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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2312 : Je suis #Linus music compo
2015-01-16 13:06

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Event id #2312 : Je suis #Linus music compo

Compo's premise is as simple as that:

You 'just' have to create a tune which imitates Linus' trademark sounds and ideas. Seems simple but it's not :D

There is only one rule - Linus himself cannot participate! (No wonder, huh? Still, I can and other MSL guys can too, eh eh :P) Naturally, he can vote for all contestants :D

Apart from that all composers have total freedom regarding entries' number, playtime, speed, editor, executability etc. - all in all it shall be judged by the people and results will be based on average of Linus' CSDb vote and other CSDb votes to make it more spicy ;)

I guess it might be great introduction to whole compo series covering all musicians. Have fun!


Having thought a little more on the subject I've decided to add one quite necessary rule - GT composers cannot use original Linus' GT worktunes if they are luckily in possession of any. I guess it would be as aimless here as imitating Hubbard in his own player with stock instruments :D
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2015-02-11 17:40

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
I am afraid my goattracker skills are as rusty as they were in 2002. And my music-making skills lack too much too :)

I did find this very interesting music somewhere:

2015-02-11 17:46

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
GT is not obligatory ;)
2015-02-11 17:51

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
That's why I tried renoise.. Fix the doooooor...
2015-02-11 17:53

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
LOL! :D Everyone hears something different, that's awesome ;]

I guess entry should fit into 8bit category and go beyond plain remix ;) Try, try ;)
2015-02-11 20:17

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 640
Fix the door! Whenever ... :D lol
2015-02-11 20:19

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 958
Have you fixed it yet?
2015-02-12 13:37
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Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 17
I don't understand... Jammer write " Buddha's tunes are really interesting but out of topic in fact" and i mean my song "Wacek GMC vc Jammer GT", so song called "On the Road Once Again by MCH" is supposed to imitate Linus' trademarks ? I often hear Linus listening to jazz-funky music style :/ I don't know ...
2015-02-12 13:48
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Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 17
it seems to me that this compo is only for those who are in better groups or for good coders ? :D ...and maybe that's why no one else wants to start here in your ccompo. Indeed Hein recalls the style of some linus songs of his works, so it should be only one here?
2015-02-12 14:54

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
It seems to me like you are taking things too serious. Your second tune was a lot more 'Linus' like and people like it.

There are just not many other people that can do sounds like that and also have the time to do crazy cool sids and enter a competition like this which is just for fun...

The tune by MCH almost sounds like a cover of the sidtune with almost the same name: no wonder people think it sounds like Linus.

Just think of it this way; you released 2 tunes. People heared them. People liked them, and discussed them more then the avarage production on csdb. Enjoy! :)
2015-02-12 15:59

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Buddha, the most important thing is you having fun during compo. It was only my personal opinion as I intended this competition to be tribute to Linus. But it means no dead serious implication - it's your choice what to compete with ;) And your tunes are really, really nice ;] We're not dogs to bite you around here :D
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