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Forums > CSDb Entries > Group id #666 : Upfront
2005-03-05 11:27
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Group id #666 : Upfront

upfront - a group with lots of unreleased demos. does someone have contact to ex-members or maybe even have some unreleased demos/previews of them in their diskbox?
2005-03-05 14:53

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 436
Yes. What about that demo they released at the Dexion Xmas Conference, for example. And by the way, someone ought to sort up the Einstein-matter. Some retard have added Einstein of Upfront as the editor of several issues of the WOW magazine called "Internal". Haven't checked this up, but I doubt i'm wrong about this.
2005-03-07 19:14

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 599
einstein was never a member of upfront.
unless he never wanted to tell me about it ;)
einstein of WOW that is.
2005-03-07 19:29

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
Let's just say that 'Einstein' isn't the most original handle ever (there was also one in Cosmos if I remember correctly). However the Upfront one was probably the most talented of the bunch.
2005-03-07 21:50

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 599
don't think so.
einstein was a demo from cosmos, not a member
2005-03-07 21:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
Quote: don't think so.
einstein was a demo from cosmos, not a member

You are ofcourse correct.

Ah, if only there was some kind of site where I could check these facts beforehand!
2005-03-07 22:08

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 599
you're right tho einstein probably wasn't the most original handle ever hehe 8)
2007-12-17 00:32

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1049
I'm pretty sure I added their unreleased demo from the Dexion Xmas party 1990, or checked that it had been added. Now it's gone.

Is it reason enough for deleting a demo that it's unreleased? I'm pretty sure it's not just me who can remember they competed with a demo there, even though I can't even remember the name.
2007-12-17 00:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443

Is it reason enough for deleting a demo that it's unreleased?

generelly, yes. more specifically, when there is an entry without a file, and no good reason given why there is no file, then it will get removed within a reasonable time (most of the time, that has been years after the entry was created).
2007-12-17 01:09
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Then party entries are not needed at all, because parties are no releases.
2007-12-17 01:10

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
yeah and sceners arent releases either! *slap*
2007-12-17 09:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1049
It just feels like revisionism when looking at Dexion X-Mas Conference 90 and not seeing Upfront's demo which I believe was number 3.

It might not have been released, but a bunch of sceners still saw it, and therefore it's part of scene history and should IMO be represented in a database like this.
2007-12-17 09:58
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Deleting unreleased demos is just super super laaame!
2007-12-17 10:55

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 338
I agree 100% with Cruzer, just because a demo that was in a compo wasn't released, or was released later in a different version doesn't mean it (or the original version) shouldn't have an entry in the database. It took part in the compo, so it is part of the scene history, file or no file.
2007-12-17 11:11

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
If it's good enough for a compo, it's good enough for the scene.

A rule for scene compos should be that the organisers hold all rights to publish competition entries.
2007-12-17 16:36

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
let me clear this up, maybe my comment was misleading. we will NOT delete anything when there is a proof for existance (like, if it took part in a competition). we will also NOT delete anything when there is a reason like "i dont have the file because its lost, blabla".

the purpose for such deleting is keeping the database clean, not to revise history.

now, if you can tell how exactly the demo was named then i can look it up. (unfortunatly i need the name, perff is going to fix this soon i hope =P)
2007-12-18 11:04

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1049
I can't remember the name. Guess I added it as "Unreleased Demo" or something, and hoped someone could remember the name and would update it. I don't have any other proof than remembering it from the compo, and I'm sure others do too, at least Slammer and Glasnost/CML who got inspired by the text zoomer to do some sideborder versions.
2007-12-18 11:14

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 939
It's here again (Unknown), it was me who had deleted it.

In this case as there is no file and no name I thought it
was useless to have it here.

Since Cruzer has added more stuff here without files and
after asking several times for uploading them, I guess I
finally got a bit fed up and deleted this one.

2007-12-18 11:23

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1049
Thanx! \o/ Not that it can be used for much, but at least I think it's better to add stuff without files or even names, and hope someone will see it and update it.
2007-12-18 15:33

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
so now *please* update the entry with a proper reason for not uploading a file :)
2007-12-18 16:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1049
Added a reason, hope it's proper.
2007-12-18 16:47

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
reason yes, place no. hit "update" and put it into the "reason for not adding a download link" box :=P
2007-12-18 17:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1049
Done, hadn't seen that field before.
2007-12-18 17:04

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
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