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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Android Goattracker compatible tracker
2021-04-25 05:24

Registered: Apr 2021
Posts: 37
Android Goattracker compatible tracker

FakeSID is a FOSS Android chiptune tracker (inspired by LFT's Blackbird). The coder is now considering rewritting the whole thing, basing it on Goattracker! One very nice aspect of this is that Goattracker's .sng-files easily can be converted to SidWizard .swm-files (With Hermit's sng2swm-tool).

According to this thread on Github, the dude mentions he would need a little bit of help with some of the 6510-assembly bits. Anybody here who perhaps would like to point him towards the right direction? In that case leave a comment and more details can be added. Have a look at this thread: https://github.com/2bt/fakesid/issues/1#issuecomment-822011536

Personally I love the idea of punching in a few melodies or beats on my phone whilst being on the bus, and then move the fragments over to the breadbox when at home :) Also the gui on the previous/earlier android installment (FakeSID) is really sweet. Screenshots/apk are available at Github link above or at Play where it has gotten some pretty great ratings: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.twobit.fakesid
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2025-01-04 00:58

Registered: Jun 2021
Posts: 25
Happy new year! Were you able to try out the app? How did it go?

Jump commands can be used not just for loops but to jump to some other place for the purpose of reuse. It seemed to me that this usage is not very common so I didn't feel bad not supporting this. However, it seems to be very common that instruments and table commands share table data but don't necessarily point to the same address. I had not foreseen this, unfortunately. Perhaps this is where the idea of having a separate table for each instrument breaks apart. :( I wonder how bad it feels for someone used to reusing table date this way to be forced to create a separate table.
2025-01-06 00:22

Registered: Apr 2021
Posts: 37
This is... AMAZING.

I have tried it out on android phone and it went waaaay beyond my expectations. I expected some alpha/beta-software and found the most intuitive and powerful sid-composer software I have ever seen. One of the best things happening on CSDB in months and since this the shread about this started in 2021 all i can say now in 2025 is.... worth waiting for.

A few thoughts

1. That it's shipped with only one song is infinitly better than if there is no songs. However to study and learn I tossed some 15 .sng files shipped with GTultra into this folder GTmobile
> Android > data > com.twobit.gtmobile > files > songs.
In case anybody is interested here are the files that worked flawlessly (not being in x2 and x3 speed etc): https://nextcloud-fingal.griffin.mygiga.cloud/s/SNGs

2. Precious space is lost on top and bottom of the app. But this is very easily remedied by having Immersion Mode implemented. Immersive mode will free up valuable screen space by hiding/toggle system UI elements such as the status bar and navigation bar. The code for it is here:

3. On older Android versions (10) app does not work. Only a corner of the app is displayed in a part of the screen but tapping in certain places produce keyboard sounds. Perhaps this is know to dev.

This was just a few things from the top of my head.


Without going into details i must say that I liked many of the above suggestions by Hein. Does the link above btw still have the latest version? I hope that there always will be a way to get the apk since I like many do not use Google Play Store.

Congratulations for making such a cool app 2bt !
2025-01-06 00:40

Registered: Jun 2021
Posts: 25
Thanks for the positive feedback, Splunkh!.

I update the apk behind the link regularly. The last update was just now. Here are some updates: Files are stored in Documents/gtmobile. Multi-speed is supported. Tables are rewritten during song loading to handle instruments that jump around the table. There's a way to load and save instruments by double-tapping the instrument tab.

I think it's important to have more demo songs and also a reasonable instrument library. I will need help for that, though.
2025-01-06 07:35

Registered: Apr 2021
Posts: 37
Hey there :)

So i installed latest version but it had issues. There is no way I can add any additinal songs anymore.

- If i add them (the ones i linked above) into Documents/gtmobile they do not show up. Only hyperspace is there.

- If i delete this song from app the app crash and then resinstall it. If i delete it from Documents/gtmobile it just say "error cant load file" (which is good, meaning its looking in the right place)

- If i uninstall app and reinstall it will crash upon startup every time. The cause for this is that there is already a Documents/gtmobile folder there. That folder needs to be deleted. Then the app can create a new folder and start normally.
2025-01-06 07:42

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 503
If you like to have some of my songs as example, I try to keep them all tidy and sorted after release here:

There is also an instruments folder in each song directory. But I have a hard time coming up with names, so "lead1.ins" or "arp 0 7 C.ins" in one song usually is different from "lead1.ins" / "arp 0 7 C.ins" in another song.
2025-01-06 17:22

Registered: Jun 2021
Posts: 25
Thanks, Splunkh! for reporting the problem. I switched back to using the private app storage instead of Documents/gtmobile. This seems to be the right way to do things on android these days, I guess. I touched the export code so it opens up a dialog, and you can also export SNG files, effectively just copying them from the app storage dir.

Arguably, there should perhaps also be an import button for songs, and export/import for instruments. Maybe let's keep things simple for now and add stuff in the future as features get requested.

Thanks spider-j for sharing songs and instruments. I haven't looked at it yet. Maybe it's a good idea to write to select composers directly and ask for cooperation.
2025-01-06 18:49

Registered: Apr 2021
Posts: 37
Well 2bt It is not ideal to use private app storage since the only way to get songs into that folder, in later android versions, is via computer/usb file system management. I think folder/file picker seems to be the most common and best solution still. But *any* workaround so that one can import songs only using the android device would be precious. Export sng works flawlessly. Import sng would be a splendid workaround. (Ofc if one could import an intire folder of songs that would help, not having to pick one at the time).

This was one failed experiment i did on previous version that used Documents/gtmobile folder:
I in the app saved copies of the hyperspace.sng and later in filemanager renamed/replaced with other imported gt-songs. But nope, the app then made them invisable, so that did not work. If i however duplicared/renamed original hyperspace.sng files the app would see the songs now with the new names. So that unfortunatly provided no workaround.

Nice sharing of songs Spider Jerusalem !
2025-01-07 16:10

Registered: Jun 2021
Posts: 25
I added an import button. :) Also, just updated resid, but I can't really hear a difference.
2025-01-07 19:56

Registered: Apr 2021
Posts: 37
Tested it! Great :)

On another note (for anybody that might want it): There was no linux binary for latest Sid2sng 1.2 so I made and uploaded one some weeks ago. In order to convert an entire folder in HVSC from sid to sng this is handy (occasionally with needed options)
for file in *.sid; do ./sid2sng "$file" "${file%.sid}.sng"; done
2025-01-09 14:38

Registered: Jun 2021
Posts: 25
Splunkh!, I added an option to enabled fullscreen mode. Hope you like it!
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