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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2269 |
What's downvoting...
Quoting Shine
Means what exactly?
Just curious, what is a downvote in your opinion, Knight Rider?
removed from Comments on
Excess ICC2021 4KB Intro
Feel free to lead (yet another) philosophical debate on the definition of downvoting here, but pretty please not in entry comments ffs
and behave...
*opens his umbrella for weather forecast tells me to expect shitstorm and heavy vote whining tears rains*
An example from some drama last summer: Voting a 2 on something with zero downloads (which means someone votes it lower than 10 without even downloading the file), now THAT's definetely downvoting in my book
PS: @the current release overly hard 5s are outweiged by overenthusiastic 10s pretty well currently imho |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2269 |
Quoting FlexIf CSDb voting becomes a world of 9's and 10's
Some years ago _I_ was often criticized for both too high/low public votes. Phrase I remember for upvote-whining was "10s come easy these days", definetely some truth in it, but criticizing upvote comes along with the same issues than downvote-whining (only it looks more arrogant and less pathetic) - either we don't want to allow votes or we do (<- in that case telling people HOW to vote is plain silly at the end of the day)
Quote:but in the end it really doesn't matter
full ack, only mods AND users are getting tired of the drama
Quote:good guys only
good one :D
Quoting Raistlincharts
As said before, go to diskmags for charts. Maybe we'll have more mags (or at least more mag readers) when the voting's gone?
Or - speaking about crack stats - some revolution about whatever stat score systems are out there? Current List would only tell us about mere quantities. Different matter, though, because cracks ain't have been voted for a lot, anyway, here. So if you want to pick a crack, you more often than not gotta decide to take a) your favourite group's release b) the one with the most features (+39 Trainers including change $D020) the smallest file to fit on your spread disk (kidding) d) the one with your fav intro e) etc. or f) read comments and flags |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 2982 |
What Flex said. =)
Quoting KrillThat weirdly non-linear scale with a strong bias to shit (in [1..10], "good" starts at... 9?) everybody keeps using may be part of the problem. =) |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1336 |
I've been asked very recently why I voted on one compo prod 10 and other 9 (as you can guess, author of the 9 was pming me :P). I explained as well as I could what constitutes 10 in my book (and you probably know my scale is reeeeaaaallyyyyy biased upwards) but I died inside a little that I had to explain it in first place to guys in their 40s or 50s :( |
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Registered: Jun 2004 Posts: 639 |
Quote: ..my first and most likely last words about CSDb voting:
Oh boy, times have changed and where have we come to...
Not more than just some 5 years ago you really had to put your absolute best into the table to achieve then very respectful 9 average.
Speaking on my half, that was one thing that kept me "hungry" pushing for better and better trying to strike that line of 9 for the first time. When I finally got there, it felt very rewarding.
In this context I find it a bit funny nowadays to see people give full points even for mediocre stuff and more funny to see these 10's being given by fellow groupmates. :-) I know the aim is to cheer and encourage, but I think we're on a wrong path when this happens.
I really don't want to see the real world phenomenon, the fear of hurt feelings land here at CSDb - especially if it's just a silly matter of giving votes that are considered "downvotes". If CSDb voting becomes a world of 9's and 10's, I know people mean good but then we're on our way to a sweet bubble that kills the hunger.
I'd like to see people being consistent(!) with their vote-range and voting behavior. What comes to the range, a pretty nice 7 should certainly not be considered a downvote. Unfortunately it seems to be the case nowadays which I think is wrong!
Personally, can't say good votes wouldn't cheer me up too, but in the end it really doesn't matter. In general I find voting is a good spice at CSDb but nothing beats the feedback. Comments - good or bad - are what really mean something. Instead of clicking a number, thank you for your time and thoughts.
Seeing "ill" voting behaviour makes me a bit sad and reduces my childish believe in the C64 scene of "good guys only". :-)
Enough said. Keep on voting! ;-)
Flex for president. Jammer, listen and learn! :D :P |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 2982 |
Quoting JammerI've been asked very recently why I voted on one compo prod 10 and other 9 (as you can guess, author of the 9 was pming me :P). I explained as well as I could what constitutes 10 in my book (and you probably know my scale is reeeeaaaallyyyyy biased upwards) but I died inside a little that I had to explain it in first place to guys in their 40s or 50s :( Assuming the guy asked politely and in good faith, is that so bad?
Whenever somebody votes not-10 on any of my releases, i'd like to know what in their book is missing to make it a 10. Out of pure interest and some vestiges of ambition.
I never really asked, though, because it's not really that important, after all. =)
(This might be where votes tied to a comment with praise laced with some constructive criticism might be nice.) |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 130 |
Making charts in discmags is pointless nowadays as the mags do not have enough voters.
This surprise me a bit after reading all these discussions again and again about voting.
It still seems to be a big interest for some kind of charts :) |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11391 |
Some people really need to understand that votes - if given honestly - will overall more likely settle in a normal distribution/bell curve than being biased to 10 like they expect. a 5 is still "ok", its not a downvote. very little deserves "10", because that is "excellent very hard to top and second to none".
As for pouet, it works better there because the like/neutral/dislike voting leaves much less room for discussion and drama. On the other had, many years ago i used to vote the same on csdb (1/5/10) and it caused plenty drama.
These days i only vote for the drama, because who cares really. |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 2982 |
Quoting GroepazSome people really need to understand that votes - if given honestly - will overall more likely settle in a normal distribution/bell curve than being biased to 10 like they expect. a 5 is still "ok", its not a downvote. very little deserves "10", because that is "excellent very hard to top and second to none". Yes, you're saying the same as Flex and i did. (I wouldn't go as far as assuming an actual normal distribution as the ideal there, though.)
So let's get back to actual downvoting. As in the 1, sometimes 2 when the rest of the votes cluster somewhere on the right of the scale. Sure the algorithm takes care of outliers to some extent, but... =) |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2269 |
@Krill/interest in why not 10: Depends, if some noob asks how/what to improve next release, alright. But some half-experienced dude rated 6 or higher, playing vote inquisition, I'd say displays total lack of self-esteem. For often it's just personal taste, especially when it comes to gfx and music, taste can't always be explained.
Sure, you don't do stuff only for yourself but hope someone out there will like it (otherwise, releasing wouldn't make sense unless you want to annoy someone or everyone, also happens). But your own opinion should matter a lot more than what average or grumpy (all should be zero and life sucks anyway) or over-enthusiastic (even just some pile of crappy pixels or some fart sound is as excellent as pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows) CSDb user thinks - who might just have a bad hair day or no taste/clue or a lot of substances and couldn't refrain from voting something (which ain't mandatory, NOT voting IS an option, just btw...)
GPZ: However, even if the scale would only allow 9s and 10s or Likes, there'd be unpleased ppl. Debating particular votes (comments are a different matter) for me feels extremely like anti-social media overdone like "Follow me/Subscribe/Gimme a Like/Visit my Facebook Farm and water my flowers" or you are a misanthropist/troll/Philistine and need to be banned or jailed or worse/will hear from my lawyer... |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11391 |
Just give me a button to slap them with a trout. It works wonders :) |
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