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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #209982 : Transwarp v0.82
2021-10-03 18:31

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Release id #209982 : Transwarp v0.82

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2021-10-05 03:54

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
that's why it's getting packed.

I was able to do that. the problem is when i use g-packer i ended up one block too big to fit it in track 16-6

if i use g packer to pack the logo intro, it breaks the graphics, for no good reason, but transwarp remains intact.

if i use plush packer, the logo intro works, but the transwarp is broken. it just runs off to track 22 where i had transwarp on disk, and replays the logo over and over again. (!)

if i use non transwarp versions of the files, things load properly.

I now have a gpacked main that loads properly and fits on the disk. :) but i still don't have a packed logo intro that doesn't knock out transwarp.

i managed to relocate the decrunch table with exomizer to $3400. But even with -C and -M 1 it still takes too damn long to decrunch. i wish i knew why g-packer breaks the graphics. it gets the data at the end with the routine just fine, but completely corrupt the logo. The disk finally works, though.

if i had a 21 block version of transwarp i could slap it into track 4, and it would probably load quicker than the current way it's spread across three tracks.
2021-10-05 09:32

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Zaphod
that's why it's getting packed.
Do you need the space for the main file? Because as i said, no reason to pack it. Add SYS line and a small routine to copy the tail chunk from $0850-$0af0 back to to $d000 before running the main code.

Quoting Zaphod
I was able to do that. the problem is when i use g-packer i ended up one block too big to fit it in track 16-6
What's the block allocation layout you need to work around? That is, after removing booter code, intro and main program from the original disk, leaving only the custom-format game data blocks, which gaps are left?

Quoting Zaphod
if i use g packer to pack the logo intro, it breaks the graphics, for no good reason, but transwarp remains intact.
A quick glance at the intro code reveals this:
.C:4a64  AD 00 DD    LDA $DD00
.C:4a67  25 FC       AND $FC <- likely a bug, should probably be AND #$FC instead
.C:4a69  09 02       ORA #$02
.C:4a6b  8D 00 DD    STA $DD00
Quoting Zaphod
if i use plush packer, the logo intro works, but the transwarp is broken. it just runs off to track 22 where i had transwarp on disk, and replays the logo over and over again. (!)
This is unexpected. If Transwarp is not installed while loading a Transwarp file from a program, the correct file should be loaded, but take a little longer due to having to load the booter stub and installing Transwarp again. Can you post the file?

Quoting Zaphod
if i had a 21 block version of transwarp i could slap it into track 4, and it would probably load quicker than the current way it's spread across three tracks.
For best speed, it's recommended to have the booter stub live on tracks 18 and 19, with no previously allocated blocks to work around.

As for a smaller version, you can disable these options in the source
SOUND  = 1
in any combination to reduce size, minimum is 17 blocks. You probably want INSTAL to remain set, though.
2021-10-05 09:51

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
User Comment
Submitted by Zaphod [PM] on 5 October 2021
Jars revenge glitches for me. Can only move diagonal forward and that on pal. Crashes on ntsc for me. Seems unlikely that the original would do that.
It's a PAL only game. Do you have the same movement restriction when loading Transwarp itself, then loading the game, then reset, then SYS 2061?

Original is on Peiselgames .
2021-10-05 10:28

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
As I said, the only two track blocks available are six to sixteen and nineteen to twenty one. Where the original two vorpal files were. They bled into part of the following tracks, 17 and 22, and overlapped with irq load data on them.

Logo must be packed and transwarp encoded to 19-21 and main must be packed and transwarp encoded to 16-6.

The issue is rle packing logo and having it not break transwarp after. I have tried two packers so far and both failed when the logo intro was transwarp encoded. Plush packer clobbered transwarp in a manner that it doesn’t detect and reset the vectors after, and g packer breaks the logo itself, but the main loads after.

Exomizer works, but is too slow to decrunch, even when I maximize speed and minimize crunching.

G packer must touch $FC, which breaks the intro. So I need to debug what actually gets written there. Does fixing that “bug” have the intro still work?
2021-10-05 11:06

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
I intend to build the rest of the lucasfilm collection

Ballblazer loads two files and one goes under IO. This is fixed by linking and packing them. An unbranded one file that doesn’t show intro and repacks fast will fix it. Transwarp can go to the directory track and 19.

