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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Event id #2312 : Je suis #Linus music compo
Compo's premise is as simple as that:
You 'just' have to create a tune which imitates Linus' trademark sounds and ideas. Seems simple but it's not :D
There is only one rule - Linus himself cannot participate! (No wonder, huh? Still, I can and other MSL guys can too, eh eh :P) Naturally, he can vote for all contestants :D
Apart from that all composers have total freedom regarding entries' number, playtime, speed, editor, executability etc. - all in all it shall be judged by the people and results will be based on average of Linus' CSDb vote and other CSDb votes to make it more spicy ;)
I guess it might be great introduction to whole compo series covering all musicians. Have fun!
Having thought a little more on the subject I've decided to add one quite necessary rule - GT composers cannot use original Linus' GT worktunes if they are luckily in possession of any. I guess it would be as aimless here as imitating Hubbard in his own player with stock instruments :D |
... 111 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
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Registered: Feb 2012 Posts: 77 |
Any time signature restrictions apply here? ;) |
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Registered: Jun 2004 Posts: 640 |
Allowed are 5/4, 7/4, 7/8, 11/8, 13/8 and any combination of those in a polyrhythmic enviroment, obviously! |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Stinsen, Linus's regular side makes 4/4, eventually 3/4. His schizo side goes for the rest :P Are you willing to contribute or too little 4/4? :D |
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Registered: Feb 2012 Posts: 77 |
Well yeah, I hope I can give it a shot at least even with my lack of sense of rhythm and mediocre sound programming. :D Anyway nice initiative and compo theme, could get interesting. |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Yeah, especially that we're going to cover many different artists ranging from purely technical to total oldskool ;] |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
As compo is slowly reaching halfway, is anybody in the process already? Who's going to make us happy with his/her Linus interpretation? :D Step right up, step right up!
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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 958 |
Yes, compo halfway, my tune also halfway. :) |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
On the Road Once Again first entry! \:D/
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Another great entry by Hein! You can grab it here:
The Infiltrator
Linus wanted to sabotage the compo with his own immitation of himself and take a prize secretly - as a punishment, he's out of compo and I won't link him here :P Eat this!
Ten days to go, gentlemen! Deadline is not going to be extended. |
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Registered: Jun 2004 Posts: 640 |
Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside when you're hard-boiled like that :D |
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