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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Dim cold calculation?!?!?!
2002-08-25 22:41

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3038
Dim cold calculation?!?!?!

Okay.. I have to say something about the thing which really bugs me now. It's a sentence taken from review of Singles Collection. Here we go: "a dim, coldly calculated concept made for the due of things. Sadly enough all too recent as demands for not letting the stream dry up completely".

Dear critic.. Please don't tell us that you know what we feel when we compose, draw and code. Are you really so desperately incompetent that you really believe that people like TMR, Hollowman and others who participated in the project produce things because they desperately want the stream (another stupid catch word from that cathegory where retro & oldskool belongs) to continue?? Oh man, wake up.. nobody needs to do anything. If those people didn't enjoy what they did, they would never do anything. Please don't tell us that creative people do things because they want to keep c64 alive. I don't think anybody who participated on production of the collection did that with this purpose, only you are so incompetent that you dare to present daemagogy as fact. My god, dude those words you said are naiver than any retro bafflegab I've ever read on lemon64.com forums or comp.sys.cbm. And this from person who is actively participating in the C64 scene. Please go spread your incompetent and daemagogical definition of scene productivity somewhere else than in the most prestigious magazine ever produced.

Ah.. by the way.. according to your definition Vandalism News is a cold calcualtion too.. just to keep scene alive? Yeah?. If you believe in your own words, you already consider scene dead. Scene(rs) doesn't think and analyse things just for the sake of thinking and analysing things like you do.. Sorry but scene(r) is not so simple like you try to present to us. If there is just one person who understands the scene(rs), please stand up and say. Yeah, that's me. .... silence... have a nice dream dude.
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2004-06-16 08:45

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 173
Quote: i finally managed to leech the .avi, and i loved it , now please do make a c64 version

well. Once upon a time in Bjuv, we actually was planning to show you a preview of the c64 version but as we forgot the discs at home :)
2004-06-16 09:26
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 188
"Once upon a time in Bjuv", isn't that a movie?
2004-06-16 10:01
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Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 221
Quote: Misinterpreted?!

Yes CreaMD, it's a synonym - or "other word", if you like - for "misunderstood"

Hey David, is this really what ragging has been reduced to this these days? Used to remember it quite alot more explicit, haha ;-)
2004-06-16 11:18

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3038
Quote: Yes CreaMD, it's a synonym - or "other word", if you like - for "misunderstood"

Hey David, is this really what ragging has been reduced to this these days? Used to remember it quite alot more explicit, haha ;-)

Crossfire, well if this is the only thing you can add to this discussion .. now, next time before you feel like adding some more of your detached and relaxed important ex-scener 2cents, to show me how above things you are, please how about if you opened the mentioned magazine in emulator and checked some of that highly sophisticated abracadbra for yourself. If you don't feel like getting acquainted with the discussed subject, how about if you returned to your favourite subjects discussed somewhere else in other threads of these forums.
2004-06-16 11:26

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3038
Quote: You mentioned that the critics in question were incompetent. I highly doubt this and thus I come to my own conclusion that you must have misinterpreted their opinions.

I love it these days when somebody gets so passionate about the C64 - thats the spirit I like, hopefully not a destructive spirit... or self-destructive at that...

Jazz, as I have alredy mentioned couple of times, the post was written 2 years ago and I *felt* like writing it this way 2 years ago after reading the mentioned article which everybody interested in this debate should reread if you he really wants to understand why I could get so upset at that time.

As I already said it was hot-blooded reaction and I would more than probably not use words like incompetent today. Still I think the part of the review I have quoted was highly pretentious and unjustified. That part and that IDEA in the quote is an utter crap. And now please let's talk about something different, because as you can see Ed doesn't feel any necessity to add anything to this, and I don't feel like rephrasing myself over and over again.

Next time I get upset about some article in Vandalism, I'll send over a reaction, althought I would be very glad to have your permission to publish such controversial text over at c64.sk and leave people to react on such topic. Then you could compile your reactions chapter and you could (not necessarily) stay neutral in the discussion. I think it could increase the communication and bring some additional value to the articles published in Vandalism. It's good when discussion doesn't end by publishing of the text, demo or anything else.

