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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
The C64 Grand Tour Challenge
Hey everyone,
I wanted a new year challenge for 2021. The idea is to compose 1 music per each month of the year. Yeah, it's nothing special, right?
So to spice it up, each month I'm going to use a different editor/player.
Now it sounds like some nice fun that I don't want to keep for myself only.
Composers, join me!
List of editors and rules to follow:
Jan: GMC V2 (GMC V2 (Unfinished))
Feb: SID Factory 2 (PC) (https://blog.chordian.net/sf2/ build 20200911)
Mar: Ninja Tracker 2.04 (C64) (NinjaTracker V2.04)
Apr: Defmon (C64) (defMON V20201008)
May: Goat Tracker 2.75 (PC) (GoatTracker V2.75)
Jun: DMC 7 (C64) (DMC 7.0)
Jul: Virtuoso 1.02 (C64) (Virtuoso V1.02)
Aug: X-SID (C64) (X-SID)
Sep: Cheesecutter 2.9.0 (PC) (CheeseCutter 2.9.0)
Oct: Sosperec 1.0 (C64) (Sosperec Editor V1.0)
Nov: SDI 2.17 (C64) (SID Duzz' It V2.1.7)
Dec: SID-Wizard 1.8 (C64) (SID-Wizard V1.8)
- Use the linked version of the actual editor only (compatibility)
- 1 SID, 1x speed only
- Track length: please keep it within the usual limits. Not too short, not too long, make it as long as a regular composition would be.
- 1 track per month with the specified tool
- If the editor saves to a format where player is included, use address $1000
- Deadline: last day of the actual month, at midnight
- Send your projectfiles to: strayboom()gmail()com
I don't plan voting, this supposed to be a motivational-fun-self-challenge only. Do it for your own good or don't do it at all. Still, there will be a progress bar with the completed entries.
If there's enough tracks, I'll make a compilation in a form of musicdisk or music mix, etc.
There might be a huuuuuge - or small - C64 musicdisk release of all tracks at the end of the year/early next year. We'll see.
vincenzo /Lethargy^Singular^SIDRIP^Rebels^Molecoola |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2359 |
compo has devoloped to a Magyar Duel between Necropolo and you.
Anyway, keep em coming, guys
signed, a fan |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Yes, good stuff! |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
The Magyar Duel continues in September, this time with CheeseCutter.
NecroPolo: Grove Street 69
Vincenzo: Cheetah Boi
Event page: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - September 2021
Next month's editor is SID Duzz' It V2.1.7
Event page: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - October 2021 |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
We actually messed up the order of months and editors. In October we should have work with Sosperec, but then we ended up with SDI. Aaaaanyway, challenge of October is complete and we'll switch to Sosperec in November.
NecroPolo: Deepstalker
Vincenzo: Butterfly Effect
Event page: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - October 2021
Next month's editor: Sosperec Editor V1.0
Next month's event page: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - November 2021 |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Sosperec will be interesting. :) |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Quote: Sosperec will be interesting. :)
Yes Frantic, it was definitely an "interesting" experience :)
TL;DR I'm not going to touch Sosperec ever again.
So, November is over, The Challenge/Duel continues.
NecroPolo: Trabant 601
Vincenzo: Nightmare
Event page: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - November 2021
December's Challenge, eventpage: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - December 2021
December's editor: SID-Wizard V1.8 |
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Registered: Oct 2004 Posts: 503 |
I just wanted to say, that I found this a really great idea and would have wanted to participate if my real life wasn't so "unpredictable" (aka 3 year old daughter) at the moment and it's not a good time to meet monthly "deadlines" [ you can ask by boss about that :P ]...
I have deep respect for you: Vincenzo and NecroPolo delivering great tunes with other trackers every month this year! |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2359 |
I add that I keep following your monthly two entries, mostly a blast of quality, huge respect for f***ing around with all those exotic trackers and deliver such great outcome! |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Thanks guys. It's hard and honest work, and of course a tough fight with deadline each month. Still, the experience and the new bits I learned is priceless here.
Early next year we want to release all tracks in a musicdisk format, and hopefully we'll have time to write an article of each editor too.
Spidey, December is SID-Wizard's month, you can still join us! :) |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 83 |
Ladies and gentlemen, The C64 Grand Tour Challenge is now officially over.
December's releases:
Spider Jerusalem: Late To The Party
NecroPolo: Lilac And Gooseberries
Vincenzo: Stomp Da Bonk
Event page: The C64 Grand Tour Challenge - December 2021
I hereby would like to thank you to everyone who joined and composed a music. It was a hell of a ride for sure, but as proven, it's definitely possible to compose a music per month, with a different editor per month.
The result is 27 tracks overall, it's a nice mixture of, basically everything.
Hope you felt entertained during the whole year, thank you for your attention.
Vincenzo, NecroPolo, da Blondie, Jammer and Spider Jerusalem |
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