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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #8546 : ArachnoPhobia #28
2003-04-21 20:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3067
Release id #8546 : ArachnoPhobia #28

I don't know what others but I consider putting releases into the internet C64 scene database and not "releasing them" (at least on internet) is a bad behaviour. Role and Spiders Crew, please don't do that.

2003-04-22 01:36
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 106
Sorry CREAMD, but ArachnoPhobia has been released already!!!!
2003-04-22 01:44
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 106
It even has been spread on the net one day (20 April) before your posting of this message! Don't compare official releasedates with the real spreading of a product, otherwise you have to complain many times about this. Have a look at the Rolean Sid #01 comment from me, there is some additional info why releasedates aren't always the same as the spreaddates. People who swap (snailmail) or who swapped in the past, know this kind of spread-system.

2003-04-22 06:58
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Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 80
If it has been released, why not supply a download link??
2003-04-22 07:27

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 1510
Still I think that you're hurting yourself by adding stuff before a download link is available: People see a new production on the latest releases list, go to the db entry and want to download it. Having stuff on the latest releases list definitely helps increasing the popularity of your mag. They might not remember that it was "released" couple of weeks ago when the download link is finally available... ;-)
2003-04-22 07:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
I don't get the excuse of a pre-release for snail-mailers, or it is some kinda prestige-quiestion I don't know about, like, getting the product earlier and climbing up the swappers charts?
The snailmailers wouldn't know about the existance of this release anyhow, as long they don't get it in hand, so what's the friggin point?
Oh I got it, the fact that the mailtraders 'll have this fabulous music-colly much earlier, will start to freak out those with the inet connections, and snailmail will raise again, just like the south?
Personally, I tidily don't care if I'll get this kind of c64 releases before or after two weeks from the others, undoubtedly without even a minimal affection to get into deep discussions about this topic, I'd still awfully prefer to see products added to this database _after_ their release, and not before.
And Commander, I'd only like to be well-disposed when drawing up your attention that there's no "It's Going To Be Released by:", or "Will Be Released by:" option on the release-pages.
2003-04-22 07:49

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 1510
Haha, word!
2003-04-22 08:37
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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1829
The first spreading date is IN FACT the release date. Inventing an "official" release date on a later day is unneccessary and lame bullshit.
2003-04-22 08:58

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 69
Quote: I don't get the excuse of a pre-release for snail-mailers, or it is some kinda prestige-quiestion I don't know about, like, getting the product earlier and climbing up the swappers charts?
The snailmailers wouldn't know about the existance of this release anyhow, as long they don't get it in hand, so what's the friggin point?
Oh I got it, the fact that the mailtraders 'll have this fabulous music-colly much earlier, will start to freak out those with the inet connections, and snailmail will raise again, just like the south?
Personally, I tidily don't care if I'll get this kind of c64 releases before or after two weeks from the others, undoubtedly without even a minimal affection to get into deep discussions about this topic, I'd still awfully prefer to see products added to this database _after_ their release, and not before.
And Commander, I'd only like to be well-disposed when drawing up your attention that there's no "It's Going To Be Released by:", or "Will Be Released by:" option on the release-pages.

The function of a pre-release for the mailtraders is because mailtrading is mucho grande slower than online distribution (few days for mailing to the trader, then a few days for the trader to mail it out again vs. sticking it online and having it immediately available)... so by releasing it to the mailtraders early, it allows them to get it out to who they need to get it out to at the same time as it is released online. I.e., everyone gets it at roughly the same time.

Er... at least, I think that's the concept.

That said, I'd like to see releases added to the database after their release, too. It only makes sense... because there can always be delays or problems with the actual release date which would then need to be updated, at nauseum. And, y'know, accurate download links are a plus, too.
2003-04-22 10:12

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3067
Quote: It even has been spread on the net one day (20 April) before your posting of this message! Don't compare official releasedates with the real spreading of a product, otherwise you have to complain many times about this. Have a look at the Rolean Sid #01 comment from me, there is some additional info why releasedates aren't always the same as the spreaddates. People who swap (snailmail) or who swapped in the past, know this kind of spread-system.

If something is released today it should have todays release date.
2003-04-22 14:32
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 106
Quote: If something is released today it should have todays release date.

Well, I shall try to keep in mind that most of the Role warez will be put on the internet (and in the database) later (after their official releasedate). But I keep on working with spreading things before the releasedate (mentioned in the product) in the snailmail-scene (like it has been for decades in the past). But that's only a matter for the snailmail scene and not for the internet-only guys/girls.
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