2004-06-16 14:14
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Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 221
Quote: Crossfire, well if this is the only thing you can add to this discussion .. now, next time before you feel like adding some more of your detached and relaxed important ex-scener 2cents, to show me how above things you are, please how about if you opened the mentioned magazine in emulator and checked some of that highly sophisticated abracadbra for yourself. If you don't feel like getting acquainted with the discussed subject, how about if you returned to your favourite subjects discussed somewhere else in other threads of these forums.

CreaMD, I don't know exactly what your problem is - you seemed confused about a word and I tried to shed some light on it for you - apparently THAT is an attack too.. And honestly, if I felt so "above" things as you claim, do you seriously think I would spend time here - I'm here to have a little fun...and to be honest, IF I really WANTED to have a ragtime with anyone I can easily find a lot of people here who would be a lot more fun - but why would I? What would I gain, like I said, I'm not even apart of the scene anymore..
I think you really should try to go out in the real world instead of sitting infront of the computer all day feeling attacked.....or maybe you should just grow out of your paranoid fantasies...Sheesh....Don't get me wrong, I've been there, I remember how it is, and it's not healthy, dude..

Oh, and btw, THAT was also well-meant advice, not an attack...so don't be a child and fly off the handle, instead try to think about it, ok?
2004-06-16 14:26
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Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 221
Oh, nearly forgot...on to the topic at hand, I already told you a couple of times now that my comment was not specified for this case only, but for cases LIKE this in general... I don't know what's so hard to understand about that...

Furthermore, the world doesn't evolve around your opinions, dude - the rest of us are entitled for our own opinions aswell, without first mailing you asking if it's ok - I think you should respect that fact! I respect your opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with you, does it? NOPE! You should probably LEARN the first rules of journalism instead of just claiming you know them, cause to those of us who actually have some experience in the field it is clear that you don't...

Sorry, I have to bring that up, cause I gotta admit I'm starting to get a liiiiiittle tired of this lame and totally irrelevant discussion..
2004-06-16 16:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3038
Quote: Oh, nearly forgot...on to the topic at hand, I already told you a couple of times now that my comment was not specified for this case only, but for cases LIKE this in general... I don't know what's so hard to understand about that...

Furthermore, the world doesn't evolve around your opinions, dude - the rest of us are entitled for our own opinions aswell, without first mailing you asking if it's ok - I think you should respect that fact! I respect your opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with you, does it? NOPE! You should probably LEARN the first rules of journalism instead of just claiming you know them, cause to those of us who actually have some experience in the field it is clear that you don't...

Sorry, I have to bring that up, cause I gotta admit I'm starting to get a liiiiiittle tired of this lame and totally irrelevant discussion..

"you seemed confused about a word"

If i'm confused about the meaning of the word I usally consult explanatory dictionary. I was actaully surprised about the fact that David used this word at all which actually didn't surprise you. That's very funny because you didn't read the review and don't know anything about the whole problem, but felt the urge to teach me the meaning of a word, which reminds me the "rich past & present"-incident with one dude in other thread ;-).

"I think you really should try to go out in the real world instead of sitting infront of the computer all day feeling attacked.....or maybe you should just grow out of your paranoid fantasies...Sheesh....Don't get me wrong, I've been there, I remember how it is, and it's not healthy, dude.."

Well, this kind of get-a-life argument is also very funny. I wonder how did you come to conclusion that I'm paranoid.

"Oh, and btw, THAT was also well-meant advice, not an attack...so don't be a child and fly off the handle, instead try to think about it, ok?"

Ok. I was thinking about it, for a second and I came to conclusion that I'm probably prejudiced towards old ex-sceners patrnising me. I'm really sorry for that.

"Oh, nearly forgot...on to the topic at hand, I already told you a couple of times now that my comment was not specified for this case only, but for cases LIKE this in general... I don't know what's so hard to understand about that..."

Maybe the fact that I don't like when someone tells me forget it, that's the life it is. Especially in the cases where I feel there is possibility to change it.

"Furthermore, the world doesn't evolve around your opinions, dude - the rest of us are entitled for our own opinions aswell, without first mailing you asking if it's ok - I think you should respect that fact!" I respect your opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with you, does it? NOPE! You should probably LEARN the first rules of journalism instead of just claiming you know them, cause to those of us who actually have some experience in the field it is clear that you don't..."

