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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #209982 : Transwarp v0.82
2021-10-03 18:31

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Release id #209982 : Transwarp v0.82

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2021-10-05 20:59

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Zaphod
it only starts at $500 if io is banked out when it's loaded. gpacker is't getting it.
Setting "$01 VALUE" to $30 in G-Packer doesn't work?

And what about that verbose printout about the mysteriously big Transwarp bootfile, with 29 instead of 19 blocks? =)
2021-10-05 22:58

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
okay it seems that it's a glitch in the track display.

it ONLY shows it like that when the other file i'm trying to put in 19-21 is also being added.

so it's only stuffing 1 lousy block to track 19, which conflicts with the 19-21 file, and it's mistakenly showing 1 though 9 as filled. It will NOT show the transwarp chain when there's another error, which is what caused this strange result.

-t -u 0 should allow me to write transwarp into one of those last two directory sectors.

I'd have to add a dummy plain file into track 19 called koronis rift, then add copyright 1985 and transwarp into track 17, move the sector on track 19, fix the link, then scratch koronis rift, then transwarp add it to track 19

yeah, that worked.

and no it doesn't. never gets to the jmp $500. which according to the docs, it should be able to depack that range. if i store 30 in $01, then load both parts in the monitor, then g 500, it DOES work. i think it's because it's writing the blank textline and messing with screen memory. gonna try something.

no, that wasn't it. somehow it ends up clobbering a lot of zero page with $#87
2021-10-05 23:47

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Zaphod
okay it seems that it's a glitch in the track display.

it ONLY shows it like that when the other file i'm trying to put in 19-21 is also being added.
Keep in mind that in a print like this
  18: ####.##############    "ATG" "TRANSWARP V0.84" 
there is no notion of which block belongs to which of the two files or is allocated otherwise.

Quoting Zaphod
so it's only stuffing 1 lousy block to track 19, which conflicts with the 19-21 file, and it's mistakenly showing 1 though 9 as filled.
2 blocks, i guess? And mistakenly? Those other 9 blocks may be from the other file you mentioned, no? Or may have been marked as occupied already in the disk image you use as a basis (use the -v option on it without adding any files to check).

Quoting Zaphod
-t -u 0 should allow me to write transwarp into one of those last two directory sectors.
It's in nanny mode for a reason at this stage (for maximum loading speed), and your case of working around pre-allocated blocks is quite special.
I will think about a solution, but in the meanwhile, well, the source is there to modify. =)
2021-10-06 01:16

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
well i did make a workaround that worked for that. so i squeezed that last block onto track 18, and mapped te other two. so yay, fastcopyable fastloading koronis rift. :)

It was ONE block, and though it filled it in, it didn't list any other filename on the track line. It JUST said transwarp. which is what caused the confusion. AND it didn't show the trace map for the transwarp file.

and for the eidolon i just had to rename the transwarp file cuz there was also a "tr" file for it's joe loader.

now if someone can build me a lucasfilm logo+loading pic+music for rescue on fratcalus that cleans up after itself and leave transwarp intact, i can get that one done, and it should still be able to block load the high scores from 18.2.

exomizer actually manages to get ballblazer's low and high main using #$38 at $01 during decrunch, but takes wayyyy too long. Is there a trick to making exomizer compress less and also decrunch faster?
2021-10-06 10:24

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Zaphod
now if someone can build me a lucasfilm logo+loading pic+music for rescue on fratcalus that cleans up after itself and leave transwarp intact
Do it the other way around. Move conflicting Transwarp code out of the way to memory areas not used by the intro, run intro, then restore Transwarp code. The Giana Sisters intro does that.

Quoting Zaphod
Is there a trick to making exomizer compress less and also decrunch faster?
Consider other options, especially other crunchers. Compressing should be last resort in this context, and if you need to compress, pack lightly. Exomizer really should only be used if you need minimum size and don't care much for speed.
2021-10-06 15:11

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
main issue is that the intro has the second stage loader routine inside of it, with a JSR to vorpal.

so it's not started wit a JSR.

so i need a version that can, say return to a basic program and then load the next stage. no packing is needed at all on the intro, since there's nothing pre-allocated to work around except 18-2

I just seem to be needing tools that don't quite exist, or are hard to find. Like a simple PC side program that works in windows command prompt that will turn scattered files in memory into a single self unpacking and relocating executable with a JMP address for ballblazer.

also, it seems that the high score saver talks to the vorpal drive code (and is back in the vorpal loader, which is not overwritten by anything). so i have to install vorpal after transwarp loading main! and going after v1 isn't any better, because also uses drive code left in place by it's loader to save the high scores (they are loaded with drive code halfway through the loader).

I'm going to actually have to reverse engineer how to start vorpal without initiating a load.
2021-10-06 15:25

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Zaphod
a simple PC side program that works in windows command prompt that will turn scattered files in memory into a single self unpacking and relocating executable with a JMP address
NuCrunch V1.0.1 might fit that bill.

Quoting Zaphod
it seems that the high score saver talks to the vorpal drive code (and is back in the vorpal loader, which is not overwritten by anything). so i have to install vorpal
If neither speed nor background music/animation is required for hi-scores disk access, you can maybe just use the ROM routines.
2021-10-06 18:56

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
Quoting Krill
NuCrunch V1.0.1 might fit that bill.

will give it a try. thanks.

nope. ballblazer's low part goes to $500, and NuCrunch can't do it.
Quoting NuCrunch

C:\c64\exomizer>nucrunch -xo "copyright 1984.prg" -j 500 g:\emulators\c64\blmain
0x0500-0xfff0: 64242 bytes read from g:\emulators\c64\blmain
error: self extracting option doesn't currently support destinations below $0800

Quoting Krill

If neither speed nor background music/animation is required for hi-scores disk access, you can maybe just use the ROM routines.

but then i'd have to actually write a score saver and loader when there is already one. Since we are already using drivecode, there's no reason not to put vorpal back in the drive if I can figure out HOW when the scores are loaded, which will leave it there for when they are saved.

normally games turn vorpal back off with a JSR to their own vorpal removal routine after the final load, suggesting vorpal to be a captive loader. but this one doesn't.

time to go trace a vorpal loader. ahh there we go. just need to jsr $1000 to put back the vorpal drive code.

so i just need to put this in free memory between the two.
JSR $1000
JMP $18c0

and bank out everything for the depack, and bank kernal back in to reload vorpal. above code fragment tested.

the saved scores are a standard dos sector, so vorpal being used to write and or read it in is not a problem for my release. seems vorpal CAN read normal sectors too.

This should complete the lucasfilm transwarp quadrilogy. :)
2021-10-06 19:16

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
error: self extracting option doesn't currently support destinations below $0800
That explains why no mention of maximum decrunch area in the readme.

However, you can still copy that chunk manually after decrunch. It's not hard.

But please do open another thread for anything not directly Transwarp related.
2021-10-08 15:01

Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 63
out of curiosity, how small would a transwarp that operates like vorpal be?

you pass it the starting track, number of transwarp blocks to read, and the load address, and it loads the file.

the game version of vorpal fits within 1k of memory, and exists in many versions that load to different addresses.

protection check optional (laugh)
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