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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Event id #2967 : 25Hz Music Compo 2020
Welcome to the first and hopefully not the last edition of 25Hz Music Compo!
Basic premise is to create a piece of music with player that updates SID registers at rate of 25Hz or to put it in other words - every 2nd frame. There are very few tunes out there playing at such slow speed but maybe it's the right time to change it? :) Here are couple of examples:
Low Frequency
Compo rules:
1. No covers and remixes allowed.
2. No upper limit for playtime.
3. No limit of tunes per author but playtime of each has to be at least 2 minutes.
4. Use any editor that allows you to use such playback rate or go for custom player if you need. Goat Tracker surely offers 25Hz playback (Multispeed 0).
Good luck and have fun! <3 |
... 121 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 27 |
Quote: Is anyone interested in expanding submission deadline to the 2nd of August (Sunday)?
Yes, please! Haven't had time to compose, yet but would love to take part.
ps: If anyone's interested in SDI 25hz, I hacked it together and I'm happy to share (I hope Geir and GRG won't send me to purgatory for this). |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Quoting freℚvibezYes, please! Haven't had time to compose, yet but would love to take part.
Great! Hereby, deadline is extended to the 2nd of August ;) |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Last day, still a chance to submit something! ;) |
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Registered: Aug 2004 Posts: 1415 |
I'd be very interested in a second compo in the not too distant future. Having great fun with envelope manipulation at the moment, but also only have a half finished player, and I'm running into filter emulation issues just testing what I have already. Not going to have something ready in time.
Dalezy, perhaps we can lock horns in the future? :) |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Quoting ChristopherJamI'd be very interested in a second compo in the not too distant future. Having great fun with envelope manipulation at the moment, but also only have a half finished player, and I'm running into filter emulation issues just testing what I have already. Not going to have something ready in time.
Dalezy, perhaps we can lock horns in the future? :)
Next edition most probably in a year so plenty of time to refine your ideas and put them into practice ;) |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 1342 |
Hereby starts the voting phase of 25Hz Music Compo 2020 which will be over next Sunday (9th of August) at 23:59.59. Numerous entries have included painstakingly crafted, stunning visuals but, with all respect and admiration for their authors, please remember - it's music compo after all so judging entries purely on the basis of musical content is greatly appreciated ;) And, please, take your time to vote and comment on all submitted tunes, not only on your groupmates. If you take part in compo and vote - please, respect other participants and cast honest votes without all little position games and shit ;) Compo discussion as usual in related forum thread.
Cast your votes then, friends! <3 |
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booker Account closed
Registered: Jul 2003 Posts: 334 |
Congratulations to all participants. You are simply epic! |
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Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 5110 |
let the downvotings begin! |
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Registered: Nov 2002 Posts: 27 |
Quote: let the downvotings begin!
No need for that, I didn't participate. :D |
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Registered: Feb 2003 Posts: 524 |
compo name should have been: "25Hz Music and weirdest sid title Compo 2020" :) |
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