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Registered: Oct 2004 Posts: 503 |
Event id #2985 : Filterless $21 Compo 2020
What is this? Count me in! |
... 76 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
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Registered: Aug 2004 Posts: 1415 |
Much love to Jammer, Flotsam, and Mibri for the sentiments you've expressed in the last few comments. Beautifully put, all of you. |
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Registered: Aug 2004 Posts: 1415 |
No-XS: Perhaps don't stress it, and write a tune anyway?
At this point I'm feeling inspired by all of the other rules, so I'm just going to try and do an entry before the deadline that passes on all those counts, and ignore the test bit dramas altogether. If it's out of compo, it's out of compo - it's still a nice excuse to try and make+release something a bit different :) |
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booker Account closed
Registered: Jul 2003 Posts: 334 |
Quoting spider-j
So that basically means in order to comply with the rules you can set HR ADSR to whatever you want and "1st Frame Wave" to $20, $21, $22, $23. But you can _not_ turn off HR completely – which means writing "1st Frame Wave" parameter one frame before new note (means: no frequency) into $D404, $D40B or $D412 with HR ADSR values in $D405, $D40C or $D413.
From manual, you can:
Instrument legato works as following: When HR/Gate Timer parameter has bit $40
set, no hard restart or gateoff will be performed. When 1st Frame Wave is also
$00, no 1st frame waveform will be set and gate flag is untouched. However wave/
pulse/filterpointers and ADSR are initialized normally. You can also use this in
conjunction with command 8XY to set another wavetable pointer for the note. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 621 |
Nice idea. I need to think what I can compose with $21, $23 wave forms |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 1794 |
From the entry: Filterless $21 Compo 2020
Quote:Submitted by Eric Dobek [PM] on 7 September 2020
Because no HR complicates things, HR will be allowed again. Also, still keep in mind $20, $21, $22, and $23 are the only waveforms allowed. Time will tell if this will be the last rule change or not.
So I assume this from the original post is valid again?
Quote:No testbit or zero waveform allowed outside routine's hardrestart phase (don't put it in the wavetable or the patterns of your song)
... and I'm all for not being too strict on the entries. Just keep very close to the spirit of the event. The entries so far are fantastic! |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
That's actually tricky because...
Player's routine can use HR but you can only use $20, $21, $22, $23 inside HR ;) |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 1794 |
Quote: That's actually tricky because...
Player's routine can use HR but you can only use $20, $21, $22, $23 inside HR ;)
Kind of ambiguous, but sure it can be interpreted as only envelope reset/restart is allowed, no phase reset on oscillators. It could be argued that HR actually means the phase reset part of it though.
Ultimately I stand by my request of not being too strict with the judgement of entries and entrants keeping very close to the spirit of the compo. |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
I wouldn't be strict about it as well. It wasn't difficult for me to comply 100%, using GT routine, but different players might offer differ solutions. Besides, it's quite easy to judge if any restarts were used deliberately for special effects or just forced by player. |
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Registered: Apr 2013 Posts: 117 |
Quoting JammerBesides, it's quite easy to judge if any restarts were used deliberately for special effects or just forced by player.
True. However, it is often problematic to translate common sense into inviolable rules. To sum up, the whole discussion (completely unnecessarily emotional at some points) was solely about that.
On the other hand, creative test-bit abuse usage would probably be more beneficial sound-wise with $11 waveform rather than $21. |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Indeed, sawtooth and testbit aren't that radical together. But still very interesting as it sounds like AY envelope modulation pretty much :D |
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