See what I mean. Patronising...

"Sorry, I have to bring that up, cause I gotta admit I'm starting to get a liiiiiittle tired of this lame and totally irrelevant discussion.."

Me too. Let's forget it.
2004-06-16 18:29
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Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 221
..gotta admit I hyperscrolled through your post, didn't have the energy to read it, however stumbled across this sentence you wrote:
"Ok. I was thinking about it, for a second and I came to conclusion that I'm probably prejudiced towards old ex-sceners patrnising me. I'm really sorry for that."
OK, I have absolute no idea what you're talking about.. Try for a second to see it from my point of view: I don't know WHO you are, I never stumbled across your name until I signed up at this forum a couple of months ago, so what would kind of a problem could I possibly have with you? As far as I know, you and I never met or crossed paths in the past.. (could be wrong but this is what I know when writing this)

Dude, the most annoying thing here is actually that I never meant for a discussion, I just added the experience I had from the past with years of writing myself for The Pulse Magazine and Scene+, not to forget all the enourmous amounts of texts from other magazines I've read over the years. I've told you many times now that my opinion was abstract and not for a certain case - not YOUR case, nor ANY other specific case, and yet, you still wanna argue and use the same points over and over..

NOW - my point is, whatever these ex-sceners you speak of in this sentence has done or said about you that you find so patronising, can we atleast agree that because I'm an ex-scener I do not necessarily HAVE to share all other ex-sceners opinions about things? Because some, whoever it might be, ex-scener have badmouthed you in the past or whatever, that does not mean that I, Crossfire, did it aswell..
It seems you bear a huge grudge to the people of the "old scene", and sure, some are fucking arrogant, no doubt about that, but don't forget that THIS scene would never have existed if the "old" people hadn't kept it alive back then..
...and NO, I do not expect a thank you, but what I DO expect is the same goddamn courtesy I sure feel I'm giving YOU - the "new" people.... Isn't that fair enough, when you think about it?

So in conclusion, that sentence, being all from your last post I read, I don't know if you meant what you wrote or you were being sarcastic - either way, this, my friend, is my final words on the matter!!
2004-06-16 19:28

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3038
Quote: ..gotta admit I hyperscrolled through your post, didn't have the energy to read it, however stumbled across this sentence you wrote:
"Ok. I was thinking about it, for a second and I came to conclusion that I'm probably prejudiced towards old ex-sceners patrnising me. I'm really sorry for that."
OK, I have absolute no idea what you're talking about.. Try for a second to see it from my point of view: I don't know WHO you are, I never stumbled across your name until I signed up at this forum a couple of months ago, so what would kind of a problem could I possibly have with you? As far as I know, you and I never met or crossed paths in the past.. (could be wrong but this is what I know when writing this)

Dude, the most annoying thing here is actually that I never meant for a discussion, I just added the experience I had from the past with years of writing myself for The Pulse Magazine and Scene+, not to forget all the enourmous amounts of texts from other magazines I've read over the years. I've told you many times now that my opinion was abstract and not for a certain case - not YOUR case, nor ANY other specific case, and yet, you still wanna argue and use the same points over and over..

NOW - my point is, whatever these ex-sceners you speak of in this sentence has done or said about you that you find so patronising, can we atleast agree that because I'm an ex-scener I do not necessarily HAVE to share all other ex-sceners opinions about things? Because some, whoever it might be, ex-scener have badmouthed you in the past or whatever, that does not mean that I, Crossfire, did it aswell..
It seems you bear a huge grudge to the people of the "old scene", and sure, some are fucking arrogant, no doubt about that, but don't forget that THIS scene would never have existed if the "old" people hadn't kept it alive back then..
...and NO, I do not expect a thank you, but what I DO expect is the same goddamn courtesy I sure feel I'm giving YOU - the "new" people.... Isn't that fair enough, when you think about it?

So in conclusion, that sentence, being all from your last post I read, I don't know if you meant what you wrote or you were being sarcastic - either way, this, my friend, is my final words on the matter!!

Ok I'll also keep things short. In most cases arrogance comes hand in hand with ignorance. While I know who you were, you didn;t know who I was. I can live with that. Just maybe if you tried to be more responsive toward what I write if you want to produce so verbally rich final arguments. ;-)
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