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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #8546 : ArachnoPhobia #28
2003-04-21 20:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3067
Release id #8546 : ArachnoPhobia #28

I don't know what others but I consider putting releases into the internet C64 scene database and not "releasing them" (at least on internet) is a bad behaviour. Role and Spiders Crew, please don't do that.

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2003-04-23 22:36

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
Yeah right: mail-scene, pre-releases, snail-mail system, etc... But it still does not explains why do you add releases to CSDb *before* their release-date? In fact, most of us assume why, but let's just pretend we have no clue and continue this discussion...
2003-04-23 23:45

Posts: 392
If Perff changes the Latest Releases to only show releases that's releases today or before today, i really don't see why anyone would have a problem with commander adding his releases some days in advance. (ofcause not before the release is finished, but as far as i understand he hasn't done that)
2003-04-24 10:21
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 106
Quote: Yeah right: mail-scene, pre-releases, snail-mail system, etc... But it still does not explains why do you add releases to CSDb *before* their release-date? In fact, most of us assume why, but let's just pretend we have no clue and continue this discussion...

just have a look at the snailmail-scene and their history...
i think there have been more than enough explanation on several places in this database.
2003-04-24 11:08

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
Aw, come on, I was swapping with more than 50 contacts from '93, and decided to quit mail-swapping after numerous incidents with the post, around the end of '98 (at that time I already had net connection for a year or two). Just to make clear, I've nothing against the mail-scene or swapping.
But Commander, you just force me to repeat myself again and again by expressing my approach, not to the mail-scene, but to (and now read carefully please) adding releases to CSDb before their release-date. Especially two weeks ahead. I just can't realise what's the deal with that. And y'know, that's all...
2003-04-24 11:37
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 106
Quote: Aw, come on, I was swapping with more than 50 contacts from '93, and decided to quit mail-swapping after numerous incidents with the post, around the end of '98 (at that time I already had net connection for a year or two). Just to make clear, I've nothing against the mail-scene or swapping.
But Commander, you just force me to repeat myself again and again by expressing my approach, not to the mail-scene, but to (and now read carefully please) adding releases to CSDb before their release-date. Especially two weeks ahead. I just can't realise what's the deal with that. And y'know, that's all...

I add Role releases from the moment they are spread by snailmail! And also as told before, the spreading to snailmail mostly happens before the official releasedate to keep the snailmail swappers a bit updated at the same time as internet!!
So the things have been released already, only the releasedate has been set a bit furder for the internet and for the new stuff spread by post. Sorry, but another explanation I can't give.
Anyway, I keep on doing like always, whatever you think.
2003-04-24 13:54
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Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 80

There's just one glitch. You've set the release-date to May 1st, but when clicking on the release it's possible to download for us "internet-guys". This doesn't go too great with your arguments.

You must be the only swapper I've heard of that send out by using surface mail?? Normally it doesn't take two weeks for any countries postal service to deliver.

To me it smells like you just wan't the extra exposure by having your release shown in the latest release section for two extra weeks.

Regardless, I welcome the feature posted by Perff earlier in this thread.
2003-04-24 16:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1578
Commander, you're constantly referring to the drawbacks of the mail-scene, although I'm pretty sure that the snailmailers won't be in any kind of disadvantage by getting a certain release a week after it got out to air on the net. C64 productions have some kind of expiring-periods or what?
Explain me then, why it is so important "to keep the snailmail swappers a bit updated at the same time as internet", as if I follow that logic, you swagger with the same recon to the "inet-scene" when we don't get that release in the same time as the mailtraders, just a week after?
Whether you'll keep on doing as always or not, I'm finished with this topic, I already spent here much more time as I intended to, and what's the point in talking to the air anyway.
2003-04-24 18:42
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Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 749
That's something i've had trouble getting my head around in the past; if the mailtraders are generally cut off from the 'net, how will they know if they're getting stuff later...? Why not save a lot of mucking about and not put a release date on the product! =-)
2003-04-24 18:46

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 907
When I see a new release on cdsb I want to click on it and dl, watch it and enjoy it (or not sometimes..). Imagine how it would be if we would have a 'private' demo compo between the big groups and only spread amongst ourselves... (only between the groups that actually competed). I'd add it as a release to cdsb, but no-one would ever see it (though it has been released 'privately').. That would suck bigtime wouldn't it? Actually we were joking about something like this on breakpoint, but we could easily do it ofcourse..

short : A release is only a release if it's available to EVERYONE. Don't add if it's _not_ available.

2003-04-24 21:37
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 106
Quote: Commander,

There's just one glitch. You've set the release-date to May 1st, but when clicking on the release it's possible to download for us "internet-guys". This doesn't go too great with your arguments.

You must be the only swapper I've heard of that send out by using surface mail?? Normally it doesn't take two weeks for any countries postal service to deliver.

To me it smells like you just wan't the extra exposure by having your release shown in the latest release section for two extra weeks.

Regardless, I welcome the feature posted by Perff earlier in this thread.


In Belgium we have the bad luck of a bad-working postservice in many parts of the country. Sometimes a thing get earlier on the net because somebody else has his hands in the spreading, that's why not all has a later date. Some guys doesn't work like that. Oxidy, do you really think that I have everything in my hands...? ArachnoPhobia is an example : it is made by Spiders-crew and Role, but the total finish (and first spread) and organisation happens by Spiders-crew (who have another thinking in spreading things because they are not too much involved in the snailmail scene anymore, they don't care that much about it). It is nice to think very bad about me, to think that I want an extra exposure and so... Do you know what, if some of you think this, don't bother anymore because all where I have my hands in concerning the main spread, I won't put a releasedate in this databasde anymore!!! I thought this was adatabase for information, not some discussionboard about what is a good system or not in the scene in general. I thought that everybody does what he like and I like to do some things like in the old days and some things on my own way. Sorry for you that it doesn't fit in your dreamworld...
I keep on doing it my way, but I will try not to disturbe you all in this database with our spreading-system. Spoken about smelling, this smells all about simply hacking on someone/some group... In the past nobody cared, suddenly two reactions from Jailbird and CreaMD, and everybody starts to hack. Hey, is it allowed to have a releaseparty for the Commodore One, because it has been out already...?

To all,

You all seem suddenly to be disturbed by something done by an unimportant someone/group. Don't bother anymore, I will try to keep this database as the last informated about things which I have the main spreading in , so nobody get to be disturbed anymore. And to prevent more complaining about stupid things on me, I won't add more information (info concerning things which are not about Role or my former groups) to this database (except the Role stuff, but later when I am the main spreader). I don't want that bad things got repeated like in the past (when some guys found themselves more important than others because they are better in some things). I am not that good, Role is not that good like some others, but I feel fine in the way we support the scene. We don't care if it is not that good, we do our best as we can. This is my LAST reaction to this theme.
Enjoy the laughing or your misunderstanding or your disrespect for some things other people care...
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