The eidolon will use the same intro but use a different main I have because it’s music sounds better. It uses a variant joe loader after that and has no hidden data. I should be able to master with no issues.

Rescue on fractalus writes high scores to 18.2 and uses drive code to do so. That is the only reserved sector. Assuming that this drive code is stored in main, there should be no issues mastering this because there is plenty of room.

What’s the smallest assembler I can use to rebuild transwarp?

I intend to transwarp remaster every vorpal v1 original I can find. :) I probably can’t do Barbie though
2021-10-05 11:23

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Zaphod
main must be packed and transwarp encoded to 16-6.
That's 11 tracks with 21 blocks each, 11 * 21 = 231. A 202 standard blocks file ($0801-$dd00) takes 230 Transwarp blocks. Should fit snugly in that track block, unpacked. =)

Quoting Zaphod
Plush packer clobbered transwarp in a manner that it doesn’t detect and reset the vectors after
The issue is that the resident code at the upper end of memory gets overwritten during depacking, though, the vectors and lowmem routines are left intact.
Maybe you should just wait a few more days for ChristopherJam to finish the next tinycrunch version featuring minimal crunching and copying to just come out below a given size threshold.

Quoting Zaphod
G packer must touch $FC, which breaks the intro. So I need to debug what actually gets written there. Does fixing that “bug” have the intro still work?
I don't use to post solutions to problems without first confirming them to work. And i just confirmed that it is indeed a classic use-of-unintialised-variable bug in the original intro, and likely caused by a typo. In the original version, nothing overwrites the 0 left by the ROM init routine there before $fc is read by the intro.

Quoting Zaphod
two files on it
What did you use to save the files in that image? Block allocation layout looks funky. =)
2021-10-05 11:25

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
I intend to build the rest of the lucasfilm collection

Ballblazer loads two files and one goes under IO. This is fixed by linking and packing them. An unbranded one file that doesn’t show intro and repacks fast will fix it. Transwarp can go to the directory track and 19.

The eidolon will use the same intro but use a different main I have because it’s music sounds better. It uses a variant joe loader after that and has no hidden data. I should be able to master with no issues.

Rescue on fractalus writes high scores to 18.2 and uses drive code to do so. That is the only reserved sector. Assuming that this drive code is stored in main, there should be no issues mastering this because there is plenty of room.

What’s the smallest assembler I can use to rebuild transwarp?

I intend to transwarp remaster every vorpal v1 original I can find. :) I probably can’t do Barbie though
2021-10-05 11:27

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Zaphod
What’s the smallest assembler I can use to rebuild transwarp?
Sorry, but i don't quite get this question. The source is intended to be assembled using 64TASS V1.56.2625 though (the build i used reports "64tass Turbo Assembler Macro V1.55.2200?" including the question mark).
2021-10-05 11:57

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
My bad. Track 6 was full. It was 16 to 7. That’s why I needed the packing on main.

Anyway I can fix the bug in the intro then g pack it, which completes the release after I build the install only minimal transwarp. I still need a linker/packer that puts everything back where it was for ballblazer. This doesn’t need to preserve transwarp.

If someone can rewrite the game to move tracks 5 and 6 up one that ours be an improvement.

I would also like a way to transwarp encode a file that doesn’t load to $801 and provide a jmp address. This is for when I don’t need to pack the logo.

But I will probably just leave it G packed with a credit line of “transwarp by krill/plush” to give you credit. :) make use of the repacking delay. Will install transwarp lite (and call it that in the loading routine extending the text string)
2021-10-05 12:12

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Zaphod
I would also like a way to transwarp encode a file that doesn’t load to $801 and provide a jmp address. This is for when I don’t need to pack the logo.
You can encode files loading to anywhere in $0400-$d000 just fine. Make sure to load them with ",8,1", though. =)

Quoting Zaphod
But I will probably just leave it G packed with a credit line of “transwarp by krill/plush” to give you credit. :) make use of the repacking delay. Will install transwarp lite (and call it that in the loading routine extending the text string)
I guess the Transwarp boot banner is enough for giving credit. =)
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