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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Hacked/modfied games - Do you have more info?
2015-06-05 12:45

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 489
Hacked/modfied games - Do you have more info?

Based on the discussion about Demoni +4DGHF , which is a hack of Warhawk with modified graphics, and what Smasher wrote about these hacks and about cracks without intros being sold in Italy. I also got word that in Spain it was done in a similar way.

Maybe you know about other countries this was common?

Also scene groups sometimes modified old games to look a bit different and published them as first releases of new (because widely unknown) games. Cycles +FT is a well known axample for this.

Maybe you know about more games where this was done?
2015-06-05 14:55

Registered: Dec 2007
Posts: 873
It happens mainly in Italy and Spain.
but it's just a translation of the original name, some time with a different new name and meaning and a translation of the english words, like score, start and so on.
It happens that some time some spanish grabbed the italian ones
or viceversa like
Base Lunare - italian

Base Lunar - spanish

that is: Blue Max 2001

Most of the stuff released was this.

Demoni that was officially released also in computer shops is an hack.
You have also focused on hacks done by a scener or a group.

So we can basically call hack the same code with different gfx and tunes?
2015-06-05 21:13

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 524
game hacks done by sceners are just too many, nobody can count how many boulder dash versions were released! :)

Answering Didi's question, I don't know if that "practice" was common only in Italy and Spain, but let me now tell you a (slight offtopic) story: about 10+ yrs ago I spent my summer holidays in Cyprus. I'm now reading on wikipedia that that country joined EU in 2004, so I might have flown there that year or the year before.
whatever, Cyprus is a common destination for vacation so some of you probably have noticed that too: shops which sold pirated movies/games/software/music! I'm not talking about a strange guy at the beach who gets near you and say: "hey, pssst! do you want to see the latest 007 movie?" :) no, no, that was the situation at the central shop in Larnaca airport and in other electronic shops. the original stuff you could find there was about 0-2%, I don't think much more, and you could get the latest photoshop for 5$.
those times should be over by now on that island I think, but the meaning of this story is that what happened in Cyprus in the early millenium was like Italy (and Spain) in early-mid 80s.

As I told Didi, 30 years and 30 kg's ago one day my father (oh no, another story!... hehe) came back home with a gift for me from Milan (I think he spent 20-25K lire): the game "the goonies" in a cool plastic cover which looked like an original! oh yes! cool! load "*",8,1.... "armati soft presents the goonies..." - what?!?! and then the cool gamepic "cracked by the newcomers!"... gosh!

well, that armati soft dealer then got jailed in 86-87 I've heard, but that would be a 3rd story from me today, and I bored you enough already, so I better stop here. :)

greetz, Ze Smasher.
2015-06-06 03:51

Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 466
I think Demoni is a "borderline" case.
Isn't just an hacked version of Warhawk swapped by sceners.
Who made it, did it with the intention to fool a software house causing them to sell the game as original work.
I guess Ian would not notice anything strange if the 'author' also changed the tune...
Demoni had a totally different "story" than piracy games sold in compilations back in the days...
2015-06-06 06:36
Doc Strange

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 101
Common practice in Italy and Spain. GB64 started to include them in the database with the reference to the original game, which is really handy when you are digging old stuff.

I have no idea if happened in other countries with same frequency to be honest.
2015-06-07 10:55

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1797

I believe this was done in Sweden too. I remember distinctly that Karl XII told me he did some translation hack work for HK Electronics mid '80s. Could have been some utility program though.
2015-06-07 12:55
Account closed

Registered: Apr 2008
Posts: 40
I'm pretty sure Hexenküche was official localized release.
2015-06-07 15:15

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1797
Quote: I'm pretty sure Hexenküche was official localized release.

Fair enough, but was it done by the author or was it a commissioned binary hack?
2015-06-07 16:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11445
pretty sure it was done by palace themselves
2015-06-07 21:55

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2367
yep not hacked but released in 4 languages by Palace
2015-06-09 09:16

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 279
i think it wasn't common at all of changing the game and to release as "another game" and change (whatsoever gfx/music/sprites) i think ppl were smart enough 30 yrs ago
and it was totally lame by crackers to do such stupid
acts. i know this method is got into to trend for games of
apps or on websites (unity sources/flash ) i guess there
are only a few of those hacks
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