lot of people are already unpacking hardware late afternoon
2018-02-12 10:42

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2273
Some orga news about Friday as people keep asking for timetable

noon+x: orga gets keys and builds up party place (tables, sound, light, beamer and whatnot)
15:00 (!) doors open for guests -> people unpack stuff and make themselves at home, meet and greet...
20:00 official opening ceremony: few words, some demos...
21:00 surprise act(s)
23:00 booze the night away, maybe with some terror entertainment by SID Jockeys Thunder and Ryk

I'll talk to Thunder on the telephone today and will leak more info later
2018-02-12 23:24

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2273
OK here's what I've got for you after communicating with Hoeppie and Thunder again:

12:00 high noon remote entry deadline... in case of emergency you may(!) submit later but I can't guarantee anything as I'm not gonna be on an 8 bit party to idle around on the Internet and check my emails 24-7 you know...
15:00 official door opening (if you arrive an hour earlier or sth and have nothing else to do, you can help building up), find some cosy corner, unpack your stuff, meet people, have some beer maybe
18:00 BYOBAMBBQ - bring your own beer and meat BBQ, so at 6pm there'll be some grill hot enough to forge iron, but if you wanna use it, buy some sausages or meat or whatever, we'll tell you where to find supermarkets
20:00 official party beginning, hopefully short welcome speech by orga team
21:00 surprise...

08:00-10:00 1st breakfast - organized by whosoever is sober at that unchristian time, so definetely not me
between 09 and 14:00 TheRyk will show up with some more buns and breakfast, other guys will show you around in Berlin-Neukölln (Whiskey-Hypermarket, food stores, booze stores (Spätkauf), fast food temples, whatnot
or you let yourself be photographed and digitized on a real C64 like on German fares in the 80s, a 9 needle printer 320x200 selfy :)
afternoon: demos, SIDs, surprise... ;)
18:00 deadline for live entries
also grill is hot again for BYOBAMBBQ or you try a local kebap, no vegetarian Chili this year, sorry, new location means, we've got no kitchen anymore
20:00 Compo Show & Voting (supposed to be accessible via any WiFi gadget like smartphone, tablet, netbook, apple toys whatever)
23:00 (???) Surprise

08:00-10:00 Breakfast (not my time, but no further comment)
12:00 (???) Prize Giving Ceremony
afternoon goodbye and cleaning the place

General Info
- Once more, there is _NO_ENTRANCE_FEE_ but we hope you donate to help paying rent for our stash and organizing parties. Free earplugs, free coffee around the clock
- If you didn't book a hotel, bringing a sleeping bag etc and sleeping in the party room is allowed, but don't complain about party or snoring noise, we've got 100 pairs of earplugs for free for you :)
- It is allowed to bring own booze to the place
- There's a bar where you _CAN_ buy drinks, less than 3€ for a continental pint (0,5 l) and less than 2€ for a small pint, soft drinks (don't ask me, but moderate price I guess). You can also smoke there.
- Smoking is not allowed in the main party room. Remember, some people want to sleep there, also some of us are parents and bring over their kids at daytime. So please go to the bar or outside for a smoke and meet cool guys like myself there :)
- There is a second bar in the party room where you get free coffee, tea and other needful things :)
- Breakfast is also free (but as mentioned, I'm more the guy to take care of what German farmers name 2nd breakfast), so are BBQ sauces, bread and maybe some more. :)

Hope that helps or even motivates some more guys to attend!



PS: Trust us, we know what we're doing and keep getting better, i.e. our timetables have become less "flexible" in the past years, but you never know what happens, so be patient if the time table might get into conflict with reality, some delay might happen
2018-02-13 12:10

Registered: Apr 2011
Posts: 29
Hey BCC fans and friends!

i was wondering if someone could give me a ride from braunschweig (A2) to the party in berlin - ofcourse i pay for some of the gas! i'd love to bring my c64 with me but i'd be happy to just have a seat in the car... please let me know and write a PM if it's possible.

thank you very much!
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