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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #3201 : Crack Intro Music Competition 2022
2022-07-14 14:01

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Event id #3201 : Crack Intro Music Competition 2022

As long years have passed since the last time, getting officially blessed by Didi/Laxity, I have a great pleasure to launch another edition of Crack Intro Music Competition. Get acquainted with the rules below and let's go!

Basic Info:

- Deadline for entry submission is August 14, 2022 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm).
- Voting closes one week later at August 21, 2022 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm).
- Voting platform is CSDb but eventually votes will be processed with a trusty algorithm to weed out CSDb vigilantes as much as possible. No voting system is perfect but god knows I really tried :D
- As usual the main prize is CSDb fame and prestige but this time Top 10 entries will also be compiled as a nice oldschool cracktro themed music disk.


- Multiple entries per musician are allowed - no limit here, go with the flow!
- Entry must be handed in as executable .prg (which might be embedded in .t64 or .d64) and optionally .sid. Preferably both ;)
- Max. playtime is strictly up to 1:02 min. at PAL rate, then tune must loop to any desired point. These 2 seconds extra are really the last resort so don't push it ;)
- Max. size is $1000/4096 bytes for music routine and content (preferably located in memory at $1000-$2000).
- Single speed only.
- Tune should sound as acceptable as possible on all SID models so pay attention to filtering and usage of combined waveforms ($31, $61, $71 won't work well on 6581). That said, you may set any SID model you prefer in .sid file but be sure some curious people will check it on various revisions ;)
- Music entries cannot be used in any cracktro or similar production before or during the compo (and its voting phase). So, dear crackers, hold your horses this time ;)
- This time no regular covers are allowed at all. Contestants might make at most a delicate nod to some cult cracktro theme.
- Visuals should be as modest as possible, not to distract voters from the essence which is audio content.

Rule set might expand if compo related discussion leads to it. I hope not :D

Good luck and have fun!
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2022-08-22 11:47

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 958
Quote: Minute limit was compo staple from the very beginning, I wouldn't go for any revolutions here. You can always do 2nd subtune with full idea ;)

True, I can extend it for ICC 2022.
2022-08-22 17:16

Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 459
Thank you Jammer for an enjoyable compo, and for doing all the work in the background. It was amazing to hear so many takes on intro music, I honestly have a hard time picking out a favorite.
2022-08-22 20:27

Registered: Jul 2007
Posts: 18
Thx to Jammer for organizing another great compo and congratulations to all participants - a lot of cool msx! <3
2022-08-22 22:05

Registered: Jul 2012
Posts: 382
Successful competition! Congrats@|| :D
I got again some new music for my daily playlist!
Thanks a lot! :)
2022-08-23 09:21

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 83
Extreme amount of tunes on a extreme quality level. Great job everyone! Thank you for the votes, and thank you for organizing the compo Jammer. You truly didn't deserve to win :D
2022-08-23 18:05

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
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